ADS fire question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. day ofm one

    So, I was slowing down some game footage for a hit detection report, when I noticed, that it is not as I thought that the hit detection lags, but that a decent ammount of bullets just seems to go completely off the ADS center.

    I noticed this while using the T9-CARV.

    I also didn't seem to have this issue when using the VS Orion LMG, which has similar stats as the T9-CARV.

    With the Orion, I can perfectly hit all shots on my target, with the T9-CARV my performance is notably worse.

    These bullets going just anywhere cost me my life quite often.

    Every missed bullet gives the enemy more time to shoot at me, that time gets me killed.

    I would appreciate if you could take a look at the video below.

    I know, its quality is not the bast, but I can only use Windows Movie Maker and spent 30 minutes on making it.

    I recommend you watch it on 1080p, otherwhise you might not be abeld to see the bullet sparkle effects.

    If you look closely, you see sparkle effects (=bullet impact) on the floor/rock in a fair distance away from the red dot (on my screen (1920x1080) it is over 1 cm).

  2. Runegrace

    ADS does not give every gun 100% accuracy, you still need to deal with Cone of Fire. As you full-auto you're going to have shots go wide, burst fire if you want to reset the CoF when shooting at longer ranges.
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  3. Hatesphere

    ypu, pretty much this. some weapons dont suffer from the COF as much but its still there. TR weapons are not the best for it combined with their recoil, you really have to burst to get the full effect out of them.
  4. day ofm one

    I allways burst fire after a certain range^^

    Automatically (kinda reflex like)
  5. Stromberg

    can't comment on the first part but in the second you started shooting to soon imo. you didn't have the ADS-cof yet, you gotta pace yourself till the scope is completly up. also at that range aim for the head ...

    edit: you can actually still see the cof-idicator tightening when you push the ADS button. you started shooting when it basically still was hipfire-cof.

    edit2: also just wanted too add: because it's not instant ADS-COF, there's actually no such thing as quick scoping in PS2.

    ps: and lol at rocket primary dude
  6. McToast


    Gz, it took you a while, but you finally discovered how the CoF works! :)
  7. day ofm one

    I just recently changed my playstyle, thats why it never bothered me before.
  8. Cz4rMike

    Honestly, hit detection problems don't happen so often at all. Usually it's the problem of aim / moving during ADS / full auto or wrong burst firing (which eventually turns into full auto). For example recent Mattiace's video where he showed "hit detection problem" was because his aimed wasn't in the center of enemy and he was strafing...

    Anyway, to your video, in 1st engagement it looks like full auto. But you said you were bursting right? I don't know how I burst because I do it automatically, however try letting more time between burst for you CoF to settle.

    2nd engament, well what Stromberg said...
  9. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, if you do not wait for the ADS animation to complete, you will have hipfire COF for those first rounds until you let off the trigger.

    There is COF in ADS, there is just no bloom indicator like you have in hipfire.
    TR gets it worst as their horizontal recoil balance crap makes their guns just not accurate at all.
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  10. Taemien

    As I said before, there should not be any COF while ADS. We're using rifles, not blunderbusses.

    The only reason COF makes sense while hipfiring is the weapon is jittering around while the crosshair stays centered on screen as a point of reference. When ADSing... the crosshair is replaced by the weapons sights. There is NO reason why a round, slug, or plasma bolt should go in an odd angle once it leaves the barrel:


    Personally I think its actually a bug and not a feature. It doesn't make any sense from either a gameplay point, or a realistic one. ADS restricts view and slows you down. There should be more of an accuracy bonus for doing so. Removing COF would give us that.

    If doing so would imbalance some weapons, increase recoil to compensate. Lets let player skill decide where rounds go, not dice rolls. Lets take the RNG out of Planetside 2.
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  11. steverogers

    Too bad 90% of the player base still think it's hitreg issues.
  12. steverogers

    They put CoF as a skill equalizer because otherwise, it would be easy to get vehicle like kill streaks against those with bad aim and then they would fill the forums with even more hackusations and rage quit instead of trying to l2p, considering a lot of the time bads get headshots when they don't deserve them and good players get misses when they don't deserve them.
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  13. MotionBlured

    COF also gives devs another knobs to tweak for balance, and enhances the effects of recoil.
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  14. WorldOfForms

    If something behaves differently from the way you think it should, that doesn't mean it's a bug. The definition of a bug is behavior that doesn't match with the developer's intentions.

    Clearly the developers intended there to be COF while ADS, so it is not a bug.
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  15. Cest7

    Use the hipfire crosshair to judge how long it takes for COF to settle after movement (run/walk/jump) also crouching while firing ADS is more of a penalty than not crouching, so stop shooting to crouch.
  16. Taemien

    I personally don't see a problem with that. I'm willing to spend more money on the game if the player base is better rather than bigger.

    Seriously, not every newbie has horrible aim. In fact I dare say one of the reasons some newbies get blown away is because they aren't expecting COF to be on a weapon in ADS. Not because of their opponents being better shots. We're talking about a quality of life fix here. Balance can be retained by increasing recoil where it is needed.

    When you increase recoil, the crosshair MOVES. When the crosshair moves you can SEE where it is moving and adjust. When COF sprays in dice rolled locations, you have to just pray you don't roll 1's. Why are we rolling dice? Why stop with COF if we're going to have RNG. Why not have a FULL equalizer and you select the target and the game just tells you if you hit or miss. This half and half thing is BS.

    Watch the video the OP posted, then skip to 18s and tell me that was intended behavior. I'd love to see the dev who consciously made the choice for that weapon in the vid have that characteristic and say, "Yep, that's how I wanted it to work."

    I'll wager that isn't the case.
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  17. WorldOfForms

    Why would that be unintended? It's the COF. Are you saying the COF blooms larger than intended? It seems you think there should be no COF while ADS, and that is simply not the case. COF was always intended to exist during ADS.
  18. Uncle_Lou

    While I would agree that CoF as implemented isn't the ideal solution, I think it is a reasonable attempt to model all the dozens of little variables that add up to your bullet ending up somewhere other than where you want it to go. If you think it isn't realistic I challenge you to fire a 700 rpm automatic rifle from the offhand position and tell me how big your group is at 50m.

    I get that it sucks that you have no way to predict where in a circle of X size your shots will land (I'm not a fan either), but you could probably make a fortune if you can develop a better way to model it in a video game.
  19. thenewbie

    Praise RNGesus.

    I'm sorry, I had too.

    Burn me if need be but I really wanted to say that.

    but in all seriousness, I also have the same hate towards ADS accuracy, it's unrealistic and makes long range AR gunfights frustrating and no fun at all, at least in BF you won't feel like your death was a "lucky kill" because the other guy has a gun with better ADS accuracy. I mean really, why must ADS accuracy exist? If you're able to hold your gun straight while firing then your bullets should go in that direction, not slightly off to the left. Seriously, that's really weird, why would a bullet go crooked INSIDE the barrel?
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  20. Hatesphere

    its working as intended, COF even in ADS is a skill equalizer, something to keep good players from remaining pin point accurate in full auto on the move. you have to disconnect for a second and realize this is just a game ;)