[Advice Needed] Squad Focus Fire

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Mieh, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Mieh

    Here's a question for all of my badass heavies and squad leads. We all know that focus fire is the best way to take down a vehicle fast. But when vehicles are grouped together and rolling around, it's hard to focus your squad's attention on just one to burst it down. It's not as simple as saying "Shoot the tank in the middle" (although a youtube spoof on that would be hillarious.) So, what strategies do you use for calling a target to focus on? What techniques have you seen or been a part of?
  2. prodo123

    First priority is repair Sunderers. Those things will keep others healed, so naturally I kill it first. Usually there are only two of them, so left/right is enough for coordination.

    Then I work from the front to the rear, starting with the vehicle closest to all of us. From this point on most of us know which ones to shoot already. And if something needs priority all of a sudden, it's usually one target (Vanguard on our flank!)

    Also, I see people counting how many rocket/C-4 hits they did to the vehicle. After all, we don't want to waste time and ammunition on hitting debris
    • Up x 1
  3. gamespyer0350

    Call out flanks and eliminate them. Otherwise, you shoot what shoots you, other MBT`s, harrassers, whatever is currently blowing your **** up. If the battle is to big for that, focus the closest target. It sounds simple, but bad drivers often over extend (especially lightnings) and can be utterly destroyed, giving you number advantage.
  4. Mieh

    I like the advice for calling flank targets. I have a question about this though:
    This is good for when your squad is all grouped up in one zone. Now what happens when you've got the enemy flanked from multiple angles and you still want to focus fire?
  5. prodo123

    The key is to not get into that situation in the first place. If the enemy is spread out, then focusing fire won't get you anywhere. At that point you're better off airdropping onto each flank point and taking them out one at a time.

    If you can't do that, then work one vehicle at a time. Mark them out with waypoints (easier if you're in a platoon because you get 4 extra ones) and kill them in order.
  6. Mieh

    What I mean to say is this: What if my squad is the one doing the flanking? They'll have, at least, two different perspectives on the fight - two different vehicles that are closest to them.
    Also, I like your point about using waypoint markers, but let's say the vehicles are also mobile, or shifting around. How does one call a target then?
  7. prodo123

    Use either cardinal directions or distance in respect to the road, e.g. the Magrider closest to the gate, or the Lightning furthest east in the convoy. The above priority for repair Sunderers still applies.

    If vehicles are mobile in a pack, then again, the frontmost vehicles are the first to go. Start from the center or leftmost or whatever; it should not be hard to find the vehicle to focus fire on.

    If not, then call out the closest squad member to the vehicle. e.g. Hit the northern Sunderer closest to alpha 5.
  8. gamespyer0350

    If you're split up, there should be no need for squad focus fire. A 2/2 ap MBT can demolish just about anything, so driver/gunner communication matters there. At most, communication between 2 tanks about when to engage is needed, focus is less important then ambushing and as long as driver and gunner fire on the same target.

    When using MAX units, like ravens for example, spread them out and just focus lightnings, as long as you can thin the tide pubs well dmg heavy armor enough to scare them. And if they do charge, shooting the closest ones first is still important.

    When calling out any target though, give direction, vehicle type, outfit, and player name. If engaged make sure you call out their loadout to react better.
  9. Mieh

    My scenario involves a group of infantry, who need more than 6 combined rockets to kill any heavy vehicle. Though, even an MBT can't always demolish a vehicle that has backup as fast as they need to, alone. Focus fire is just as viable and powerful as ambushing is.

    I do like this advice, especially the outfit + name, which seems more reliable than just the name. If I can train my outfit squad to take instructions like these, we'll be much stronger for it.
  10. vilehydra

    Target the back first, if possible. Then target the front.

    At best it means that they literally can't move backwards or forward until the debris dissipates, at worst it causes some serious shock and awe. Losing the guy behind you then the guy leading the charge can cause some serious panic in a cramped armor column.
  11. Erendil

    There are several things you can do:

    • Call out the direction, type of vehicle, and movement vector of the target. "Incoming Sundy from the SE, heading straight west!"
    • Spot the potential target. Then call out the driver's name as the target. " It's WaaWaa's Sundy! Take him out!"
    • Drop smoke and/or squad/platoon waypoints where he was spotted. If he went behind cover, drop the WP behind the cover or where he might pop back out again. "He just went behind the ridge by purple smoke. He should reappear near Squad Waypoint."
    • Call out nearby landmarks as reference: "He's the one nearest the north end of the bridge."
    • Describe the target. "He's the Sundy that's smoking! The one with Blue camo!"
  12. gamespyer0350

    We usually will go "(ANGC) Vanguard NE, Spyer035" its quick and easy to focus down a target. If it's close, saying Tank on our right is enough. USing smokin/flamin cehicles helps a swell, even camo types if its really falshy. But using too much info takes too long, so knowing how much to say is nice.

    6 heavies on a vehicle is hard to IMO, its more important to keep youre heavies mobility and general tankiness with medkits then forcing them to burst fire. The easiest way for outfits is to get a good battle bus, and have the gunners and heavies focus the same target. having only 2 groups to focus (1. heavies, 2.Gunners) Means that if one group dosent know who to fire on, they can look at the other.

    if you dont have the liberty of a bus, i generally just say "SHOOT THE ******* PROWLER!!!!111ONE!!!" and people just get around it, if this skill isnt natural to your guys, have a few people delay the tank by jumping and weaving in front of it, forcing it to take time targeting instead of running. This works REALLY well vs noobs, and allows everyone else to get on that sweet *** rear armor.