hello, i wanted to talk about continent form when there are few people playing in low populate hours. in those hours the population decreases to 10-50 players per faction and its horrible to play the game with so few people on a map as big as a country. because than some few people go there, few go there, few are ghost capping and few are ghost back-capping and its sucks. i noticed that the map shrinks when the final lockdown alert is starting but there can past few hours till this alert is starting and all this time the map is in its normal form. i want the map to shrink to its low populate form sooner, a program that can detect low populate and change the map to smaller. i dont want to wait hours untill the final alert is starting so the map shrink
This has been going on on ps4 ever since the crashing started on t The playstation 4 version of the game,we had 5000+ peak players on,now less than 500,targeted team killings and just general cheating,when it does happen,in all honesty,i wouldn't be surprised if dbg shutdown the game on ps4 and blamed the console community for it like ccp did with dust514 on playstation 3,even if they installed and updated the ps4 api to direct x 11/12 and fixed the memory leak causing the crashing and lag issues clientside,i feel like we would never get our playerbase back,as the way i see it,most of the legit playerbase left,especially after they announced they wouldn't handle the teamkilling issues,we've(my outfit) has even seen what we suspect to be lag switchers run amock in game,i don't think the game will be around long on ps4,even though dbg said they will still support it,as i said in a previous thread: it may be a free to play game but in my opinion: 1. as far as ps4 is concerned,it should have had all the bugs ironed out and direct x 11 installed on the api before it was released,the creators of either call of duty or battlefield (i don't remember which,but i remember reading about ot years ago) got sued for releasing an unfinished and broken product,unfortunately in the courts when it comes to who wins vs who loses and whos right and who is wrong is always a matter of opinion in any cases thus neither right nor wrong from a universal pov in society(e.g. a company going after a consumer for say getting their account hacked and then even after reading the tos that states that if you cancel the charges from your bank directly and don't go through the company they can sue you for those unpaid and fraudulent charges even though it wasn't your fault all because you broke the tos instead of going after the person who actually made the charges or peoples and companies point of view,so in a way society is very biased as its designed to be when it comes to consumers,however more often than not the consumer loses because a company is considered a person(technically its not,its a group of people whos purpose is to make money) but after the lawsuit ended,in the judges opinion the company was wrong,but if the judge was anti consumer it would likely have turned out differntly, well after the suit companies started to adapt to the fallout of the lawsuit,in dbg's case they stated on the tos that you cant sue them even if the game is broken(I'm skipping the legal jargon,but basically what you see is what you get) eg.if suddenly the client stopped working be cause of a bug that broke the client and servers and they took 6 months to fix it and couldn't because it require an expensive software or hardware upgrade to their equipment and they had a very small budget,so instead they announced that they were permanently shutting it down,consumers would be angry yes,but yhey couldn't sue because this was stated in writing and you aggreed to that,which i think is wrong morally but thats my opinion) while i understand what your saying,i find that your being insensitive based on your context,hes frustrated which i understand,but don't be so rude and insensitive about it 2.teamkilling,hrrasment and expoiting,it should never happen on any game,but unfortunately it does and the only way to defend yourself is to have people watching your back and to tk malicous users,im gonna call damage incorporated and its leaders out on this one,and explain to the community why i dislike them and why they are bullies and harrassers,so basically i team killed one of their leaders,N2B,beacause i ran him over accidently with a sunderer,he c4'd my squad to death and i was already having a bad day with people teamkilling me just to be malicous towards me,well i had had enough and hunted him down and tked him,well i joined dmag not relizing n2b was a part of it,found out they try to push out people from the game by this method of hunting players down and repeatedly tking them until just quit the game completely,and another method that outfits like this use is to tell the outfits that are well known a do the same thing to add them to a list,and kick them out of squads so that they cant find a squad,eventually leaving the game because they have no backup,its call exclusion,in addition some members of dmag exploit iso( i remember telling them i was gonna stream,i hear something about exploiting iso,and another member later on joined while i was streamin and either Bgalla1 or n2b told the person that joined when he started talking about it to hush,eventually even after i apologized to n2b and asked him to apologize to me for tking me,dmag leaders invited me to a private voice chat,made some bogus excuses,and kicked me out, well then they've targeted me at a tech plant i spawned at walked past them and was about pull a fighter (mosquito) when either n2b or bgalla1 came up to me from behind,and tried to knife me to death,killed him because i told them i will defend myself,they wouldn't let me get an aircraft at all,and i had to spawn somewhere else,theyve been trying to push me off the game,but eventually they gave up,even found out that one of them,(i believe his name is dash button) targeted one of our outfit members i suspect because i told her to leave dmag because of what i experienced and because i told her what they do(although that is debatable because he did state that hell teamkill you for no reason at all),she's had her fair share of issues like what I experienced and almost left the game completely,and i convinced her otherwise,started soloing and wouldn't join squads or other outfits because of the toxicity within the player base,but me,her,and some other players who are fed up with these issues and players decided to make an outfit that doesn't have these types of players in it,which is a problem within this game and that we will police should they actually make it into our outfit,I find that a lot of outfits don't really kick out these toxic players or do something about it,they may even be run by these types of players, i was extremely angry when they said on twitch they had no solution to this on ps4(teamkilling) and that they were not going to get into it( the last part they said makes me feel like dbg as a company doesn't care that their are players who do online bullying ingame,i do however understand that they may not have a solution) our outfit the phantom menace has had to develop our own code of conduct in order to both prevent users like those on dmag from getting into our outfit and wreeking havoc like what happened in dust514's corporations when malicious players took over and destroyed other players corporations and communities, and its based on a 3 strike system,which i think we shouldn't have to do as this is a game(yes,i even made a it in a wordpad file format on my windows PC,ironic,isnt it.) because an outfit is not a company and it isn't our job to,i would love to have fun with many players but some players within the community are toxic and malicious,and its dbg's job to police the community,not the playerbase(what little is left of it),our outfit also suspects that dbg is struggling financially due to the sanctions against its parent company Columbus Nova because of Russian influence and politics( they denied that they were ever owned by Columbus Nova which is standard procedure for something like that,which is moraly wrong in my opinion for them to do that (their are internet archives on the web if you don't believe me,you just have to look in the right place),then check this out: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018...-changes-its-tune-on-its-russian-affiliation/ thought they likely wont tell you directly that they are stuggling financially because thats their business and they don't want to panic the community,one of our leaders pointed out that dbg had a bunch of hiring positions for software and hardware technitions and engineers that day,so its pretty clear theyre struggling,so the game may or may not survive even if they did promise to support it,again only time will tell,so we don't know for sure,as for the reason why free to play games don't really survive that long,its because: 1.you need money in order to support a game this big,or any game,free to play or not for that matter ( they even stated they had a budget in a twitch stream,which means its probably not very big because of the above mentioned( i hate politics) and if you don't make enough then your favorite game gets shut down,which is why they said they are restructuring the company to make it more profitable,and one of the reasons why they are having layoffs,because if you cant pay your staff if your company has too many employees and isn't making enough( which is most likely (at least I suspect) why the fixes for the crash on ps4 and problems such as the unfixable bugs on both platforms is slow which is why they are moving to direct x 11 because some of the bugs can't be fixed without it( again I feel they should have released the game with direct x 11 as ps4 does support it hardware wise which is why I see it as a broken game that should have been fully fixed before release, malicious players have already been taking advantage of them to cheat on ps4(yes that means you dmag,and I've already reported a player for glitching under the map inside a rock killing everybody on tr (he was vanu),we've even noticed what we suspect are lag switchers on ps4,though we won't know for sure until the game client is stable after direct x 11 is applied and the crashing is fixed. 2. malicious players (hackers,cheaters,and toxic players) move in and begin destroying the legit player base,thus the game eventually becomes unplayable because all the legit players leave and then it just a hotbed for cheaters,its an online game company's job to make sure that no malicous players can make it into a game and destroy it from the inside out,which is why i was furious tht they announced that they wouldnt be handling teamkilling( dust514 and ccp all over again). i had to say something,you came off to me the way you said it as some entitled insensitive moron(oops i guess im the incensitive now,how does it feel) just because players are frustrated that dbg isn't listening(they are listening on some things but may or may not be on others) to the community about these issues because either the company has no solutions,they don't have enough staff because of financial issues,etc,i get what dbg may be going through as a company( were not stupid dbg,some of us do actually read the news,understand what may or may not be going on as company and can piece together bits and pieces of information to see the larger picture of the potential situation and results because i have been keeping a close eye on the web and news regarding planetside 2,s future should dbg suddenly give up on it because of all these various issues ) so try to understand his point of view: hes frustrated because nick silva promised something to the community of planetside 2,but from what i can understand the community has not recieved it(certainly not him or her) and he/she feels the nick silva may have lied. try to be more sensitive to others and understand their pov before you type,because to me,you seem like your doing it in order do be disrespectful,to bully,and to harrass,i deal with enough of this in game on ps4 when it does happen,furthermore you contradicted your self,now your complaining that hes complaining.
Over all i like the game but have lost what little trust i had in dbg,i really want the game to survive on ps4 but remain optimistic and skeptical that it will on the console.
Im fully aware of that, but the above post is actually the reason why ps4 is actually struggling,thats why it was "suggested",because DBG expected this to happen.
Dunno about ps4, u guys need mergers if that's possible, if not… and if only less than 100 players in each faction.. u'r not going to get good fights.. on PC situation is better, u can always push with stealth sundy and force infantry fights if no other action. Thank god for low spawn time, otherwise even attacking solo would not bring fights during Morning/work time.
still dont you think that shrinked map, like when lockdown alert begins, is better than the whole entire map in low spawn times? pushing with sundy usually result in 3 defenders repel your attack and blow your sundy. because not enough from your empire joined.. because they are all busy exploring the whole map alone. instead, shrink the map earlier and the game will be much playable. the shrinked map is not as small as the starting new continent map, un-stabilized map, with the one prosdor. its slightly bigger.
Exactly when are those low popularity times? I get on at all hours and there are always more people than NC.