[Suggestion] Ability to Disable Other Players' Vanity Items

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Campagne

    As the title says.

    Now, before anyone jumps down my throat saying:
    • "I spent money on these things and others should be forcibly subjected to them."
    • "My totally not pay-to-win camo no longer helps me blend in or confuse my enemy"
    • "What about my freedom of expression and individuality?"
    • Et cetera
    I'd be happy to settle for the ability to simply toggle certain, small things that do not affect gameplay in a meaningful way. Things like banners, horns, small decals and voice packs, for example, don't really impact the game for others at all, and no one would even be aware that they had been reverted to default to certain players.

    An example of what I would disable are certain voice packs, as there are some that I absolutely despise, such as the Whiny Man-Child, or the VS Snake w/ a Lisp. ( I don't know what their names are. :p)

    A UI for them wouldn't even be particularly needed, either. The options could simply be added to the useroptions config. file. They would all be on by default, of course.
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  2. Azawarau

    I love the whiny man child

    I hope you mean the NC one

    "I need a medic"

    Though i think you made the counterpoints to your post already so ill leave it at that
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  3. Campagne

    Yeah, the NC one. :p

    But how can you possibly like that horrible screechy whine of a demand for a medic? :eek:
  4. CorporationUSA

    Definitely not. The only reason I bought a horn was so other people can hear. I believe that's the case for a lot of people.

    The real issue is that they keep adding in absurd and annoying cosmetics. The laughing, toilet flush, and kazoo horns are good examples of that.
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  5. Campagne

    Yeah, the NC one. :p

    But how can you possibly like that horrible screechy whine of a demand for a medic? :eek:
  6. Campagne

    Normal horns I don't mind at all. But the whale sounds echoing through the desert?

    I definitely think this or some version of it should be implemented, even if heavily restricted to what can be blocked. Though of course as you said, many players buy these things to flaunt them mercilessly. If they could simply be turned off, their sales could potentially take a hit.
  7. Savadrin

    Within ten minutes of the toilet flush horn going on sale, I'm buying it if it's available again. There's no better taunt in any game.
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  8. FunkFest

    I could get behind a method of disabling the excess particle effects of cosmetics. (Helmets/Ornaments)

    Anything to prevent horn spam would be a nice addition also. Some sort of check to disable a players horn, for some determined amount of time, if it is spammed to often over a period of time.
  9. Cyropaedia

    I will honk my Toilet horn and you will like it.
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  10. CovertYank

  11. Foxirus

    No. If someone pays money for a cosmetic, People damn well better be forced to see it. What would be the point of using cosmetics if everyone just made it to where they couldn't see it anyways? Thats right, There wouldn't be one and the game would lose funding.

    We also don't need people making youtube videos where they have it set to where they can't see cosmetics. That makes the game look dull with poor design.
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  12. Sebastien

    I whole heartedly support this. Cosmetics are one of my triggers, it's a classist system designed to alienate those of us who don't have money to spend on this game.
    I say everyone gets cosmetics or nobody does. Like Communism, except in a videogame, and also better.
  13. Azawarau


    Its hilarious

    Im with that other guy though

    I bought the whale horn and flight of the Valkyrie so i could taunt people while flying around them

    Cant have them not hearing it
  14. Liewec123

    add a cooldown to vanity horns (based on their annoyingness) whale for example could get a 15 second cooldown, because some people just don't know the meaning of the word "excessive". ;)
    (i have the horn, but keep it reserved for when i skywhale a victim XD)

    helmets and camo etc i see no problem with, i love when someone comes around a corner with one of those fiery skull helmets on, they might aswell have a big neon "SHOOT HERE" sign above their head.
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  15. oberchingus

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  16. FateJH

    We can't be honest?
  17. Moridin6

    i love my lumifiber and skull flames and glowing armor and lights on Everything..
    in fact i wish there was a way for free players to get some of these things.

    the game is so much more fun with swag
  18. Moridin6

    i put the elf horn on my wraith flash

    got bountied in 10 min lol
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    Will the devs spend resources to hide what makes them money?

    Would you?
  20. Foxirus

    Oh you can be honest. Just not in a cosmetic sense :D