A tribute to the amazing spawn system+render distance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gunshooter, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. gunshooter

    This made it out of beta.

    clearly, 48 resource frag grenades=good idea.
    • Up x 2
  2. Opapanax

    Yes it did, it's not a broken thing.

    You're just cheesing it..
  3. gunshooter

    Oh yes, it's not a broken thing. it's the players fault!!
  4. RAS

    only fault lies with the players camping the tube , nothing to see here carry on
    • Up x 4
  5. Opapanax

    this also.. the cheesing allows you to make the video..
  6. gunshooter

    -Why are they able to camp the tube?
    -Why are you able to shoot out of the spawn doors?
    -Why do frag grenades have the capability to instantly kill groups of people from full health?
    -Why do frag grenades cost 48 resources, and why do you start with such a powerful tool immediately?
    -Why can the render distance get so low that you die to frag grenades from people that you can't see?

    Clearly the system is great. Everything is fine. The game is not in a beta state.
  7. Opapanax

    Place a bouncing betty or proximity mine on the teleporting tube..

    you come back, you get blown up.. Place rocket launcher wielding heavies.. watching the teleport.. once again you're fragged..

    As for you're last line.. I somewhat agree..
  8. gunshooter

    You did not even begin to answer any of those questions.

    I honestly can't understand how anyone could ever defend the spawn system in this game that results in spawn camping being the most profitable thing in the game for BOTH the attackers and the defenders. Farming kills from the safety of your spawn and killing people as they leave spawn=the best certs in the game.
  9. Opapanax

    The only one that really is a major issue is the rendering..

    The other three are player and game design related..

    They are able to camp it because I'm pretty sure they were in the process of capping the place. It looked like a tech plant and you were teleporting in from the outside spawn building..

    Grenade kill, I've played plenty of FPS's where frag grenades were instant kills..

    SOCOM, MAG, PS1, BF2, BF3, CoD's.. nothing new there..

    You don't think you're being a little extra about this tho.. really..
  10. gunshooter

    Can you name a single thing you dislike about Planetside 2?
  11. H0urg1ass

    Good grief, I made at least 2000 certs during the double xp weekend with just grenades alone. I do exactly what you did in this video every time. I get group kills of up to 20 people using this method. In fact I almost enjoy when I'm at a tech plant that I'm losing cause I know a huge cert bonus is nearly incoming.

    I also do the same thing at biolabs when the enemy is outside on the air pad. I toss a grenade, run back to the spawn grab another one, come back toss... I get way more kills than I would just sitting there trying to actually shoot people.
  12. Opapanax

  13. gunshooter

    Yep that this is a thing that is not only possible, but so insanely profitable is so stupid that it makes me wonder how no one saw that this would become a problem months ago.
  14. videogamesaregames

    Wow. It's hilarious to me people are actually contesting that this isn't stupid and poor design.

    This video clearly illustrates some of the problems with base design, teleporters, and ps2s fast ttk and people act like its the players fault and not that the developers made bad design choices. Amazing.
  15. TamaraPeluso

    Actually, all this video illustrates is that there are people who're too stupid to stand far enough back to not get hit by people throwing grenades endlessly from spawn tubes.
  16. Garrix

    You may not have noticed but they put a force field over that tube to prevent camping it specifically...
  17. Quovatis

    That doesn't work. I've tried it. The mine blows up before the player in the teleport fully renders, doing no damage.
  18. UrMom306

    How does this illustrate ps2's fast ttk? he literally has time to teleport out of the tube, walk to the left a couple steps, throw a grenade, turn around, teleport back...and he successfully pulls it off in succession.

    I agree some of the bases are poorly designed. But honestly on his side the attackers are dumb enough to stand there taking these grenades. And on the defender side, if you've been over run to the point that you are trapped in your spawn room...and your team isn't doing anything about it..then you deserve to be trapped. Whenever this happens to me, i do one simple thing.....REDEPLOY at a fall back location, re-group, re-equip, grab some friendlies, some tanks, a couple sunderers and launch a counter attack.
  19. videogamesaregames

    You don't get it. People can still camp that out of range of grenade throws and kill anyone trying to leave instantly. Teleporters with this kind of ttk is just bad design. The issue here is that it's not fun for base fights to devolve into camping teleporters or spawn doors with people having zero chance of pushing out. It's not fun to be on the other end of it just throwing grenades and running back to spawn to do it again either. It's boring and stupid.

    There's no flow to bases. Fights are frequently (but not always) over before they've began and immediately transition into this kind of thing. Either that, or it's a bunch of guys camping a different teleporter and shield door that people are trying to get into. Base design, teleporters, and fast ttk are to blame among other things.
  20. videogamesaregames

    Heavy assault is the only class aside from MAX that can do that. Anyone else is dead instantly. Makes it kind of hard for whoevers pinned like that to have any hope whatsoever of breaking out. Even as MAX and HA if you try to break out and don't immediately run back through your shield you WILL die.

    Again, the issue here isn't that the attackers are being dumb and getting killed. The issue is that this is what fights devolve into at most bases most of the time. Camping shield doors and teleporters is not fun. Running out to throw a grenade and back into spawn to get another because that's literally all you can do aside from shoot out of the shield isn't fun either. Both of these activities are dreadfully boring.