not particularly, bursters have horrid acuracy and low damage and low fire rates, duel bursters are signifigantly the lesser to a single heavy cycler as AI, and AV suffer from converngence issues at short ranges. Yeah a decent max will still win 1v1, baring lashers or c4, but thats how it should be. though ravens may change my mind, the laser guided bit eliminates the convergence issue except when you are in esentialy punching range, time will tell.
I would disagree. Non-AI MAX victories versus infantry are due to the MAX's great durability rather than the weapons' effectiveness. The MAX is supposed to be a walking stomping weapons platform. Because of the convergence problems of the older MAX AT weapons, landing more than one hit at a time on infantry with MAX weapons is much trickier than hitting them with normal infantry weapons. It is great fun to fight infantry with Falcons and those kills feel far more rewarding than scattermax kills, which are somewhat bland, because they are hard to pull off - the point of convergence for the old AT guns is far enough that infantry who keep moving are rarely hit by both shells. It does seem easier to land hits with the newer AT guns, but those I am still inexperienced with. A Burster Max will only kill infantry one-on-one because the MAX is so much more durable than the infantryman that even the Burster's lacklustre AI damage chews through light infantry health faster than a carbine chews up a MAX. If someone is dumb enough to stand and fight a MAX, they do die to the bursters, but the TTK is nothing to write home about. All that said, I do think that the MAX could stand to cost more resources - C4 is currently more expensive than a MAX, which is somewhat silly.
I don't agree on AV... I do agree on the AA bursters as they are already VERY effective on air. And no it's not that hard to aim at enemy infantry that is 5-10 or more meters away.
It depends pretty heavily on the AV weapon, the Pounders and Comet I never really considered very effective against their intended target or men. However the Falcon, Raven, Fracture seem to be a bit over the top against infantry targets and still maintain solid effectiveness against vehicles. The vortex I haven't seen in action enough to decide yet. Bursters could use a tiny bit of anti-infantry damage reduction but they're pretty much okay.
The new 'long-range' AV weaponry, yeah, they're a bit too much of the instant-kill side of life. The rest of them simply aren't from what I can tell. The Ravens are probably the biggest offender, it takes 2 hits and they fire a lot of projectiles.
Hey i know, lets quickly nerf VS Maxes after they've been buffed for all of two weeks, and after they were so crappy for so long. Vanu tears are the best tears!
.... I agree with the guy a few posts above; the only reason a MAX ever survives an infantry fight when equipped with AA or AV weapons is because of its durability. Even with fractures, you need to unload half a clip into someone before they die, or get that lucky head shot-- and the AV and AA weapons aren't exactly the most accurate, so trying to get that head shot isn't the easiest thing in the world. I try to never solo in a MAX, because while its durable, it's vulnerable, bulky, and slow moving.
I think a max armed with any weapon should be capable of defending itself, just that weapons like AV and AA should be naturally handicapped at killing infantry. In example, TR maxes are hard to directly hit people with their bursters up close but if they do it should still hurt otherwise they rely on the splash damage. The only max that hasn't been brought in line equally for that is the VS, where the lancer and vortex can hardly scratch infantry and is utterly useless to use to defend yourself from them as just because it is accurate doesn't mean infantry stand still all the time and if you aren't a living aim bot tracking him jumping and running while shooting at you I DONT THINK YOU CAN LAND THOSE 12 DIRECT SHOTS TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. No, sniping with them would not be possible unless you had an aim bot or something to actually hit a moving target at such distances unless he was sitting still and at that point ANY other anti vehicle weapon would kill him for the same reason. The lancer and vortex need a buff in damage against infantry to bring it up on par with the other factions who can easily do so.
No. Also lol @ the guy that thinks Falcons are good against infantry, that **** will go right through infantry all damn day without doing any damage.
Also add full auto shotgun to that list. God that weapon is awesome at taking down burster MAX units, as long as you can stay alive long enough for the reload. I have about a 50% chance of taking down a full health burster MAX and I am not even that good a player. Add in HA shields and it almost a guaranteed win.
Ravens excel against stationary infantry - absolutely suck against ones that move and especially ones that move and are close to you. People who equip them for AI duties are doing it wrong. Fractures I haven't spent enough time with - got owned by 3 infantry at Quartz Ridge while trying to fend off an armor push. 3 LA's, probably got a hit on one of them but died too fast to actually counter them. Decided not to bother with the VS AV MAX. Keeping two operational is expensive enough. Appears not to be terribly effective against infantry - melts my MAX, though. AA are decent against infantry that are within 15m of you, more projectiles will miss the further you are away from 15m. People who equip them for AI duties are doing it wrong.