After Update - NO CHARACTER in my account

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Werewood, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Werewood

    When logging now after update, I have no character ... :)
    Asking me to pick a side, ... basically making a new character in an empty account ... lol
  2. Azereiah

    Servers are locked.
  3. Rigonet

    Give it some time. Game just got an update. It will come back after the game has been fully updated and when servers are back up and running.
  4. Akuzimo

    How many updates have you been through exactly? This happens with every one until they open the servers again.
  5. Messy

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I Lost my character to. WTF SOE WTF!!!! I PAID U MONEY!!!
    • Up x 1
  6. Rigonet

    Dude. Calm down. Wait for the servers to get back up. Dang, I'm tired of this every time a game updates, people seem to lack mentality. Geez, just wait for the servers to get back up. Then your character will display back.
  7. Werewood

    Yah I am amused more than anything.
    Following updates from SOE since 1999, there is nothing that can surprise me, other than experiencing a smooth and timely update.
    Thus I consider myself a true fan.
  8. Arkadeivitch

    SOE twit : All your character has been deleted due to a server crash. We apologize.
  9. Messy

    Haha lol, oh come on.
  10. Litjan

    We should start telling people that they need to reformat their hard-drives whenever they can´t log in because it surely must be a problem with their windows install getting corrupted :D. By the time they are done the servers will be back up and it looks like we provided the right tip for them! :cool:.
  11. Fajson

    This never gets old ahahah , AFTER EVERY GAME UPDATE this exact same thing happens.
  12. Werewood

    The question is opposite ... why login when char server down? Keep it down. Or have a message claiming its down.
    Why say 2 hours and still have servers locked afterwards. Say 3 in advance.
    Same issues since 1999. But again thats what makes me a fan.
  13. VSDerp

    happens after every update.
  14. Miuku

    "Downtime is anticipated to be less than 2 hours."

    anticipated past participle, past tense of
    an·tic·i·pate (Verb)

    1. Regard as probable; expect or predict.
    2. Guess or be aware of (what will happen) and take action in order to be prepared.
    Example of proper usage:
    "I anticipated that people who have nothing better do with their lives would post meaningless drivel about the estimated maintenance window".
  15. Derek Icelord

    First: Estimated/anticipated downtime is never as short as they list (though they are getting better).
    Second: The login servers are always slammed right after the servers come back online after every Game Update. Just wait and things will sort themselves out.