[Suggestion] About new PPA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. a-koo-chee-moya

    Same with PPA. I might as well run kobalt now. Taking advantage of the RoF buff requires you to be withing 5-10 m of infantry, where no tank wants to be. Yea, you could say I could Magburn away, but that's like saying Vanguard has the health of a galaxy due to Shield. And its not like shield requires you to expose your back armor to them to be useful either. Its just not something that can be used all the time. The burst mode might have been OK, but with the Bullet Velocity, Splash, and Spread nerf, it might as well not be their past Kobalt range. Even the first shot isn't going to do much, and your going to have to really lower your RoF to do anything to infantry past Kobalt range.
  2. Ar Sterling

    You mean that PPA that is worse than the Reaver and Mosquito version at literally everything?
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  3. NinjaTurtle

    My thought is the VS are crying because their easy to use while you are asleep spam weapon is gone and now they have to actually risk getting killed to use it.

    They know full well it was OP, now they can instead feel what the Canister is like

    My surprise is only that it took SOE so long to actually hammer it
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  4. DatVanuMan

    I do enjoy some oblivious posts...
    Do you not enjoy the same, brother?
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  5. DatVanuMan

    I'm happy about this nerf. FINALLY, no PPAs can steal my kills 100+ meters away!
    Of course there's that one Harasser that keeps magically TKing me...:(
  6. Goldmonk

    Amen! But we all know a few will learn how to use it even after the nerf.
    And I was tired of being obliterated by giant, shiny orbs of death. The noise it made was more annoying than a 3 year old hyped up on sugar.
  7. NinjaTurtle

    This is how it should be, not an instant jump in and rain hell down on everything.

    Good players will be able to make use of it.
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  8. DatVanuMan

    Indeed. But what is worse? The constant DEEEDEEEDEEEDEEEDEEE of the PPA...?
  9. Goldmonk

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  10. TheRunDown

    Welp.. 2 Questions..

    Was you Solo or had a driver?
    Second, was you using it as a Close range AI weapon?

    CoF shouldn't matter at the rangers it's now designed for.. and solo Harassers make me sick, Hck! Pfff!!

    If the PPA gets it's splash radius back, then ALL TR weapons should also get theirs back too..
  11. DatVanuMan

    Good point. I must admit, when the Vulcan becomes the Marauder, which the latter will become a Fracture with multiple barrels, I'll miss the awesome mini gun audio. It sounds like a World War Two AA gun in the distance, and THAT feels traditional:D
  12. Ronin Oni

    You mean the lowest performing ES AI nosegun?

    Yeah, lets hurry up and nerf that :rolleyes:
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  13. patrykK1028

    I dont even drive Harasser -.-
    And if CoF doesnt metter at range its designed for - is it designed for 3m range? That large CoF metters even in knife range. Its like LMGs hip fire CoF.
  14. FateJH

    No no no. Take it from someone who owns Fractures. You do not want your projectiles to change acceleration mid-flight, not even on a weapon that has been retooled for CQC-mid and doesn't drop.
    It will screw you over in any case where the new PPA is still generous enough to save you.
  15. Ki11uminati

    Exactly, I agree. I would rather roll with the kobalt now. The PPA is not worth it as an AI gun in my opinion.
  16. KnightCole

    Yeah, I never said the LPPA was OP, I just said I find it a hellva lot more annoying then the Tank PPA. I find all Nose guns equally annoying as ****, as I do planes in general.....but yeah......

    As for LPPA being UP or not that great? How so.......it seems to kill just fine...
  17. Kidou

    All I think is the max COF of the current PPA is way too large. If you're firing full auto at near point blank range, it's entirely possible to MISS EVERY SINGLE SHOT. It's not like any other vehicle weapon blooms as hard as the new PPA does.

    Strange how VS is supposed to be the 'accuracy' faction but they keep changing weapons (Particularly the vehicle weapons) to be less accurate...