If the MAX is actively roaming, set down some C4 or wait for it come around the corner and rocket it in the face. Just keep your distance though so it doesn't kill you instantly. If it is sitting in a room: maxed out grenade bandoleer with AV grenades and fill the room with them. Not unusual to kill the MAX, the engie repairing him, and the medic that then runs up to try to revive them.
Engineer AV Turrets make EXCELLENT ambushes for pretty much any MAX, ever. For maximum 'oh****' syndrome, place tank mines near where you expect to shoot the MAX, and either hit the MAX directly for half his health, or just pop the mines. It takes a bit more effort than most other methods, but considering tank mines do 1800 (rough estimate) damage, it's one helluva hurt, if not outright fatal.
Summarizing the info others have posted, here's a list of the MAX's weaknesses: Range MAX weapons are inaccurate at long distances. Group Fire Flanking Rockets All kinds are effective. NS Decimator deals more damage up close, but has a slower projectile. Check into your faction specific launcher for range advantages. Damage Grenades Anti-Vehicle grenades hurt MAXes more, infantry less. Engineer Turrets Watch out for MAX Rockets! Utility Explosives (All) Proximity Mines Tank Mines C4 Siege MAXes have limited health and ammo when unsupported, especially when attacking your base. Whittle them down. Did I miss anything? To the OP: Good luck and happy hunting!
Rocket launchers are pretty good. Get the dumbfire 1340 damage one. With practice you'll find yourself killing maxes left and right. C4 and light assaults are actually crazy easy to use. A little practice with those jump jets and half the time the max won't have even seen it. I think tank mines do, or will soon, set off on maxes? For MAXes camping rooms I have started carrying anti vehicle grenades. They do some serious damage even when the max is wearing Flak armor. Soon the engie will have the anti max sniper rifle. 2 headshots or 3 body shots to kill -- and maxes are big -- they aren't easy to miss. Also -- anti vehicle turrets are surprisingly cool. Come to think of it -- there are quite a few options across all classes to deal with maxes.
Underbarrel grenade launcher can deal about the same damage on a MAX as a rocket on a direct hit. Keep in mind their minimal arming distance though - if you fire it from too up close, the grenade won't explode and will deal much less damage.
Use its weakness (slow speed) against it, by kiting it around while taking shots at it when it cant fire back. This works for everyone, but it easier for LAs that can get to places where the MAX cant do anything. Then just drop a C4 on it when it gets close. The most effective way to 1v1 one is probably HA. Kite it around and pop in and out of cover with your RL. Conc also works really well, especially if you have bandolier and can throw 2 at a time to reverse its mouse movement completely. I suspect Engineers are going to have it easier aswell with the new patch that makes MAXes trigger AT mines. Run away behind a corner and drop a mine. Then wait for the MAX to follow you and kill itself. Medics and HA's can do it too with C4.
AV Grenade + Rocket Rocket + Hide + Rocket C4 from around a corner (if MAX around a corner or in doorway) C4 from above Shoot it with a teammate from medium range (each of you hide when it shoots at you while the other person shoots) Smoke and any of the above Conc and shoot it Engineer turrets (either type) Sniper with semi-auto rifle popping constant headshots Lure into mines Any vehicle with AV or AI weapons Drive over with Flash Drive over with Harasser For any of the shoot it options, shoot at the head, it's very easy to get headshots against a large slow-moving target.
C4 on the head is a one-shot MAX killer, but it's difficult to get precisely on the head (unless it's TR, then sometimes they're in Lockdown, attempting to commit suicide.) I almost play MAX suit exclusively, and when I'm not being careless, the majority of my deaths (even with level 5 Flak) is from Rocket + Magnetic Grenade. That will kill my MAX 100% if you land the rocket square and get the nade attached. Otherwise it's from aircraft rockets or a tank. There's also a new gun for Engineers that'll drop a MAX in about 4 or 5 hits.
Stick an AV grenade to them, then hit them with a Decimator for an instagib and a usually very amusing hate tell. Either get behind them, throw AV nade, shoot with Deci and laugh, or if head on, throw nade, break line of sight and then re-engage with the deci. Eazily peazily lemon Squeezly. Don't forget to spam v-6 and t-bag them.
Yeah, it's WAY to easy nowadays to kill MAX units, even when the MAX pilot is a good one. The prevalence of C-4, rocket spam, AV rifles and AV mines makes it pretty simple to take out a MAX. Hell, just get two moderately decent players with any carbine in the game and you can take down a MAX or at least make it retreat. MAX units are ONLY viable nowadays with copious support and cover. If you're good and have lot's of practice you can still make the MAX unit work, otherwise you're just using and loosing.
I've noticed no one has mentioned using Tank Mines as engineer. If you're engaged with a MAX and relatively alone, run around a corner and plop some AT mines down. Most MAX seem to be ridiculously overconfident in 1v1 and will often give chase rather quickly, so a lot of the time they'll fool hardily run around the corner and directly into the mine and go splat. Conversely, you can also just switch to tossing AT mines in CQC against MAX, you'll probably die but there's a good chance they will as well if you were close enough.
Every once in awhile as a cloaker you will come across a very pleasing and hilarious scenario- a MAX, and enemy mines. Try to engage the MAX with the mines directly between you two. Uncloak and pop him a few times to get his attention, then cloak and pretend to run off. If you are lucky he'll be all swelled in the head with big-man-bully syndrome and will take off right for you smelling an easy kill. Hopefully he runs right through or by the enemy mine/s. Uncloak again and pop the mine and bye-bye MAX. On rare occasions you will catch a burtser MAX out in the middle of nowhere along a ridgeline. If you are lucky you can drop 2 AI mines right behind him that will take him down as soon as he moves. If they don't finish him off he will still be hurting, you can plink and duck, plink and duck, using the finger ridges or the main ridge to keep bouncing behind from one side to the other. Provided you have enough ammo to keep after him and provided you don't give him time for auto-repair to kick in. These scenarios don't happen that often but it does help to think outside the box and be an opportunistic sort when it comes to creating scenarios on the fly that drastically increase your chance of taking down these overgrown baby stompers.