Misaligned scopes didnt stop people to pad 40-50% HSR so its a poor excuse. People are really too lazy to aim better (including me)
You're correct in a perfect game, but my point is, that a lot of players don't care about teamwork and will use the most OP stuff. So, you can forget your ammo or being revived when mostly your whole squad is a heavy. But then again, i do understand the importance of the HA and there's nothing any dev. can do to get people to play as a team...it's just the nature of the beast i guess...
Well in theory 11 HA + 1 medic 'll win against 12 HA. Nothing to do about "OP stuff", it's solo play.
HA is fine. It's meant to be the bread & butter class while all other classes are there for support of some kind. This isn't some RPG where you need the typical "1 Tank, 1-2 Healer, 1-2 DPS, 1 Support". This is a war-game. And the primary purpose of any war-game is to survive as long as possible while trying to take as much as possible. And if that means there's a disproportionate amount of 1 class, so be it. Besides, and someone already mentioned this: Nerfing HA would just lead to a disproportionate amount of another class. Most likely Medics. No amount of tweaking classes will make each class have a proportionate amount users.
I probably should have replaced the easy with generic. A Heavy Assault is what you'd expect from a generic shooter to provide as a class. The rest are more specialised in various aspects. People coming from other FPS games will find it easier to adjust to the heavy, compared to other classes. Good medics in a squad are the last men standing, they need to be so much better than the heavies that fell to the enemy and bring their team back up. Good Light Assaults are all about the element of unpredictability and surprise. In a sense, so are Infiltrators, along with a steady hand and tons of required situation awareness in close combat. Engineers as infantry are also pretty hard, having no real ability like the other classes.
I think infiltrator is just as good as heavy assault, in means of making people dead. Except when it's time for a good old conc and jackhammer.
I play Engineer and Medic more than HA these days. And I am very successful with them. However...HA has its place. Problem is when dealing with Vehicles, you need HA for rockets. When dealing with laggy players, and Planetside has a LOT of them, that shield gives you a chance to survive a split second longer and return fire. When dealing with a higher population attack, you need the extra survivability. When facing other HA's, IF THEY ARE SKILLED (or hacking or lagging), you need to pull HA. Otherwise, I can kill everybody just fine with Medic/LA/Engineer guns. At range, the accuracy of the medic/engi/la guns is amazing! I just stand back and headshot away with the pulsar c or the tross. In CQC, nothin beats the super high dps guns like the H-V45 or Serpent which put out 120k dps...with amazing hipfire accuracy with adv. laser. I hate playing HA because I miss the other classes guns! As a Medic, I feel like I can be more useful than when playing HA, as long as the people I'm healing/reviving are worth the revive. I feel like I can sway the outcome of the fight by being a medic. As an engineer, other than keeping everyone stocked up on ammo, and repairing max units, I can also set up a turret in a strategic point to hold down an entry point. Equip flak to become immune to explosives for the most part, and you're good to go. Infiltrator is so fun as well. I love running around as a stalker. Dropping explosives, sneaking up on people, all while providing a Motion Spotter which gives my side the upper hand to dominate the other team. I think all classes play a great role. Some people complain about HA...I had one guy start private messaging me after I killed him like 5 or 6 times and giving me crap about needing an "i win" button (he was referring to my shield). He just assumed I was using HA because I'm bad. So I told him I don't care what he does. So 2 minutes later I run into him again. He's HA. I kill him. Another minute I see him yet again. And I kill him. And again after that. Yeah...he doesn't bother messaging me again. So I'm happy with the state of all classes. Each one plays a key role. What I do have to complain about, is lag. No latency controls in this game means you can have 1000ms ping, and still not be booted. And shotguns. Shotguns with Lag = no fun. And all classes except infiltrator can equip shotguns. There are players from asia that come around the corner and shoot me in the face with a shotgun before I can even see them. Regardless of what class I'm playing...lag and shotguns are instant kill. That's a bigger concern that having to hit someone for an extra 600 points to kill them.
Err, what? Fail logic is fail. Just because one thing is wrong doesn't mean you can't complain about other things being wrong. Since when do headshots bypass the shield?
easy, adj.: requiring no great labor or effort If a class in a PvP game is easy to play, it means that in order to get results with it - results involving completing game objectives such winning fights - one does not need to expend much effort on things like focusing actively on positioning, timing of attacks or tactics learning complicated game mechanics being creative, precise or skilled with the use of abilities and equipment avoiding mistakes in predicting enemy actions avoiding mistakes in judgment of indicators and status elements on the HUD or otherwise An easy class is one that can compete with enemies without requiring the player to do anything complicated in terms of what he thinks and does while playing, and what he has learned and incorporated into routine actions over time. All this does not mean that an easy class is stronger than other classes. It means that among players who are new to the game, an easy class will allow them to take their time learning the game and focus on basic gameplay mechanics, and still get somewhat decent results. In this way, an easy class is the equivalent of a bicycle with training wheels - but no one would argue that bicycles with training wheels are better or more powerful than bicycles without them. It also means that among players who are experienced in the game and intimately familiar with gameplay mechanics, an easy class allows for a laid back auto-pilot style of play, requiring little active involvement aside from performing basic routinely actions: sprint anywhere, encounter an enemy, activate shield, kill enemy, rinse and repeat.
Nerf HA's so medic can be over played then nerf the revive function because of this. Nerfing the heavies shield too hard would be like nerfing a medics heal, infils cloak or LA's jets. Shield already slows heavy and all LMGs need to ADS to be used effectively furthermore reducing their mobility. Lets nerf the class at its primary function of the FRONT LINE SOLDIER
Wrong. I'm going to assume you're talking specifically about 1v1 small arms direct confrontations, otherwise what you're saying makes no sense. While you're correct that aiming to the head is a valid tactic against Heavy Assaults, it doesn't come anywhere close to cancelling the shield advantage. Let's look at the whole picture, shall we? Say we have a HA with NMG pitted against a LA. Neither player has positional advantage, DPS advantage, aim/dodge skill advantage or nanoweave. For the LA to even begin to cancel the shield advantage with headshots, he needs to have a higher average headshot rate than the HA. To do that, the LA will have to strafe at a greater speed. This is not always the case. Point 1: Since the HA will be moving slower only when the shield is active, the LA will only have increased headshot rate when the shield is active. When the shield is inactive, both players have the same health pool and movement speed, thus there is no headshot advantage to either player. Thus there is no way to cancel the shield advantage with headshots, only to mitigate it. For this reason alone, you're already wrong, but let's continue with the analysis. The question we now ask is what the extent is to which LA can mitigate the shield advantage with headshots. Point 2: There are three movement speed states while standing: 1.00, 0.75 and 0.5. Either player could be moving at any of these speeds in the fight. Since the shield reduce movement speed by 0.25 (multiplicative with the reduction from ADS'ing, not additive), the possible speeds with the shield enabled are as follows: Hip firing: 0.75 0.75 ADS weapon: 0.5625 (= 0.75 * 0.75) 0.5 ADS weapon: 0.375 (= 0.75 * 0.5) And the possible scenarios in the encounter: LA hipfiring -> LA is faster LA using 0.75 ADS, HA hipfiring -> same speeds LA using 0.5 ADS, HA hipfiring -> HA is faster Both using 0.75 ADS -> LA is faster Both using 0.5 ADS -> LA is faster LA using 0.75 ADS, HA using 0.5 ADS -> LA is faster LA using 0.5 ADS, HA using 0.75 ADS -> HA is faster Thus, LA will be able to take better advantage of headshots only when hipfiring or using a weapon with equal or better ADS movement speed. In some scenarios, HA will actually move faster than LA, despite having the shield active. Point 3: Aiming to the head is viable only at certain distances and with certain weapons. Exceptions: If you're using a buckshot shotgun, you'll want to aim to the torso to avoid missing pellets. Often you also want to do that with slug shotguns because of the low ROF where whiffing a round can be fatal. If you want to maintain your full mobility but you're not close enough for your weapon to be reliable for head shots from the hip, you'll want to aim at the torso. If you're too close, head shots won't be feasible because the target is moving relatively fast on your screen due to being so close. If you're too far, you'll want to ADS to the torso for reliable damage output. In the last two cases, what "too close" and "too far" mean depends on the weapon you're using, some weapons have a longer effective headshot range than others, while some weapons allow for accurate hipfire to a longer range than others, etc. Overall, the point is there are many 1v1 direct engagements where you'll want to be aiming at the torso, regardless of the HA having relatively slower speed, which, as we saw above, is not always the case. Point 4: If we assume LA has a higher average headshot rate throughout the fight, the difference in order for the LA to win, would have to be much greater than you'd expect from equally skilled players. The HA will have 1700 HP versus the LA's 1000 HP. For sake of argument, let's say both are using accurate 652/143 weapons with SPA at 15 meters with a head shot rate of 20%, the second shot being the first to hit the head. HA shots to kill vs LA: 143 + 286 + 143 + 143 + 143 + 143 = 1001 -> 6 shots to kill. LA shots to kill vs HA: 143 + 286 + 143 + 143 + 143 + 143 + 286 + 143 + 143 + 143 = 1716 -> 10 shots to kill. How many headshots does the LA need to have 6 shots to kill? ALL OF THEM. 6 * 286 = 1716. Even ignoring all the above points 1-3, you're implying that merely having slightly lower movement speed is enough to turn a player with 20% head shot rate into 100% head shot rate, because that's what needs to happen for the faster moving player to cancel the shield advantage. Do you know how ridiculous that claim is?
100% hsr isnt ridiculous if we're talking about just one engagement. Outside of that HA vs LA engagement LA's HSR can be anything. Remember that actual HSR isnt calculated anywhere and we only get HSR which is actually HS-Kill-Ratio. I dont actually defend HA its just an opinion based on expertise and I didnt claim to be prophet of PS2. I merely pointed out that in your average engagement aiming for the head solves hell of a problems and judging by your stats you should know it yourself. On a final note, its not my or anyone else's fault that bads try to 1v1 HA players in the face, there are million ways to circumvent getting into HA's face and outright killing him, yet you pick the dumbest approach to the "problem" and complain that approach doesnt solve the problem.
No one's saying 100% HSR isn't theoretically possible, what matters is average head shot rate in whatever scenario we're interested in. No one can maintain 100% average HSR even against VR targets, much less against Heavy assaults moving at 0.75 times your speed. Sure but we're not interested in that, what matters is what the average % of headshots is in LA vs HA direct engagements. In your average 1v1 engagement, you'll have worse TTK against a HA even if you're the best aimer in the entire world and he's just a scrub with 20% headshot rate. What you're saying sounds like defending HA to me. I'm not picking this approach to the problem, YOU are. I'm only responding to what you're saying. If there are a million ways to deal with HA's other than getting in their face, then why are you singling out headshots as something that solves the issue? Saying headshots cancel their shield advantage is the equivalent of saying: All other things being equal, headshots cancel the shield advantage. I.e. positional advantage, initiative, skill, etc. whatever you name it, these things don't matter - if they are equal, then as a lesser class you can counter HA's shield by simply hitting headshots. I've shown you this is far, far away from the truth and as ridiculous a claim as I've ever seen.
I used to make about 20-30 certs per session. Then I slapped an autoshotty on my HA and went full scrubmode on everyone and got 200 certs in a single session. It's not OP, it's just very easy to use.
ha's aren't op, or at least tr isn't. in the three months since i've been a member on the forums alone they've nerfed resist shield (duration) nerfed adrenaline shield (damage taken) increased all resistances to rocket launcher damage (rather than owning up that they've nerfed all rocket launchers) nerfed the striker til it's a joke and now as final insult the hit detection bug has turned my t32 next to useless as well.