[Suggestion] Add Many, Small, Tightly Clustered Bases

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devrailis, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Devrailis

    Removing smaller bases from the lattice, or removing smaller bases entirely, and leaving fewer but larger (presumably well-designed) connected bases, is an idea that many of us have been proposing for a while now.

    Reversing that train of thought, how would the community like to see a continent, or parts of continents populated with many small, close proximity facilities with short,1 to 2 minute capture timers? Similar to some AMP stations but better defined as distinctive bases.

    The idea is to create a more urban style "house to house" fighting dynamic that is faster paced than sitting around waiting for a large facility to cap, while preventing infantry from simply rushing over empty, wasted space by making those empty spaces matter more with individual capture points.

    Imagine having a cluster of 8 small hexes arranged within a rough circle of a 400-500 meter radius, each with a 1 - 2 minute control point deep inside of a building and having to secure of each individual hex before the next one or two are available for capture. Instead of having a capture bonus tied to a large facility, a bonus would be granted for controlling all 8 hexes within that area instead.
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  2. r4zor

    Hint hint: Battle Island. It's coming.