ADAD Strafing is 100% logical Physics, it's not netcode bug, it's not cheap tactics, Get over it!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. WTSherman

    OP has exceeded his allocated ration of exclamation marks. The Terran Office of Price Administration has been notified and the overdraft will be deducted from his paycheck.

    At any rate, besides just plain looking silly (who runs around like a chicken with their head cut off while shooting instead of finding a nice, stable firing position?) there certainly is a netcode issue with ADAD.

    You see, due to an oddity in how PS2's predictive movement/lag compensation works, you move much further and faster on other people's screens than you do on yours.

    Essentially, when you switch directions the predictive algorithm "overshoots", and makes you go further on their screen than you actually did. To try to "catch up" and compensate for that overshoot, it speeds you up on their screen (similar to how a lag spike will sometimes cause someone to run in place, then take off like Usain Bolt). But when you quickly change directions again, it overshoots again and never catches up, so you remain accelerated. If you desync badly enough (due to high latency, the server derping, or in the case of pre-nerf ADAD simply being allowed to strafe too often too fast) you start to teleport around.

    So on your screen, you're kind of lazily drifting back and forth. On their screen, you're zipping around like a whirling dervish. PS2's netcode is... odd.

    So in PS2 at least, ADAD (particularly pre-nerf) is essentially an exploit of its "unique" predictive movement algorithm, similar to how bunny hopping in Quake-based games (the kind that lets you accelerate indefinitely due to how Quake-based engines handle "falling" and speed caps) is an exploit of those engines' physics engines. Though at least over time PS2 has taken some measures to mitigate it.


    But hey if you really do want this to just be "Quake the MMO", why not introduce legit bunny hopping ("who needs a flash when you can hit 200kph by jumping?"), rocket-jumping, and allow light assaults to "ski" on slopes. :rolleyes:
    • Up x 2
  2. Flamberge


    only people that complain about strafing are those with terrible mouse control that can't track since ps2 is their first fps or something
  4. Shockwave44

    Not enough. It's why you don't see people at gun ranges strafing back and forth.
  5. Hicksimus

    ADAD would go incredibly poorly IRL, plus as somebody already mentioned....if you're a human you don't just change directions automagically especially while moving forwards or backwards.

    Want some realism?
    Arm fatigue for holding weapons up to ADS for too long? IRL this is very real and very quickly ruins your aim.
    Rotating 180 or even 90 degrees and shooting should be tough. There's a reason that people train specifically for this and it's not because it's easy.
    Effective weapon ranges need balancing. IRL a fast-firing SMG might have 75-200 meters of effective range(Flatness becomes an extreme issue), an M16 is 600-800m of effective range. As these are all pretty long ranges in PS2 thanks to "awesome" rendering distances we should scale them back to fit PS2.
    Running/Jumping while firing with any accuracy? Go set your treadmill to 7mph and try to use your phone, it's tough......imagine your accuracy while holding your arms at shoulder height and firing a kicking weapon....oh yeah....imagine throwing left and right movements into this! Good luck!
    Just standing still and shooting a close stationary target with a handgun is a challenge for many people especially with the bigger/heavier ones....dancing around while you try it seems like a bad idea....especially if that target is about to shoot you.

    If you want ADAD that's fine but I want realistic aiming so when you come dancing towards me in spandex I can safely ignore you while you shoot your teammates.
  6. Titan6

    The issue with ADADing is that it does in fact, cause latency issues. The prediction algorithm can't decide where you're actually going, causing the 'warping' issues some people see.

    In a perfect world, without latency or prediction algorithms, you're absolutely correct.
  7. WTSherman

    So basically we shouldn't even bother to balance games, just throw stuff in there randomly, everyone will gravitate to whatever is most OP, and voila we have "balance" because everyone is using identical loadouts while the rest of the game gathers dust? :p
  8. illithic

    I'll never understand this. It's fine to want to get rid of ADAD if it's actually laggy etc. but that it's not humanly possible to change directions that fast is not valid grounds for change. This game is obviously not meant to be a simulation, there are many things that are not realistic or logical. This does not matter. What matters is balance, what matters is skill, not realism and not logic.

    When was ADAD nerfed exactly? How did they change it? What was it like pre-nerf compared to now? Are there any videos showing before and after that you know of? I am interested.

    So you're probably just joking but... it's win at all costs without breaking the rules. Cheating/hacking is against the rules, ADAD, shotguns etc. are not. And just because you put a cute emoticon after a hateful comment doesn't make it any less poor or any more acceptable. Just like how prefacing an insult with "With all due respect" is also not acceptable.
  9. radrussian2

    although you have a good point thats just the way the game is. calling it stupid is a subjective judgement. objectively adadad strafing is a simple and effective tactic. being successful in planetside 2 means having to learn this "maneuver" and learn how to counter it.
  10. WTSherman

    Quite a long time ago they nerfed strafe speed to what it is now. For a while (back when flinch was insane, NC was almost unplayable, and the scattermax was the only thing holding the faction together) you could strafe left-right a good deal faster than you can now, and their servers couldn't keep up with it. People would literally teleport all over the place when they ADAD'd.

    It's never entirely gone away, but they reduced the strafe speed to make it a little easier for their servers to handle and reduce the amount of teleporting. The Performance Updates also improved the netcode reliability a bit, which further reduced ADAD problems (though sometimes a new patch will proceed to break everything again).
  11. Foxirus

    I don't think people get that all damage happens client side. My favorite part of the people strafing on me is when they try to throw me off and randomly crouch. Since I ALWAYS go for chest shots, They crouch their head directly into my line of fire and die instantly. I laugh every damn time it happens.

    ADAD strafing I have no issue with what so ever because the movements are easily predicted, Even on the best player. In the end, Its going to come down to whoevers client sends the kill first to the server. Thats just how Clientside 2 works.
  12. Xasapis

    You don't lose from people aiming at your head if you only go for body shots?
  13. Foxirus

    Nope, My ADAD shimmy is too powerful.