Do any of you bother with a compensator or HVA? I unlocked the SABR today and am enjoying it a lot, currently just running the advanced forward grip with a 2x reflex sight. That kick on the second round in the burst could be negated nicely by a compensator, but I'm pretty sure with a bit of practice it could be controlled just as easily sans attachments, and I'd prefer to minimize my minimap presence where possible! As for HVA, the decreased damage drop-off at range is appealing for farther engagements, but it does add a bit more vertical kick, and at 620m/s the SABR's base velocity is already pretty good. Care to share your thoughts?
I use the compensator mainly to get as tight grouping of shots as possible, accuracy is the key with this weapon. HVA is bit of a mixed bag as it ironically hurts your precision at range--on the other hand it helps (just a bit) when shooting at a moving target.
I run with compensator and grip. You wont be hipfiring your SABR anyway, (and when you do its usually in your enemies face) so there really isnt any downsides to using compensator. On the other hand, the compensator noticeably help ADS at any range. I dont like HVA on it. I dont know why but it feels like it doesent need it.
Mmm the HVA is a bit of a conundrum. The decreased damage drop-off is the most appealing part, but I don't even know to what degree it affects that without proper testing. My accuracy with the SABR itself is improving just since yesterday, am going to go without the compensator for now and see how I go. Was curious how others run it though
I run with the Compensator, but dropped HVA recently. The added recoil often put the second round off target (when going for headshots) and the muzzle velocity is excellent anyway.
With the battle rifle i put a laser sight instead of a forward grip since the sustained recoil isnt much of an issue with that weapon and at its close range capabilities are its weakest point. Giving it hipfire accuracy has saved my skin a few times. I was thinking of applying the same train of thought to the SABR. Is the advanced forward grip necessary? I think i have noticed the second bullet had a slightly bigger cone without it. Im not even sure if this gun gains as much benefit from a laser sight. its a spammable two round burst not a single shot that needs to be accurate.
If you're shooting at things 30+ metres away definitely the forward grip - that horizontal deviation gets quite irksome. I've hipfired the SABR when in a pinch and it can do it, but you really wanna ADS whenever you can, as that's where the accuracy is. For that reason I've not used the laser with it, but no reason it couldn't function in the same way. Its hip CoF is probably better than AMR-66. Give it a go in VR or something *EDIT* Just looked it up, the hipfire is a lot better than the AMR's
hey there comrade! my sabr-13 loadout is: advanced forward grip, 2X or 3.4X red dot optics, compensator and HVA... i use the compensator for offset the extra recoil of the HVA, the extra sound of the compensator is not an issue at the distance that i shoot and the HVA give me the chance of extending even more the distance...
My Sabr-13 loadout - HVA, laser sight, 1x reflex. Side to side recoil is negligible (one of the lowest in the entire game).
I run 4x crosshair, compensator, and grip. Great at long range, and up close, I actually do pretty well with just hip-firing. I don't run with HVA, as I don't see much of a personal advantage of more velocity with more recoil, but your mileage may vary.
4x cross, silencer, grip. Still awesome. Get the timing right and it's practically a full auto weapon, aka, a better Gauss rifle. The only thing better than that? A Gauss rifle burst, since it only pulls to the right, not in either direction at random as with the SABR-13.
The SABR is one of two (definitely two, maybe three) guns in the game that gets a 25% reduction in vertical recoil as opposed to 15% with a compensator.
Ah interesting. I've put it on the back-burner in pursuit of the Shuriken, but will give the compensator another go when that's done.