A SCATMAX tries the Mercy (yup)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. sigur

    Aand you are right, sir :D
    I edited the post, but forgot to change the number :fail:
  2. khai

    The thing with this argument is that it is in regards to what NC and TR think of when they consider a max role which is shock troop at close to punching range usually inside facilities especially the bio labs. VS maxes are simply not well suited for this role when compared to the other factions where they excel is medium to long range and anti vehicle (at least compared to other maxes) so it is basically comparing apples to oranges.

    To be honest I think that the nerf was a little too much, but for some reason it has always been SoEs policy when doing nerfs to go all out with multiple nerfs at one time and then slowly buff back, instead of fine tuning with a single aspect nerf at a time and reviewing the data and then adding another factor if needed. But look on the bright side if they stay true to form you are in for some buffs in the near future.
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  3. MykeMichail

    Today it took me 4 shots to kill a guy who was about 15 m away from me. 4 shots out of a total of 20. Or 1/5 my total magazine.

    If they're going to give us:

    Tiny magazines
    Long reload times
    Slow rate of fire
    Rapid damage drop off

    Then the least they could do is give us consistent spread patterns so it doesn't take 3 shots to kill someone at a given range one time and 6 to kill the same person at the same range the next time.
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  4. Blitzkrieg

    Difference is, a Dual Mercy TR max can't kill a Rank 5 Kinetic Max suit being repaired by 4-5 engineers in under a second.
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  5. Chipay

    Soooo.... you spending half an hour trying take TI Alloys without success is proof that TR max is viable? :confused:
    Strange thing is, is that i did not see anyone using C4 or Rocket launchers versus you (making it look like you didn't die once in this video really gives a wrong idea), when it's clear that you got blown up by them 9 times in your killfeed.

    All in all your K/D with it is etremely high, but it doesn't take away that when i look over a corner i'm more scared of seeing a NC max than a TR....

    Also, did everybody notice that VS did not even use 1 MAX against this guy? Goes to show you that all Vanu just agree with our max pulling the shortest end....

    MAXes are surely not garbage, it's just that places where TR and Vanu MAX'es shine (small open bases, the outside of Tech and AMP station) are also the places where people spam air and vehicles like it's their mission, you had a large army of tanks and aircrafts to cover you, making any MAX not something to just "pull out and get some kill" but something that can shine in only certain situations.
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  6. Threat

    Did you not read his point numero three?
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  7. Laraso

    If you watched the video, you'd see I fought around ~6 VS MAX and killed around 3 of them.
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  8. Fenrisk

    Most of your kills were ASSISTS at TR Alloys also known as tank spam city. You didn't rush into any rooms instant gibing enemy squads. You didn't instant gib anyone. You tickled the enemy while they were being farmed by TR forces and kept running back under the metal walk way every few seconds.

    You also had to drop back into cover every couple of kills were you edited out you being repaired from near death damage or a rez. The NC max takes out enemys before they can do any damage or before it takes significant damage. Thats why the forums had videos of NC maxes owning squads before needing a fix up.

    NC max had 300+% damage per second more then TR max with mercys. Balanced? I highly doubt. That's the damage output of 3+ maxes of any faction.
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  9. Blitzkrieg

    Did you not read what I said?

    Beating some one in a one on one dual is one thing, but killing a max suit with 4 engineers repairing and rank 5 kinetic armour in under a second is stupid.

    If you don't think that is completely over powered , then your as stupid as is your vain attempts to defend the NC max weapons.
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  10. DramaticExit

    Most people you kill with an NC MAX will have been already shot at a little by someone else.

    This was also the case with NC MAXes. You would kill two or three people, then you had to disappear to reload and repair. That's just how it worked. The only way of "owning an entire squad" is if the entire squad was stupid enough to try and stand on the same pixel. Something that's generally regarded as tactically unsound, and the same results could be achieved with a single rocket or grenade.

    The NC MAX was nerfed harder than it needed to be, as a result of a balance team kneejerk reaction.

    As for the issue of instakilling enemy MAX suits with a scat/hack/grinder MAX, I'm pretty sure there was a method of resolving that issue without rendering the NC MAX less worthwhile against regular infantry as well.
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  11. GekkoWar

    Great Thread!
    I think a Mercy Max should have the same chance to win against a Hackmax in 5m like a Hackmax against a Mercy Max in 10m+ distance....
    MAX vs. MAX isnt balanced! Balance doesnt mean that TR always win at every range!
  12. Zcommando

    Nice job. I agree Scat max got killed off. It needs to be brought back
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  13. Goretzu

    What sort of "killing rampage" are you talking about here?

    NC AI MAXs could rack up a lot of kills, but they basically involved sitting at a choke point with multi-engineer support for repairs and ammo packs.

    Not so much "killing rampage" as "standing still with support and letting people walk into thier guns". o_O
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  14. StormFrog

    What you see: NC MAX 12% ahead of VS MAX.

    What I see:
    TR 9% ahead of NC overall.
    Prowler 24% ahead of Vanguard (24%!).
    Scythe 16% ahead of Reaver.
    NC MAX 12% ahead of VS MAX.

    Least played and therefore least impacting on the game? MAXs.
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  15. Laraso

    You're joking, right? Yes, rushing into a room with an NC MAX gets you kills, but it also kills you. It's suicidal and I never do it with my NC MAX.

    I edited the lengthy repairs out of the video to trim the video size. It was 35 minutes unedited, and removing the repairs halved the video length to 16 minutes. That's specifically why I included an image of the Killboard, to give the video more clarity. I didn't hide anything.

    Yes, I had to fall back for repairs after a few kills. I have to do the same thing when using an NC MAX. The difference is that I have to fall back after every kill as an NC MAX now that we have terrible ammunition reserves and tiny magazines.

    Yes, they did more damage, but the damage they did overkilled infantry so that is irrelevant. The TR MAX did less damage but it was able to keep that damage sustained FAR LONGER than the NC MAX could. The only time where the super-high DPS of the scatmax actually became relevant was in fights with other MAXes, which as I already said was stupidly overpowered. Post-nerf they are on equal footing in CQC with the MAX miniguns which is wrong because a shotgun should easily kill a minigun at CQC, as I said already.
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  16. Threat

    And if you had read his point 3:

    "That is true, and as I've said many times before, it was the only thing truly overpowered about the scatmax. Before the nerf, I had instantly killed countless enemy MAXes just by walking up to them. It was stupidly overpowered and something needed to be done about it. "

    You wouldn't look so stupid to me now.... As he, and most, do totally think so. But please, continue.
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  17. Badgered

    That's exactly what this is. Anecdotes are a poor man's evidence. The statistics don't bear out what you're trying to prove. Therefore, you're wrong. I have managed to 49-1 with a Flare. Does that mean the Flare is overpowered or good? No. It just means that I got lucky and my opponents had the reflexes of a dead cat.
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  18. StormFrog

  19. Laraso

    You're talking about the pre-nerf scatmax MAX vs MAX balance, which as I said in my third point, was stupidly overpowered. As I also said in my third point, the balance is now on level ground where a scatmax will kill a mercy MAX at an almost equal time even in CQC, which shouldn't be the case because a shotgun should easily beat a minigun in CQC.
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  20. TintaBux

    Well said that man.
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