A Warning to SOE & Matt Higby: Flame throwers should only be on sunderer/harasser/tank, not on a max

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TungstenCarbide, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. TungstenCarbide

    NEVER on a max.

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  2. Ztiller

    Yeah. What the Harrasser and Sunderer needs is a weapon with even shorter range than the Canister.

    YOu make a compelling argument as to why we shouldn't put them on the unit who it would fit the absolutely best.
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  3. Zenanii

    Yup, just ask NC how useful a CQC AI weapon is on their tanks/harassers.
    (Although they might still support this, just to keep their max CQC niche)
  4. Ragnarox

    Give it to NC. They already have all neat stuff.
  5. Saviorself

    Lol flamethrowers on a sundy?

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  6. SuperMedicated

    if they introduce flamethrowers, given the current state of optimization they should put a sign on the map when someone has one equipped:

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  7. gigastar

    Thats if we ever see flamethrowers in our lifetime.
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  8. Kunavi

    Well, they gave InstaGib CQC triple barreled cannons to MAX so why not... Though as LA I'd appreciate being able to fly to a building's window and torch the whole interior then fly away... LOL.
  9. RHINO_Mk.II

    They were on MAXes in beta. Back then they were great at killing enemy MAXes within 5m, pretty bad at killing infantry, and obscured your own screen so hard that you couldn't see a darn thing.
  10. Verviedi

    Killing tanks and MAXes would be logical because of convection and heating the metal up... Plus the peasants would whine if Flamethrowers could kill them.
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  11. ronjahn

    How do flamethrowers fit in the lore mix of a game which allows an infantryman to survive a tank round or rocket launcher to the face?

    Surely if they have this type of technology, they can prevent a little burn?
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  12. ShadowyN

    Flame-******ant nanites? o_O
    Sigh. Damn censoring.
  13. Demigan

    Why not on the MAX? LAG?

    You never used the NC MAX shotguns did you?
    Just think about this: LA's are shotgun gods. They can equip CQC instagib cannons as well! Everyone can use them! You even use them yourself and you love it.
    Yet most weapons used on them are Carbines. Heavies don't use them a lot either, or Medics, or Engineers... Everyone except the TR/VS MAX and the Infiltrator can use these CQC instagib weapons. Yet barely anyone does. Know why? The TTK between shotguns and any other gun is relatively small in CQC. The advantage of every other gun above a shotgun is that you don't need to be in CQC, you can use them at almost every range. CQC here is almost point-blank, as the moment you move out of point-blank you can't one-hit and you start getting a lower TTK than other weapons.
    Keep in mind, the faster, more mobile infantry rarely uses shotguns even when shotguns are godly (think tower battles with LA). Now think of the slower NC MAX, he might be able to use charge to get into the fight, or out of the fight, but not both. You need charge to get in close, and in CQC you get a ton of damage from other MAXes. Sure you'll win that fight, but MAXes are rarely alone, unless they just charged... CQC is also the nice distance that LA's and Heavies like to be when combating a MAX, a rocket to the face, a C4 block at your feet. Bye bye NC MAX.
    The only option the NC MAX has is a shotgun, it can't choose Carbine or LMG options like the Heavy or LA. Compare that to the TR and VS with only the Carbine/LMG option build in, they can deal tremendous damage at range, and can kill more infantry in CQC than the NC MAX with TTK's of 0,29 to 1 second , with much less effort. The NC MAX contrary to what you expect needs much more accuracy than the VS and TR. The VS and TR have loads of ammo and only need to hold down the trigger. The NC MAX has very little ammo, the longest reload and every miss is much more problematic as you end up reloading so much faster.
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  14. Celenor

    What's with all the tears about NC max? All it does is kill infantry slightly faster than a cycler or quasar. And to put that in reverse, if they were to remove shotgun max weapons and give NC Max a cycler/quasar equivalent, they would gain much more than they lose - the ability to have a sizable magazine that, while it might kill a few tenths of a second slower per enemy infantry, they would reload less.

    So bring it on, remove the scattercannon and give a cycler/quasar equivalent, and let's see what VS focuses on next in attempt to distract Auraxis from their own equipment.

    I think it's misleading to think of that as "lore". Break the fourth wall and let's focus on the fact it's a development decision to cater to people who think they should be able to walk right up to someone with rockets equipped, take a shot to the face and have a chance to survive and fight back.
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  15. FateJH

    The PS1 Dragon fit within an even slower TTK than ours, rockets included. It also ate through ammo like no other weapon in the game could and could only target a limited number of players at single time. (Also had an alternate fire mode that I guess you might call an explosive fireball. It also ate through a lot of a single magazine per shot.)
  16. Phyr

    "don't do it because reasons"

    Great argument you've got there. :rolleyes:
  17. ajma

    No, flamethrowers should only be on Galaxies.
  18. WTSherman

    So I'm guessing what we're using in this game are propane flamethrowers?

    Propane flamethrowers create a short, billowing cloud of fire that quickly dissipates. They're what you usually see in movies because most civilian/commercial flamethrowers use propane.


    Liquid/Napalm flamethrowers create a tight stream that can be projected for a considerable distance depending on how much pressure it's being pumped out with, then splatters and leaves burning fuel/goop all over the place when it lands.


    The latter would probably be more practical for vehicles, though obviously for balance reasons it would need to be a low damage/DoT weapon, because a constant stream of roughly Marauder-ranged insta-death would be insane. Our helmets can apparently stop tank shells, so I guess it's not too much of a stretch for our shields and clothes to be somewhat fire-resistant.
  19. ComradeHavoc

    Difference it it had great spread, because let's face it ps1 was a clunky amazing mmo.

    But the point is the NC feel a bit screwed over that if the other factions have access to CQC max weapons. The NC max's AI arsenal horrible despite what some confused players say, and we get some reparation that at least on paper it should be better In CQC.
  20. a-koo-chee-moya

    They are already on MAXs in the form of Shotguns.