A thank you where it is due. (Magriders)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exileant, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. Demigan

    The main thing to realize is that all infantry was sadcusbad because they were designed bad, not because the player skill is somehow magically lower. Infantry isn't fast enough to catch up to a tank and finish it if it goes to repair, it's got too short a range, it's damage is low and every time it exposes itself it risks getting OHK'd if not by an indirect hit.
    If you want to talk about sadcusbad skill, then you should look to the vehicle players. Vehicles require much less skill to operate on a similar level as infantry, they require much less situational awareness to stay alive and have more time to react to opposition than infantry has when engaged.

    Yes I've heard that but why is it better? All I hear about is "Ps1 was better" but nothing to really point out why it was better except nostalgia. It was even worse of a stair-camping, one-guy-can-ruin-it-for-everyone-else crapshow than PS2 from everything I hear and see.

    Ever consider that the true supporters could be the one's who make the game lose focus because they want the old PS1 regardless of how well designed it actually was?

    Vehicles can only get some love after infantry got some love first. A simple set of nanite-based AV weapons in the utility slot that allows infantry to go toe-to-toe with tanks could solve much, and in turn allow the segregation of infantry&vehicles to finally end. Make infantry strong enough and vehicles can get new toys as well, toys that encourage CQC combat like co-ax guns, secondary and tertiary abilities fired with ctrl, c, b, x and the grenade slot. The top-gun could also get a multitude of abilities to enhance the tank and make their role more interesting than "get driven around, shoot if you see something, hold fire to coordinate".
  2. Demigan

    A moving front is a terrible thing, it basically says to the defenders "don't show up, in order for the front to move you have to lose so you are screwed anyway".

    A moving front is only necessary for two things: A change of scenery and a sense of progression. But if you enforce a change of scenery it would mean the defenders have no reason to really defend unless they heavily overpop and push the attackers back to start their own attack.
    Progression is another thing entirely. Why does progression need to mean "you've captured the base"? It could just as easily mean "you've punched through the outer defenses and can start a new phase of the attack". Bases could be set up to have multiple objectives, each objectives makes it possible to push further into the base... Or allows the defenders an easier time to defend.

    As a rough example, you first get a vehicle phase where vehicles duke it out around the edges of the base. Since the attackers by default have vehicle superiority the defender infantry needs turrets and positions to help support what vehicles they have with both defenive options and offensive things like turrets. You could have the attackers first fight to destroy generators that prevent Sunderers from being placed nearby, some generators could create NDZ's and others could simply put a shield over the Sunderer Garage's and prevent vehicles and enemy infantry from passing through. The next stage would be the infantry trying to get a foothold, which in some bases could include lowering vehicle gate shields for fire support, but it could also include finding objectives to power attacker-oriented abilities inside the base or hacking/destroying objectives that power defender-oriented abilities inside and outside the base. Put in enough phases and make each phase an important and distinct part, and you have your progression. "We are now at Phase X, we need to fulfill objectives E, F and G to progress while preventing the old C and D objectives from being reset by the defenders".
  3. adamts01

    You have a problem of taking someone's argument 10 levels past what's written. I did say that the bases on the extremes of current, those too easy to defend as well as those too easy to attack, need to be bright a little more in line. Of course denense should be possible, and fights should be just about even. But like you said, we need a change of scenery. Bases should be slightly easier to attack than they are to defend, especially with the new spawn mechanics that'll hopefully start balancing pops a little bit better.
  4. Exileant

    :confused: Personally the oddest thing I have seen as far as the bases are concerned are the Amp stations... Every last one of them has multiple massive shield generators that cover some how cannot be bothered to shield a vehicle size rear entrance to the base. This is where the Magriders ship design and jump capabilities should have been left in play. ;) Cover that hole with a shield and let the other factions use the Shield Defuse Device if they want in that badly. Personally I think Magriders should be able to Mechwarrior boost over buildings or away from danger with limited flight control like a slow Galaxy, :)eek: I mean just a deafening roar and plume of smoke shaking the ground as that massive thing took off, similar to a shuttle launch. Everyone would notice it so nobody could cry foul.) since they are so slow. o_O I also find it hard to believe that engines strong enough to blast a tank from 0 to 60 in .5 of a second does not create a minor or... MAJOR wall of dust, snow, or steam when fired, giving us a built in smoke screen during retreats where we have to turn our back. :confused: YET as it moves across water at normal speeds it seems to kick up minor clouds.... I suggested this years ago I believe.

    :( But yes, I read you. Everyone seems to be going for an Arcade feel these days. Nobody wants to think. That is why I enjoyed using the flash. :D You had REALLY to think about how you were going to kill that tank in the dead center of the other 4 surrounding it, and do so without getting your rump shot up into your neck. Hahaha! :p It challenged my mind.
  5. Exileant

    ;) A Magrider is more close range, that is why they scare you. I have taken out more than my fair share of cars trying to kill me but honestly you cannot tell me you are readily going to pick a fight with a Prowler either. o_O Anything it can do they can do better. A prowler does not have to worry about a thing if it has a Vulcan. It does not care WHAT a car has on it any damage you think you can do it can make up for it, And that cannon only has to hit you once to completely destroy your chances at victory if the driver and gunners have decent aim. Now a Vanguard since they are a bit slower may be a bit easier to deal with, But I have watched Vanguards just stop moving and turn cars to dust. :confused: The boom box is probably not as big of a threat to a car thanks to arc and spray but the bottle rocket will rip you a few in a hurry. And if you get hit ONCE by even the normal main gun... You are smoking HEAVILY. :( In a Magrider, sure they can track you something horrid, but they have to hit you like 4 times with their main gun. More if you suppress...

    :eek: As far as Relocating is concerned, I have never once seen a Magrider Relocate during a fight that has gone bad unless it was behind friendly lines. It was too slow. 21 K.P.H. sideways was not mobility it was walking And the only thing mountains have brought me is pain. o_O Magriders become unstable when it is too steep to the point of leaving its hover zone if you try to crest certain hills. This leaves you to land on your tail stripping you of 80% health, killing you if you have the misfortune, or if you are a quick thinker and can whip it around to try to "Catch" the ledge you just hopped you may get away with nose diving away 20%. Either way, unless the other tanks are lousy shots, they do not have to move. :D They simply turn sideways and use their high accelerating to turn themselves into you at that range, rocking back and forth making you miss. You being on the mountain throws off your shot something fierce. :confused: Some can do it. Most cannot. And that is why so many people hear an energetic exhale turned to blue flames. Another Magrider dead in the hills. TunaCanDan Got me coming out of the mountains today. My tank unhinged from the slope and I hit my face taking me down 50%, and his Liberator finished me off. Another dead Magrider in the hills..... :p Of coarse, I girded my loins and shot him and his friends down for it, but STILL! Hahahaha!
  6. Exileant

    o_O Demi......... If you give the same hand gun to a novice and a pro, then tell them they have 4 clips with 1 bullet each in them, meaning they have to reload the clip each time they fire, then who will be able to fire the gun faster? :eek: THE PRO THANKS TO HIM BEING ABLE TO RELOAD THE GUN FASTER!!! o_O This by default affects their rate of fire. I.E. The pro will be able to expend his bullets faster by reloading quicker. I.E. You can get to your second barrage of 2/3 shots faster so your rate of fire increases.

    :confused: When firing off the 3rd shot the tank is not in reload mode it waits until it fires that third shot, :eek: THEN reloads. And it does damage. :rolleyes: But you know what, believe what you wanna. People have no problem missing a the first shot then double thumping me and I take 2 hits.
  7. Demigan

    You talked about firing as fast as the Viper, which is about RPM and not ROF. Your ROF can change based on reload speed, but the individual RPM per magazine does not change.

    Yes that is exactly the point: When it fires the 3rd shot it isnt in reload mode so its firing speed isnt increases. The 3rd shot deals no damage, as this thread from 2016 also confirms:


    And this reddit post that also complains about the 3rd ghost shot and if you look further, this bug has been in-game since day 1 of the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside...rd_ghost_shot_getting_fixed/#thing_t1_dfd5ggp

    I did see one post of a PS4 user who did say the damage of the 3rd shot was real, and someone else who said they killed people with it. But this just begs the question: which is the ghost shot? Is it always the last one, or can it sometimes be the second shot? Which shot did these people expect was the ghost shot? If they assume the second shot is the ghost shot that is added even though its still a "real" shot they assume the wrong shot still does damage.
  8. Demigan

    If the core of the updated attacker va defender balance is centered around "the front has to move", then it can only mean the defenders get worse off even if you do remove the extremes.

    To change the scenery they would need more of a dynamic lattice that changes based on from where they are attacking, perhaps how they captured the previous base and have players be able to build their lattice links to other bases through PMB's and captureable pieces on the map. Having capture mechanics switch between captures or even during an attack (say each time the defenders manage to receive a defense ribbon) could also offer a change of scenery without leaving the base.
  9. adamts01

    That all sounds great. I'm just opposed to the popular opinion that bases should be castles. And I don't mean to imply you're on that train. I don't think attackers should have an easy go of things, just that bases should be very slightly skewed in the attacker's favor, just to avoid stalemates.
  10. Demigan

    How about this: at some point in the attack/defense, there is a way for either side to remove the other almost completely from the local area (not necessarily the base) if a stalemate occurs. It could be as simple as a timer that starts if a certain position is reached (activated by the side that gets the advantage to prevent 4rth faction grief) and if you dont finish before the timer ends the opposing group is screwed. For example the defenders activate a targeting procedure from inside the techplant that causes an artillery bombardment to clear out the enemies. In turn the attackers could activate a hack that takes control of those huge Guns inside the techplant and wipes the inside of the techplant clean for the attackers to take over. Or of the attackers capture the inside the defenders can do it to them while the attackers simply have to hold out on the point and prevent defenders from hacking.

    This way if the defenders succeed, the front starts moving back as they become the attackers. If the attackers succeed they move forwards. It means bases arent slated to the attackers just for the sake of movement, its slated to either side and shakes up stalemates without immediately screwing everyone's gameplay.
  11. AlcyoneSerene

    Glad to see the magrider receive at least some of the advertised 10 km/h speed boost.

    Original values
    High Speed Chassis 65 km/h forward, 99 km/h with magburn
    Rival Combat Chassis 52 km/h forward, 99 km/h with magburn

    Post-Patch 9:39 PM 11/13/2018
    High Speed Chassis 64 km/h forward, 104 km/h with magburn
    Rival Combat Chassis 53 km/h forward, 104 km/h with magburn

    10:17 AM 12/9/2018 Test
    High Speed Chassis 70 km/h forward, 104 km/h with magburn
    Rival Combat Chassis 59 km/h forward, 104 km/h with magburn
  12. Blam320

    I believe the change was up to 10 KPH depending on the terrain.
  13. Exileant

    o_O You are just wanting to be right and you were not. The third shot is real. And I do not believe it was a bug. 90% of bugs crash games, very few have a positive effect. ;) The few that do, were written in to work without causing the game to swallow its own tongue. Not so much as a bug as fragments of what was originally designed to be. Especially those that have been in the game since day 1.

    Yes I already knew that. It was one of the factors that drove me from making T.R. my main. I already knew people would gravitate to something that has 2 main guns, is capable of doing something it shouldn't and has an evil background story. People love being the bad guy, the bad guys always get the best toys. N.C. tends to draw Vets and kids so on the kid factor alone I knew they had more than enough people. Not to mention the Mercenary Background, Even though I knew by the look of the Vanguard that was probably to ONE tank you did not want to meet head on... :D If everyone is the bad guy and nobody is the good, then that makes for a dull game. Being Vanu means you will ALWAYS have someone to shoot at. Even though in the end it is pointless.)

    :rolleyes: You just found a Thread backing me up on it. Obviously we are not lying. None of them are ghost shots when it happens. Personally if they beefed up the Magrider's main gun and ALL speed by 3 K.P.H. more I would not care. They could leave it like that.

    ;) You found a thread that confirms my claims, no need to argue any further is there? :eek: It kills people. I have hit things with 3 shots, I have BEEN hit by 3 shots. :p Case closed.
  14. Exileant

    ;) It only moves at 68 forward with high speed unless it is going down a hill. Which is not fair, but better than it was. :eek: (It SHOULD be 70... Just as the Magburn should ramp it up to at least 110. Slower than a Harasser but enough punch to make sure that 1 second of boost got you somewhere.) :confused: They did however double its strafe speed which is not saying much considering it used to be like 17....
  15. Demigan

    "When a magical extra shell appears in my magazine rather than in my ammo storage like normally it is not a bug, it's a feature".

    Got ya. And being able to throw grenades through walls is also a feature? What's next? Lower FPS in busy area's for people who aren't on my much better PC, also a feature because it's a positive effect for me! Yeah!

    You were saying something about "you are just wanting to be right", hypocrite.

    So first you say the third shot is not a bug, then you say you didn't make a TR main because the third shot is the capability it shouldn't be doing. Cool story bro.

    Irony anyone?

    Yeah! Like Superman who gets half the superpowers in existence or a resistance against them, and Lex Luthor who always has to plan and use incredible wealth to make his plans succeed. Oh wait...

    Where do you find this information? How do you "know" what NC is playing? I've been playing NC since the beginning and I've been in squads and platoons a lot, but I don't see any more kids or veterans in NC than I see when I play VS or TR. So where does this magical knowledge come from? You did a survey under the PS2 populace? Or is this based on your much more limited PS4 population and then just the portion that ever deals with you? You don't have a lot of NC experience anyway right? So where'd you get the info about NC from?

    Yes, so pointless that the Vanu scores the most alert and continent wins even though they do not score any better with NS and carbon-copy weapons... Hmm I wonder where that comes from...

    How come it backs you up? You need to read better. Also one guy who agrees with you makes no proof.

    "we" are not lying? Obviously you are lying because you can't even get your story straight. "3rd shot is positive so not a bug, but it's also evil and something that shouldn't be possible".

    You go from ghost shots to beefing up the main gun of the Magrider and it's speed by 3 Km/h, random much? Also you have been complaining about the Magrider since forever and now you say you don't care if the Magrider's main gun would be improved as well as the Magriders speed?

    Hey maybe you haven't noticed but I also have experience with 3 shots (and more, since in one of the threads I also comment on how I have received similar with the Viper canon for example). And those threads have half a dozen people who agree with me, and one person who agree's with you but could simply not have paid enough attention or think the wrong shot is the "ghost" one and then think that this ghost shot still does damage.
  16. Exileant

    :confused: I believe that they should be castles. It gives under manned factions a chance to mount an attack. When N.C. and T.R. spread like the plague it is almost impossible to stop them, unless you get to a large base. :( I have noticed Vanu has trouble taking bases but when it comes to holding them they are top notch. But thanks to the holes, even large bases can be taken with ease from us if the swarm is large enough. I believe in the bases completely favoring the defender. o_O That is the purpose of a base.... :eek: In real life, the castle is not going to favor the invader it defeats the point of being a base. If you want equal base design you can play Halo and or Laser Tag. sooooooo, Desann has my vote there. :D A stalemate is what you want for a decent long fight. The best fights are the ones you cannot win. You rack up kills and destruction points. ;) Besides eventually even with a deadlock, one side eventually runs out of Nanites and that usually ends the stalemate unless you are fighting really talented Infantry.
  17. adamts01

    There's almost too much wrong here to list.
    You want defensive bases so the underpop faction can hold back superior numbers. Population disparity is a whole separate issue. If 100 can't take a base from 50, then what happens when pops are even? Why even bother to attack?

    Real life castles/bases.... I shouldn't even have to go here. How long is your average gaming session? Do you k ow how long it took to siege real life castles? Do you see the problem? Some simulatity to real life is great, it's an anchor that gives players something to relate to. But I don't want to log on and play hunger simulator, just to see how long I can sit behind boring stone walls eating stale bread and rats.

    Stslemates: Long fights are great. Spending all night going back and forth between the same two bases, while never taking either, is awful (Ti/Crown). I see the end goal as a persistent front. Bases get taken and lost, but instead of redeploy ING to the other side of the map, the fight continues in the fields between bases. So yes, the base is gone, but not the fight, and best of all, throughout the night you get to gradually move from base to base and from this terrain to the next. Hybrid Hex for the win.

    Super off topic, which is why I ignored Demigan's post, but yours was just too much. I also need breakfast, so sorry if I was snippy. :)
    • Up x 1
  18. Exileant

    :D I can rip this apart just like I did with your list. But I do not have to, after your first few errors it is almost wasted effort. To that end, o_O You found one post where someone was killed by the 3rd shot and one where someone has killed with it, adding mine that is at least 3 people that you know who confirm what I typed. Soooooo... :rolleyes: Yes that supports my claim. Which means I am right. :p And you are wrong.

    ;) The only other thing on your list is the Superman Comment... Now... You are talking to someone who plays DC Universe. Which lead me to watch the cartoons and read comments to do comparisons... Let me first start off by saying, :eek: SHUT UP..... :D If you knew ANYTHING about even a QUARTER of the toys Lex has built to kill Superman you would know 98% of them work and have even at times KILLED Superman, "Violently" Dual rotary handheld cannons that fire Kryptonite shells, and I am not even talking about the ones on his Lex-O-Suit. :rolleyes: A suit that bends time and space aiding him to be able to take over the Multiverse. Superman could not even stop him, because he wad murdered by Lex, (Thanks to only his riches and brainpower) so it fell to Batman. :D Even though you picked a HORRIBLE comparison, it gets worse. Have you never heard of Darksied? Superman was beaten to a bloody pulp, brainwashed with technology that would not look out of place in Hellrasiser's Cenobyte Hell, and then turned loose to conquer Earth, where he killed hundreds of thousands before being stopped with the aid of (Darksied's version of a tank) massive floating Prowler Turrets. :confused: Or how about what Vandal Savage did for the ****'s technology. Their weapons looked much cooler and the good guys did not stand a chance against them. :p Not even FUTURE Batman escaped this fact and the show was BUILT on Batman having the best stuff. o_O Watch Batman Beyond. Even the best looking and (largely unneeded) Batmobile EVER created was eventually outclassed in looks as well as power by an experimental, Nuclear attack, Mach capable, craft/tank that was stolen by a gang. It had a sad ending for both the ship and the one flying it. To the point of Batman feeling so bad for the guy he did not even bother arresting him. It was THAT powerful and it was punishment enough that he lost it. :confused: Honestly that episode kind of choked me up a bit, because it reminded me of someone putting down a dying horse in front of a child. :( Poor ship-tank....jet thing. How about my namesake in the game Yuda Kal. No outside toys other than herself, she is the former Kryptonian Goddess of Life, more so a Fallen Angel. All of a normal Kryptonian's powers, PLUS the staples of Celestial beings in the DC Multiverse, Shape-shifting, Sonic Screaming, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Geokinesis. VASTLY superior to Superman and Supergirl. Heck just her Harbinger managed to kill everyone Supergirl loved before only being TRAPPED. Thank the Lord for miracle do-overs, right?
    :D I can hit the breaks and get into the Stealth Helicopter Penguin stole, but I have proven my point, the bad guys always get the best toys.

    o_O T.R. Got the best stuff and N.C. Got the best functioning things, we Vanu got the left over perks. The ONLY neat items we got were the PPC and the Magrider, but they made sure NEITHER were worth a dog. The PPC until recently could not even damage vehicles on a Harasser.... :( And it lost ALL its kick on the Scythe. It used to be great for bringing down big aircraft, now? :eek: It is barely worth the space to kill infantry,,,
  19. Demigan

    Since you didn't rip apart anything and just added to the pile of crap I don't think you could have ripped it apart. Also what is there to rip apart? You can read right there that you first think the 3rd shot isn't a bug because it benefits you and then that it is a bug.

    Also "3 people agree with me"? I just went through the posts and I can only find one who makes a statement about the ghost shot not dealing damage, but he doesn't clarify which one he thinks is the ghost shot so he could be thinking about the wrong one.
    In the meantime you have 16 people in the Reddit thread alone who all confirm this bug, and not just on the Prowler but also other magazine-fed vehicle weapons. So... Since you think it's a feature in your favor it shouldn't be too difficult to show off how each shot deals damage in the VR for example, right? Go ahead, make a video and show off how each shell deals damage.

    Your point is that bad guys always get the best toys, but that's not really true is it? I was talking about the superman in the movies and early comics, rather than the 60+years going comics. Even so if you look anywhere close you'll see how many toys the good guys have to overcome the bad guys, there's a reason the good guys win in the end. You also mention Batman, who is quite literally the epitome of "I got the best toys", and one of your villains has to steal one of Batman's toys to actually have "one of the best toys"? Are you for real? You don't see how that negates the whole "bad guys have all the good toys" stuff? Or how your example of Superman getting defeated by a multivers-conquering Lex luthor and then needing... Batman and his toys to save the day?

    Anyway even if you had a point about bad guys always having the best toys, VS aren't inferior to the TR and NC.

    Prove it, prove that TR has got the best things and NC the best functioning things. Don't just quote anecdotes, prove it. Also you think the PPA is worthless? What universe are you living in?
  20. Exileant

    :D I am soooooooo understanding of being hangry.... It is the the pivoting point in me telling you that you and your entire family is garbage for your well put together opinion and me being the lovable diplomat you all know me to be.:p Hahaha!

    Still, yes. o_O It took Weeks months, sometimes decades of repeated attempts. However sometimes it took less than a day. And while I see where you might think a point that is very hard to take may be a wildly bad thing, however logically it is not. :eek: I am not talking about changing every gas station into an Arc Fortress. I am talking about making an Arc station the PRIZE capture. Right now unless both teams are equal it is a steam roll event. :( And there are too many coward players that will happily swap teams if they know a team is completely outnumbered. ;) To combat this we need Siege Breaker points. :)This will encourage people to think more strategic. :confused: If you cannot take the massive station, move on to a near by smaller base and try to isolate the base. (This forces your trapped enemy, to either outright abandon the base in order to try to gain ground, attempt to reconnect to their zone **Which stops their forward advance** or leaves them as the lone 300 fighting against the dying light and enjoying a good farm. This in turn, gives people a reward for fighting a losing battle. :( Nobody wants to just get steamrolled by a force that is 3 to 1 base after base, constantly. And on Vanu, it is constantly.) ;) I enjoy leading Platoons. I have several victories under my belt a Platoon leader too. It is fun to play chess with a field of checkers. Even so there are limits to what you can do even with a talented group of players. I have been a part of a team of 4 that has managed to hold off and eventually gain ground against forces of 10 or more players, but let's be honest, that is rare, even on Vanu. That is why we need places that put a tax on even a Legion class surge of force. :eek: Now if they manage to take the Amp Station or Biolab in your zone and it is a Monolithic Mega Fort, then your railing is just. If their force is large enough they can attack multiple large areas at one and you will get steam railed anyway, but at least it will slow T.R. and N.C. with these last minute victories. :( Because of T.R.'s size they simply wait until 10 minutes to push, then comeback from a 15% held loss to win with 70% territory held.... The larger factions need speed bumps. Unlike some of the staff, I do not mind off topic comments, most interesting conversations ebb and flow like the tide. I welcome it. That is how you make friends. Only nerds talk about one thing to death... :p Having having Social Skills is very important in life.

    o_O I am hungry myself now, so you, :eek: and your family-- Transmission ended.