AI Phalanx Vs 40 Infantry - Who will win?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by notyourbuddy, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. notyourbuddy

    Sitting inside an AI Phalanx turret at the west substation of Dahaka while 40 enemy infantry ~20-40m away run right across the road like sheep and completely ignore me. Oh man *licks chops* this could be sweet!

    5-6 overheats later....

    Not a single f---ing kill. Not even close to a kill. Maybe 25 bullets total hit their target. The infantry just ran through the bullet streams as if I wasn't even there. Even when I did manage to hit a guy 2-3 times it maybe took off his shield and nothing more. I would have been better off hopping out and just firing my pistol. *facepalm*

    This is truly the first time where I've been in one of these things in what could be considered an ideal situation for the AI Phalanx Turret to shine and it was the f---est thing I've seen in this game yet. Watching that stupid Z-firing pattern hitting everywhere except the actual guy I was aiming at was mentally exhausting. Even when I offset it to the left or right of infantry it still refused to hit.

    Why can a Flash with a Kobalt have pinpoint shredding accuracy on every infantry within a 100m radius, but this base turret struggles to kill even one guy? The convergence on the Phalanx makes it completely useless unless the enemy happens to be standing in the precise range where the bullets meet.

    Time to take the AI Phalanx back to the drawing board.
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  2. Teegeeack

    If I have a choice between the AI and the AV when there's infantry afoot, it's AV every time.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    AT turret is best turret for sniping infantry. If I'm in the tower of a tech plant, I can usually snipe infantry all the way out at the outposts.
  4. Lucidius134

    Again, you should have seen AI phalanxes in beta.

    The COF startd out as about half the screen and then went full r***** COF screen length (while zoomed)
  5. Tobax

    Agreed that the AI turret is awful, its far better to just get into the AV and be good for infantry and armour which leaves the AI turret pointless, it needs a damage buff and to have its CoF/spread lowered to be a lot more accurate because the AV turret is pinpoint.
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  6. CletusMcGuilly

    I got three kills with the AI turret yesterday!!! I hope those people felt horrible. They should.
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  7. notyourbuddy

    Wonder who has the most kills with this thing all-time. Definitely isn't me.

    Been playing since late Beta - AI Phalanx Stats: 7 kills @ 4.366% accuracy :eek:

    AV Phalanx Stats meanwhile: 230 kills @ 37.3% accuracy
  8. KAHR-Alpha

    And they also supposedly buffed them in GU6 with:

    but I've yet to damage any tank with them. I have no idea why SOE hates them so much while they should be the last line of defense inside amp stations. Those things are worthless.
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  9. DJPenguin

    I'd really like to see this turret become borderline OP. Give it incredible accuracy at range with near-hitscan bullet velocity. Otherwise it's role of "infantry killer" is about as effective as a tank's basilisk 1000 meters out. Yes I'm exaggerating.
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  10. Sweet Jackal

    They really need a tight cone of fire. They are a static target that is easily hit from range, it should be able to put shots on target reliably. Because it cannot it is completely worthless.

    Right now, the AV turret is in a good spot. It is reliable enough to put a shell out on a nickel every time all the way out to render range if you can account for bullet drop. It rewards skill.

    The AI has such a random and wide cone of fire that it is at the whims of the RNG Gods as to if it even hits anything. Anything that relies purely on luck to work is a bad design, be it a in game mechanic or a tactic used by players. Praying for it to work isn't a good thing. It is a fixed AI weapon that is a huge "Shoot Me" sign to tanks, it needs to have a tight cone of fire to threaten infantry since infantry are small targets.

    If people are concerned with it being used as a chain gun sniper rifle, play around with bullet drop and velocity.
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  11. KAHR-Alpha

    The CoF is so bad I actually get more bullets on the enemy if I'm not aiming at them, but 2 or 3 meters away.
  12. Kuklakot

    AI Phalanx turret is deadly... for the operator.
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  13. Barosar

    AI turret doesn't get much attention b/c there are so few of them. Only a small few realize how borked they are and probably why SOE seems largely unaware of the problem as well. By the time you find and operate an AI turret you are so accustomed to the AV turret that the AI is clearly a p.o.s.
  14. Sweet Jackal

    You're right, the AI turret isn't placed in many locations, likely cause they realized that it was garbage when they were designing bases and thought "we'll add more once they get fixed." And now they've been at the bottom of some To Do list and completely forgotten about.

    This is a big issue for me though as they are a main fixture for one of my favorite places to fight on Indar, the Stronghold. Yet they are so useless they often aren't even repaired unless someone is doing it just for the XP.
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  15. Nyscha

    They should add the automated turrets from timesplitters 2.

    -slightly sticks an arm out-
  16. Sulsa

    I feel your pain OP, I really do....
  17. Being@RT

    ...but you're not exaggerating that much.

    The recent change to AI Phalanx can even be considered a nerf in the anti-infantry role (for the ranges where it is possible to hit to begin with). Whereas before it did 217 damage up to 75 meters, then degrading to only 150 damage at 100m.. it now does 200 damage at 10m and 167 damage at 85m.

    I would understand those changes if it got renamed into Xiphos Phalanx Turret (Anti-Vehicle) at the same time. Haven't yet had the chance to test it against vehicles though. But HMGs on vehicles seem to do ok against other vehicles.
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  18. DJPenguin

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  19. Wintermaulz

    Last time I used it I made a chalk outline with bullet wholes one the wall behind my target. Needs to be as accurate as the engi AI turret.
  20. KAHR-Alpha

    As I said, it doesn't seem to do anything at all to vehicles, the ones I've tried might be bugged though.