About the directive restoration...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spacelife, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Spacelife

    I got less than half of my progress restored from what I should have gotten?

    I started auraxing the canister for the Vanguard after the directive patch hit so I SHOULD have at least 1160 kills on Top Gun. I know there should be more because I shot a whole bunch of halberd too.

    I was so pissed about the resets wrecking my progress over and over and lost my will to play the game. I was really excited to see this patch announced so I logged back in today and saw I have about 490 registered kills which is waaaaay too little, that directive should be completed.

    It was a good try SOE, but you didn't win back this customer.
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