[Suggestion] A-Tross verses Reaper DMR; WTF?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LaughingDead, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. LaughingDead

    Alright, for those that don't know, atross and reaper are ES ARs for the NC. For those of you who just started, empire specific assault rifles for the new conglomerate combat medics.

    Now, what about them? Nothing! And that's the problem. They differ in almost no aspect at all except in 4 ways
    RPM, better on reaper
    Muzzle velocity, better on reaper
    Ammo pool, better on Atross
    Burst fire, atross has it

    That's it, nothing else is different, why would this be a problem? Reaper is just simply better. The higher RPM makes it a gauss saw on an AR platform, the muzzle velocity puts it over Atross and burst fire and 6 less rounds in the clip is hardly, no, isn't worth trading for DPS and better leading at long range.

    My suggestion: Fix burst fire up so its more like the friggin jackhammer, slight delay, tight spread, AND ACCURATE, well at least as accurate as a shotgun gets. Burst should punish hipfire, promote great ADS at long range, minimizing the first shot recoil until the last bullet leaves the chamber, have the weapon act like a semi sniper (in the regard of damage dispersed over bullets, not better than a semi) and be put in as code into the weapons and not sold as variants.
    Swap reapers muzzle with Atross or even just buff atrosses muzzle, why should a closer range weapon get higher muzzle velocity than a weapon "designed" for long range?

    The reason for this rant is that there are so many burst option weapons that are just stupid. The second bullet would go flying the same exact way that a full auto would do, except the full auto had better control because you're not constantly fighting that first shot recoil.
  2. Pikachu

    Biggest difference is firing sound. The a-tross makes your ears bleed.
  3. Taemien

    This. It actually scares the piss out of VS and TR.
  4. JKomm

    I'd actually love an A-Tross equivalent in a Carbine... much the same as the Reaper DMR is to the AC-X11. Just more high damage weapons in general would please me.
  5. LaughingDead

    I'd like my weapons to be diverse, without ******** stat blocks stating that one weapon is pretty much strictly better than the other.
  6. Rydenan

    This is real. I swear I see enemies lose their composure and start firing (and missing) frantically when they see and hear the SHOOM SHOOM SHOOM of the A-Tross up close.
    It's the sound of 200dmg bullets, 3-headshot kills, and brown TR and VS panties. ;)
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  7. LaughingDead

    How good certain players are with bad weapons shouldn't be a balancing factor for it ._.

    I could use the mag scatter, make people fear it, it's still a poor weapon compared to competitive options.
  8. FailureOfEngineering

    Reaper has better TTK, A-Tross has 6 more bullets magnets whatever the hell it is you rebels use for projectiles in its magazine.

    That's really about it. Both rifles have insanely high muzzle velocities so the 20 or so m/s advantage Reaper has is insignificant. Likewise both rifles have very high recoil so the Tross' slightly less recoil is not that big a deal either.

    Burst fire on weapons not specifically designed for it (the B variant of carbines and assault rifles) is a gimmick and shouldn't be used anyway.

    This A-Tross vs Reaper comparison reminds me of TRAC 5 vs Jag. I see how the advantages of the former can sometimes be life saving but at the same time I realize that they're also highly situational while the latter is a much more well rounded weapon.

    I agree with buffing the velocity on the A-Tross but I'd go even further and reduce its vertical recoil as well as get rid of the annoying rightward pull. Basically capitalize on it's 'long range support' role as opposed to Reaper's 'general purpose' high damage rifle.

    P.S Have to agree with fellow forumsiders that the A-Tross sounds f-ing terrifying. Only thing scarier are Scatmaxes with automatic shotguns in close quarters.
  9. BurntMyWater

    I had to make this choice when I was getting a new AR for my NC toon. It honestly came down to the Reaper's higher RoF vs the A-Tross awesome sound. I ended up going for the Reaper. The Tross just isn't that much better at long range to make me want to use it. Even the 2x burst is rather underwhelming since you can do the same on the Reaper with proper trigger discipline.

    Now if the Tross had less recoil and tighter ADS CoF then I might have considered it. But until then the Reaper wins hands down.
  10. Taemien

    No one said that. Like literally no one said it was fine because some people are good with it. F-ck, I don't even believe anyone said they were good with it.

    We're just joking about how awesome the sound is. Sure its inferior to the Reaper. But many weapons are like that. We already campaigned for it to be buffed when it came out. They decided to not buff it. So we gave up on it.
  11. Gundem

    You realize that the Jag has x.75 ads speed?

    That's like, really ******* good.
  12. FailureOfEngineering

    Mhm. That's why the Jaguar is my most used weapon ever and the TRAC is an auraxium I will never touch again.

    Also re-read what I wrote.

    I see how the advantages of the former (TRAC's velocity and faster reload, Tross's larger magazine and more DPM) can sometimes be life saving but at the same time I realize that the latter (Jag and Reaper) are more well rounded weapons and better picks.
  13. Ryme_Intrinseca

    The tross has lower recoil as well as bigger mag size and lower rof. So it is clearly the more controllable version for use at (even) longer range, a bit like the gd22s vs anchor.

    Honestly, if NC don't want it I'll gladly scrub the freedom out of it and put it in the TR armoury. Our nearest equivalent is 167 damage model and burst fire ONLY, so pretty much worse at all ranges.

    IMO the apparent duplication of weapon roles is part of a deliberate asymmetric balance. TR ARs are ALL close range specialists, except the two burst ones (don't even know what they're supposed to be). NC is clearly orientated to mid-long range, hence some similarity in weapons in that niche is inevitable.
  14. LaughingDead

    Atross doesn't have lower recoil, that's simply the lower RoF talking.
    My mistake.
    Still, upcoming patch about construction and other notes, getting a small weapon tweak or at least something that makes the Atross worth over reaper isn't much to ask for.
  15. Lord_Avatar

    What?! You just called the glorious SABR-13 inferior in comparison to some NC garbage... Heresy.
  16. ColonelChingles

    Huh, I could have sworn that back in the Orion discussion days x0.75 ADS wasn't considered to be a significant benefit at all? :p
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  17. Gundem

    Those people were idiots, and personally I never recall having argued that the x.75 ADS was not a benefit. If I did, I suppose I was an idiot as well.

    Though to be fair, the HA takes x.75 weapons a bit differently then other classes due to the movement speed reduction of the shield, but the benefit is still there for sure.

    If I recall correctly, the few sane people in that discussion argued that the Orion was blatantly inferior to something like the MSW-R or even the CARV without the increased movement speed, as at the time it had worse accuracy.
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  18. Alexkruchev

    I love how the Orion basically dissapeared from the kill feed as soon as they got rid of 0.75x ADS speed. If it didn't matter so much, why did it drastically change the weapon's usability?
  19. Iridar51

    They also have different recoil statistics: http://planetstats.net/data/weapons/?id=7104,7108

    ATROSS gets slightly lower vertical recoil and FSRM, but gets a small recoil angle in return and slightly worse velocity.

    But yeah, I agree, they are too similar to each other. ATROSS just seams superfluous.
  20. entity009

    The mag scatter is an inferior sidearm when it comes to try to kill with it by itself. I find that it makes a great quickdraw gun for when your mag is empty and the enemy is almost dead. A pocket shotgun is easy to hit with and is really nasty in that one situation. For that reason I like to cary it as a sidearm but I would never consider running a stalker cloaker with it.

    Its not great in every situation but it does have its uses.