[Suggestion] Adding more smaller battles within big zerg battles.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anonymous Qwop, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Anonymous Qwop

    Some examples of this in existence right now: Vertical and Horizontal Generators, Defending/Attacking Sundee, room holding.

    Add more of these sub battles inside bases.

    Here are some ideas:

    Nanite connector: Without this, players from that faction in that hex do not have access to nanites. This nanite connector may cutoff all nanites to bases that depend on this nanite connector.

    Reinforcements: Without this, the players from that faction outside the hex cannot spawn there. Players from that faction inside of that hex are unaffected.

    SCU: speaks for itself.

    Communications Tower: If destroyed, all players from that faction in that hex only have access to outfit chat, outfit channel, proximity chat, proximity channel, and yell chat.
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  2. Waratorium

    The communications tower seems like it would just be really irritating and a barrier to teamwork, teamwork being something that needs to be encouraged not discouraged.

    The Reinforcements thing means you could potentially end up having to guard not one but two SCUs which would make it easier for the enemy to set up and camp out a base.

    The Nanite Connector overlaps somewhat with what the planned ANTs would probably end up doing.

    Here are some other potential ideas;

    Jammer- makes enemy minimap unreliable/enemy detection not function. Always outside in an easy to reach spot that is tricky to defend due to the advantage it gives to the defenders. Maybe hackable?

    Teleporter- Hackable teleporter room that can be used to gain access to enemy base.
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