We were using it as a transport. As soon as we noticed the friendly Vangaurds in front of us were randomly exploding, we looked up on the cliffs above us and saw lots of VS shooting down on us with AV turrets, we drove the Harasser up the hill and got out to go kill the engineers.
Haha..i was up on that hill. You guys pushed with a LOT of infantry versus the 20ish of us up there. Took ages to dive you guys back. It was a fun fight. No offense intended, but the overall NC forces were oblivious to the AV MANA turrets and lancers on that hill for some time and the ones that were set up on the hill north of the Broken Arch Road (just east of Cross Roads). Good cross fire action going on. But seriously...join the VS, not TR! We need capable scientists...err soldiers.
I wish the alerts would end on a reasonable east coast time on an east coast server. Some people have day jobs. I've put in all but the last ten - 15 minutes on several occasions.
My biggest peeve is a tactical issue, not a strategic issue. Outfit and platoon leaders are never going to agree on the best tactic to take a continent, or win an alert. As long as everyone in command is doing something useful, its fine. My peeve is that I see our opponents using smarter tactics than us all the time, but the NC is oblivious, and we aren't even starting to learn. We are ineffective at actually doing more than aiming and shooting, and the blame falls on the NC squad and platoon leaders using generic tactics that have been countered by our enemies months ago. The most blatant is spawn beacons. I NEVER see spawn beacons used effectively when I'm in a non-Longbow squad. "MLG" or zergfit alike, all NC squad and platoon leaders seem to think that spawn beacons are only for using if you're attacking and then only if the sunderer goes down. Meanwhile I see our enemies using them very effectively all the damn time. Its like NC is incapable of learning from experience, learning from the enemy's tactics, or learning from failure, let alone coming up with something by themselves. I'll go ahead and additionally accuse the NC of relying on numbers to win. When an enemy sunderer drives up and I'm not in a Longbow squad, 90% of the time the tactic used is "attempt to kill every enemy", instead of "attempt to kill sunderer". This reduces down to a numbers game. When the NC has more, it can win, when it has less, it is doomed to failure. And when our own sunderers are destroyed, its like its a big fraking mystery how or why it happened. About 1/3rd of the time that I log in, I choose to find another friendly platoon to roll with instead of staying with Longbow for the night. I think its important to "cross-pollinate" and learn new ideas and tactics. Most large NC outfits have probably seen me in their open-to-public platoons from time to time. But I think most of you do less with more, instead of more with less, and its frustrating. I very often see a defense set up, and think to myself, "If they were serious about defense, they would make sure every squad leader had a spawn beacon set out. They must be trying to farm certs more than defend this territory, because that's the only reason I can see why they're not killing that sunderer." Hell, during double XP days, I'm all for farming certs. I deliberately allow battles in my favor to continue in those situations. But the rest of the time? We should be trying to kick ***, and its not rocket science what has to be done, just look at what our enemies are doing to us.
No kidding eh. Multiple times Vanu has been really close to warpgating the TR on Indar only to have NC platoons cut us off instead of helping. Multiple times our platoon leads would say "Dont shoot NC unless they fire first" just as an added hint that perhaps working together is better. Everytime we get bullets to the head and sit in confusion thinking, "Are they really this stupid. Can they not see what is going on?" I can understand that pubs may not get it but large platoons with sense should. I have played all factions and 2 months ago settled on Vanu because of how orginized it is (waterson). Even though we are underpowered and under pop it still beats sitting in your chair muttering to yourself that your platoon lead is a fupping moron and the whole faction is played by a bunch of apes. Though Vanu has its moments where it seems like it has been hit by a baseball bat and is dazed, in these moments you join a platoon and have some fun.
Has happened more times than I can count. More over instead of pushing the very last 2 territories that TR hold in the NC area, the NC decide to go ghost cap (with a platoon mind you), empty VS bases. Yes, color me confused with the NC sometimes.
Usually, what I see is that the NC are initially cooperative, but then the VS start backcapping our territories so we leave to go ghostcap them back and that leaves a foul taste in our mouths when we finish that up and get back to the front lines.
http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/waterson-nc-serious-facepalm.122878/ Here is one of my previous threads that is relevant. Basically, NC/VS were in a perfect opportunity to remove TR Indar buff & entire NC platoons threw it away to go cap west toward Vanu territory. Fortunately, I keep aspirin next to the computer in these situations or my teammates would induce a migraine.
Several times now in the last few days, I see NC lose a couple territories around a biolab, and their pop in that lab jumps to platoon strength as a pre-emptive defensive hacksaw farm. They then sit there for 20 minutes with VS having merely "allies detected" the entire time and capping everything around the biolab and just ignoring it.
Oh dear. We may be somewhat to blame for this. I don't think comms are to be used for discussion of strategy or tactics. Simply for short bursts of inter-outfit communications and for those lone wolf types who can't read the map. Still, I think you're selling the NC short on Waterson. We just gave 'em what for on MLG. Allegedly. The tea chat is definitely my fault. I don't really need the comms either way. So sometimes the voices sneak in.
You are the leader of an outfit that has 9 players, you can't even organize your entire outfit to fill ONE galaxy and you come in here and complain that the NC aren't organized or use tactics, because we didn't drop what we were doing and listen to a nobody in a nobody outfit that barking orders in an in game command channel. Let me fill you in one a little secret... We were probably busy running our 1 to 2 FULL outfit platoons, while coordinating in TEAMSPEAK with other leaders of major outfits that can also field 1 to 2 full platoons from their own outfits. According to the situation you laid out in your post, I would say that IGNORING your demands to try and save lithcorp was the smart tactical choice and that you even suggest it, tells me you have no idea what you are talking about. Ikanam is a much more valuable base to hold, its easier to defend, easier to move troops and vehicles from to defend or assault deepcore geolab and/or northgrove post. If we have already pushed that far into VS territory, then are attention needs to be elsewhere while we contain, which Ikanam allows us to do more easily. Holding Lithcorp is much more difficult and puts troops on the wrong side of the mountain range, basically boxing those troops in a corner, while it sits right outside their warpgate and it would end up being a troop sink, with extremely limited options to advance further. While Ikanam is easy to hold with less troops, we can still continue to containing the VS, while pushing territory elsewhere more easily. And since you said we won the event I would venture a guess that is pretty much what happened.
Yes, Platoons holding a Bio Lab against squads of VS is veeerrrry important. The reason that alert was won was because VS had no presence during the alert. Basically anyone that pushed into VS territory didn't have to defend much to hold it, and NC was closest. It was not a strategic advantage than won the alert for NC. Sorry to tell you.
It's smart to throw all your men into an empty biolab with 85% NC population and ignore territories which are actually being attacked that could actually use those men? Let me tell you, this was in the last few minutes of the alert. Losing Lithocorp made us lose territory, thus decreasing the amount of XP reward we recieved. If that's the kind of stuff your platoons discuss in TS (which wouldn't surprise me, to be honest), then I have more brains and organization in the dead skin shed from my left index finger than everyone in your outfit combined.
I actually think they are almost *more* valuable on defense. Best way to kill sundies is coordinated drop podding + C4. When I SL, (Which is probably about 50% of my playing time) the very first thing that happens is the beacon goes down.
As fellow jeager player stuck with this bad waterson NC... I encourge you to make a VS alt... VS don't even need orders chat, everyone seems to just know that to do to use their limited numbers for maximum effect. I don't often see calls for backup in VS orders chat, and if I do I know they mean it, and people respond to the call. Come play VS for 1 weekend man, get a look at the NC from the other side. I would say check out TR, but they way to zergy for my taste...
100% right. Jaeger was considerably better before the merge. Mattherson isn't much better. All but the VS outifts on Waterson are completely cancerous.
Rose colored glasses. Jaeger had only one continent with a fight, the other two were just a bunch of ghost cappers humping each others territories, and actively avoiding fights. And the one continent with a fight was always Indar, where one of our platoon leaders referred to the territories surrounding the Crown as "The Event Horizon". And if he ever led the platoon to one of those territories, a large portion of his players would be sucked in to the Crown fight, and he'd never get them back. In most respects the merger was a good thing.
There was nobody on other continents because Jaeger didn't have the population to support it. The Crown has always been a problem on every server and Jaeger was no different. The difference is how things played outside of the crown.