Title says it: I bought a 1500 station cash card earlier today, and when I went to redeem it ingame I accidentally clicked "game time" instead of "station cash". Now I don't really need game time I already pay a subscription.. can I get a refund on this? I want that station cash that I paid for.
You should probably file a support ticket. Would most likely be the fastest and most sure way to get the problem taken care of. Edit - I'm sure if you explain the situation they will refund you the station cash.
Indeed I did file a ticket, I was just unsure if they'd refund it. EDIT: and I hope you're right on that one.
Getting pretty close to a full 12 hours since I sent my ticket, how long does it take them to respond?
It usually depends on how our ticket traffic looks. If you'd like, PM me the incident # for the ticket you submitted, and I'll be happy to take a look when I can.