A suggestion for new players to improve their game experience

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tamama, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Tamama

    Many new players start with combat classes in Planetside 2, and I think it's a bad idea. No matter how good you are at shooting, when you start this game, you are going to die very horribly, and you would be farmed by other experienced players for free exp. There is no exception, because this game has way too much to learn, and it also takes a LONG time to learn this game. Many people rage quit before they discover the fun of this game, because they die over and over again without getting any kill.

    I suggest new players should start with Engineer and Medic. Not only these support classes earn mega high amount of exp, higher than combat classes, they are also very cheap to cert. Supporting is also a big part of this game, so basically you start with support classes, while learning the game. You will also die a lot, but so what? you are not a combat class, you repair, supply ammo, heal, and revive, and you won't feel that you are useless. Once you learn how this game works, you can start with combat classes and proceed killing effectively. Joining a squad and an outfit also help.

    One more thing, Default guns are not inferior than the ones that you have to unlock. I'm over Battle Rank 65 and I'm still using most of the Default guns for Infantries and Tanks.
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  2. TheBloodEagle

    Please spend 1 cert and upgrade the zoom on your vehicles secondary weapon too.
  3. Targanwolf

    New people....the OP has good advice .
    I'm 6 weeks into this game and engineer is still my main and I expect will be for some time.
  4. KenDelta

    I would like to point this out , DO NOT BE FOOLED BY HOW MUCH A WEAPON COSTS , most of the "ZOMGSUPERIORMLGPRO360NOSCOPE" weapons are worth 250/500 certs the 1000cert weapons are MOST of the time not even worth it(I find them as luxury items) , unless it's a sniper rifle or an smg.

    Also don't be fooled while certing up your tanks , HEAT is more effective than AP and HE. "Oh this gun costs 1k certs , I bet it 1 hits anything!" NOPE.
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  5. Bungee

    Things to do:
    1 Buy a microphone. (even a cheap one from poundland) communication is everything and it means you can ask questions
    2 Find an outfit. Go to the squad menu and look for a recruitment squad.. You will have way more fun. Even a BR 1 player is useful to a squad.
    3 Play to your preference not what the internet says. Each weapon has a unique playstyle pick ones that suit you.
    4 Do not worry about KDR. Lets face it as a new player you are going to die. You are going to die an awful lot. If you start to worry about KDR its going to prompt you in to farming kills and not playing for the objectives.
    5 Use your new microphone to get some tutoring in the basics from someone in your outfit.

    Things not to do:
    1 DO NOT buy a HE turret for your prowler. (just dont trust me). probably counts for all factions
    2 Dont believe what is claimed to be OP on the forums. I have had a few new players who have brought what is claimed to be the most OP of all OP weapons with SC only to be very very disappointed. Get in-game advice from a veteran
    3 Dont panic
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  6. tproter

    Even BF4 isn't immune from the "god-like" status of the Engineer.

    Regrettably, the Engineer is the class best equipped to handle just about anything that comes his way, be it infantry, armor, or aircraft.
  7. Kugelfisch

    Don't forget your towel!
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  8. lilleAllan

    I agere.

    Default guns are very good.

    Also, specifically for NC players:
    Combat medic is the only class that has access to cheap (250 certs) CQC weapons. So noobs who play medic can:
    1. get those support xp
    2. buy an affordable CQC weapon for towers, bio labs etc. without spending cash.
  9. Littleman

    Once they get their carbines. SMG's are meh except in CQC, where they're 8D

    But seriously, engineers in PS2 have all of the flexibility of a heavy assault, they just exercise it differently. Medics freaking need grenade launchers (that only fire AT rounds or flak) in my opinion, but I may be biased.

    And the starter rifles and carbines for each empire? Glorious pieces of equipment. LMG's are like black sheep though. Definitely a change of pace.
  10. tproter

    All great points.
  11. Tamama

    When new players start with Engineers / Medics, they don't really have to worry about their guns. These are just stepping stones for their future combat classes. A full support Engineer / Medic can earn far more exp than a combat class, except Max. For example, my Medic's score per minute is 1.83x more than my heavy, and my engineer has 1.4x more than my heavy. But if you really want to shoot, their default weapons are just as powerful.

    Most likely, new players is going to have trouble on what to look on the map and mini-map, the bases' layout, what to capture, what icon is what on the map, what needs to be done, and too much more. And also figuring out where is the most traffic areas, and the choke points.

    So far for combat classes, the ONLY required weapon that cost 1000 certs is SMGs for CQC Infiltrators. Otherwise, Defaults and the ones that cost 250 certs is more than enough.