About Cheaters

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by flouvio, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. flouvio

    This morning a player was reported many time but he was still begging us to report him and making fun of it, the ban system doesn't seem to be dissuasive at all.
    In a few minutes he almost killed 100 players (and it's just not funny nor pleasant beeing killed from the underground over and over).

    Solutions & ideas :

    - Firstly: autoban player beeing reported by more than x players in the past quarter or hour. (the ban could be reverted by a human later but if 20 or more users report the same player it's pretty sure he is cheating). This would allow non cheaters to just play and have fun instead of beeing harased by one player.
    This won't prevent group-cheating but it's already a big step in the right direction.

    - Since it's very hard for veteran users to have a KPM >10 one idea would to auto-suspend/ban players having such a high KPM (may be KPM > 20 for a few minutes) whereas they are only lvl 15 or so. Not veteran players killing so many people continuously are clearly cheaters.

    All in all, fix the most obvious and annoying cheaters problem.
  2. Skraggz

    To the auto ban thing, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Some platoon leaders could manipulate this, and I know one that has been on the forums recently that probably would. Sounds like a grade A terrible idea.

    Also kpm based on br is a bad idea. Their are video on that flawed idea. Vets rerolled just to get ban and point out how the idea doesn't specifically hunt cheaters and is a shotgun approach
  3. flouvio

    Yeah you're right, I forgot an important point: mix-up the different methods. This way I don't think it would commit even little mistakes.
    For example: (with k/d recalculated for each min, not for the session)
    1st min: k/d>15 V
    2nd min k/d >15V
    3rd min k/d>15 V
    Has been reported by X players in the last hour V
    optionnal: check BR ?
    > suspended
  4. TRspy007

    Yeah but what that did is ruin it for the majority of the community, because the autoban now is way less strict. Now we have to rely on humans to ban cheaters, which works but obviously takes more time than autoban. Sure autoban can't replace human investigation, and won't ban every hacker, but it would've been a bottleneck to hackers, and prevented you from experiencing that. The problem is, we had the option to have tight autoban measures in place which I agree wasn't perfect, but the community preferred to throw that away so veteran players could farm more on new characters they create. Now we must deal with the occasional hacker until the devs ban him manually.

    Luckily I've rarely experienced hacking in all my years of play, but I do agree that players that are reported by a certain number of players, maybe 20-25 should by prioritized in queue for quick investigation. You can't ban players automatically based on many players reporting, because outfits would be able to ban players they don't like, or wildly accuse players of hacking and get their outfit to report them. I do agree however that many players reporting the same player is a good sign the guy is cheating, especially if they are a low br. The system should therefore process those reports on that player as a priority, so devs can quickly determine if the guy is hacking. (remember the devs probably get thousands of reports a day, and they have to go through them all, that's why it takes longer to ban people, blame the guys that didn't want autoban.