[Suggestion] Add spawn protection!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tr34, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. Pelojian

    if mineguard actually protected the driver on flashes it would be a resource cheap viable method to check for mines.
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  2. Demigan

    How would they exploit and grief? The worst I read was... "stand on the pad and die"? Every other method of griefing, such as blocking your enemy, would be harder than it is now since the player can now take control and steer their vehicle around or go off the pad in another direction.

    Now that sounds like something that I call "creative and proper use of tactics". It's not game-breaking, it is absolutely not cheese if the player tries to protect himself from it and it makes use of a players modus operandi to score kills. I like that you do it like this, It's my basic method of approaching any game! That doesn't mean that I don't think that suggesting to keep the current pad-mining cheese as it is. Maybe I was too harsh with my previous comment, but my argument still stands: As long as a method is bad for the game and only benefits a few, it should be altered somehow. Not removed, not directly nerfed, but changed so that the players actually can react to it. Checking the pad is not good enough of a solution for this.

    It would be a better solution than keeping it as it is, but it's by no means a good solution. A good solution would be to give the players full control of their demise when moving off a pad by allowing them control of their vehicle as they spawn.

    Spawncamping for instance is a problem with game design, not balance. The game design should offer ways out of the spawn that the attackers cannot anticipate with 100% accuracy, and force attackers to either spread out over a ludicrous area or form clusters around the objectives of the game.
  3. Demigan

    Great solution! That's the kind of thing I prefer, give the players control to check without spending abnormal amounts of time or exposing yourself regardless of the base you are in and I'm OK with mines placed even on top of the spawnpad like in the early days.
  4. Savadrin

    Many, many spawns are coffins. Not all, but many can be blocked by a single deployed sunderer. Like, Hossin. Again, I like the idea and support it 100% but it's certainly not foolproof, just likely better than what we have currently. But we still have to ask why they ADDED the autodrive feature in the first place. There has to be a reason.

    Yes and no, to me. If I'm lazy and I don't check the pad, explode, I blame myself, because in the end it is MY responsibility to make sure I can launch from where I'm launching.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure we were in agreement (like everyone) about the teleporter system being a joke. There should be multiples and the option for an egress teleport system that is player placeable. And I don't mean a sunderer, because even a stealth cloak sundy can have major issues getting through the armor ring of a spawn camped base. Give INFs or LA a portable spawn point/teleporter usable only in the No-Deploy zone of a base they're defending.

    See how long the spawn camp lasts when one LA gets a port up on a roof and the whole community comes swarming out of a fully unexpected place.
  5. FateJH

    *counts the number of tank mines he can put in his pouch* Team effort!
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  6. Savadrin

    I haven't certed past four, and I usually put them down in pairs. So if you run mineguard, I'm only an annoyance to you. If not, well, you're my best friend. :D
  7. Savadrin

    Flashes are cheap, infantry is cheaper. I mean, they cost as much as a grenade ;)
  8. Tr34

    If developers actually intended to allow this as a game mechanic, they wouldn't make vehicle pads no-mine zone.
    But the radius of the no-mine/c4 zone around the vehicle pad is so small, that's the problem that makes people abuse the system.
    Vehicles don't spawn on the pads staying still, they automatically move forward without giving the player control.
    This makes the radius of no-mine zones obsolete. I think developers' original intention is preventing spawn kills, this is why I'm telling these.
  9. Demigan

    That's the case now, that's the case after this idea. So? With my idea, you have less chance of a single sunderer being able to block you, since you can exit, try to get off at another place (most small bases have completely open spawnpads, and the small vs large facility ratio is pretty much in favor of small facilities) and you can even fire to try and damage and destroy the Sunderer.
    Also, on one hand you have people who say "but you should pay attention to mines" and you now say "but what if there's this massive Sunderer deployed in front of the spawn?"
    Well, my system only helps improve your odds. Again, it helps improve your odds of survival should someone try to block you.
    The auto-drive feature will still be there. You just have the option to stop it.

    This way everything is your responsibility, every game mechanic can be known so you could say everything is your responsibility. Back when ZOE was a thing you could have known one of them would come around the corner and blow you up, you could have anticipated, was it good for the game? No.
    The act of arbitrarily having to check the pad, possibly risking your life and precious time in the process, is a bad one. You still have the responsibility to check for mines if you get immediate control of your vehicle (or use an overheads-camera to check the pad for mines as suggested by Pelojian), in fact you have more responsibility since now you can react to things like players trying to block you rather than watching your screen until the auto-drive gives up or an ally spawns on top of you.

    While completely possible, I would rather give it to the Medic. This gives the Medic a valuable extra task, Infiltrators and LA get a task for hunting and destroying them, and attackers can at least try to anticipate and kill a Defender Medic trying to place one of these, while a proper LA or Infiltrator is nigh unstoppable if he knows what he's doing (Wraith Flash anyone?).
    This also puts a lot more emphasis on teamwork rather than lone-wolfing. A lone-wolf LA or Infil has an easy time placing these, but a Medic needs a bit more teamwork, such as air-drops. Still, it's a lot easier getting a Medic through the lines or at another part of the base to place one of these than it is getting a Sunderer anywhere near enough to a base to recapture it.
  10. Savadrin

    Again, I'm not against this option. I just want to know why they forced autodrive in the first place.

    I wasn't around for ZOE or PPA, but I'm not sure they're great comparisons to this problem. I feel that regardless, the player has his own responsibility to ensure safety, not to rely on the game to do it for you. Your argument for immediate control goes in line with this, which is why I like the idea. I run vehicles at least 80% of the time I play, and I just don't experience mines at pads to such a degree that it's even a problem.

    The LA has no goodies and no real job other than flank and shoot, and smoke grenades that half the players probably disable anyway. They don't get a long range gun, or anything to really contribute except farm and tower stomping, and the occasional spawn beacon. I view them as a prime candidate for having a team-play upgrade, along with INF. Oh, and drifting tanks :D
  11. Reclaimer77


    Mining obvious vehicle roadways is a valid tactic. You just want EZ Mode even more EZ.
  12. DeadlyOmen

    The sheep are calling for protection.

    Who knew.
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  13. Anonymous Qwop

    Trust me, ALWAYS CHECK FOR SPAWN MINES!!! Even if they fix it ppl will still get mined. ALWAYS CHECK!
  14. KiakoLalene

    This is a game trying to simulate a war, so I doubt that this idea would help the game at all.
  15. Taemien

    You know what I do when mining near vehicle pads?

    I actually mine about 2-3 meters in front of where everyone says mines 'shouldn't be placed'. Why? Because people check. They really do. But they don't go out of their way to check 'just a bit further'. They don't check up the road. What's great is I miss more manueverable vehicles like Flashes and Harassers. Which means the sundy driver and the MBT gets hit. What's great is when the Sundy stops, loads up some peeps and then drives forward.

    And I get a multi-kill badge alongside Pizza Delivery.

    Them grues will getcha. Always.

    Sure.. some can steer left or right. But I can drop 5 mines. I can cover the whole road around the vehicle pad. The only way to avoid my mines is to drive directly backwards over the vehicle pad. Which gets you killed, or is impossible to go anywhere in most bases.

    By the way. The fix everyone is looking for is already in the game.

    Play on Amerish or Hossin instead of Indar.