A Question About Re-Playability

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 13lackCats, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. 13lackCats

    What makes a game re-playable for you?

    Is it leveling?
    Chasing certs?
    Different Weapons?
    Different Looks?
    Variety of gameplay?
    Perfect Balance?
    Endless multiplicity of strategic and tactical engagement scenarios containing uncertain process or result?
    Following the same path to the same places in the same order with no variety?
  2. Littleman

    Being fun to play.

    That's an option, right?

    Specifics? Randomness. I could follow the same path over and over, but if chaos remains random, the game remains fun. It stops being fun when chaos is broken down into order.
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  3. Konfuzfanten

    killing ppl rarely gets old.
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  4. AtroposZero

    Dopamine. Lots and lots of dopamine.
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  5. Devrailis

    I came for the explosions, stayed for the Vanoo buns.
  6. Nocturnal7x


    and yup.

    Although games like BF3 and COD got boring to me very quickly. Ive played Killing floor a lot, couple hundred hours worth, playing with friends makes the game more enjoyable. And in this game, the game is so huge, the bases/terrain are diverse enough that when put together with the **** ton of different people to interact with give it more longevity.

    Also the freedom, there is a lot of freedom, there is a lot to do in this game, tanking, flying, healing, repairing, close range combat long range combat, huge fights small fights there is a lot of variation in combat as well. Ive got almost 400 hours in, and no plans to stop.
  7. Tobax

    Working together with my outfit and being able to make tactical plays together that actually change the course of battles, like saving a base from being taken by enemy forces, or making a fast capture of an outpost giving our zerg a vitally important link, stuff like that.
  8. gigastar

    Im going to quote something from the campaign of one of my all time favorite games, Star Wars: Battlefront 2;

    "Blowing stuff up never gets old."
  9. SpcFarlen

    Its fun and i enjoy it. I dont need some reward or achievement message to keep me on. Hell i dont jog each day because when i get home i get a cookie, though that doesnt sound like a bad idea...
  10. Phazaar

    Any game that has 'replayability' is worthless in my mind, because replayability = linear progression.

    You should simply never stop playing in the first place. You might start a new character, but you're not replaying the game, you're just STILL playing the game.

    What's necessary for constant-playability (a better way to look at it imho) for me? Uniqueness. The game has to make me crave something that I can't find somewhere else.

    I'm a bit of a 'car person', but sadly haven't had a car for the last year or so. I quite frequently get the urge to get behind the wheel, and racing games satisfy that (to an extent). When I have a moment (normally after a good film) of craving, I'll play a racing game. I have no particular feelings about any racing games (beyond 'better->worse' comparisons), as they all provide me with much the same gameplay on the whole.

    Sometimes I want to build something cool, maybe with a friend or two. Terraria's got a unique level of depth and creativity to it, whilst also being incredibly easy to learn. Fits the bill perfectly, and I come back to it every couple weeks.

    Sometimes cravings get a bit specific and I'll really miss a particular 'moment' in a game (e.g. yanking some frat boy out of a Banshee and stealing his car in GTA, or the perfect Fibrewire in Hitman), which will drive me to a specific game despite similar mechanics to other games in most senses.

    For PS2 then, it fills my 'MASSIVE BATTLES ARE FUNZ' cravings, and fortunately for all you would-be killers, that's my daily craving ;)
  11. Alarox

    There's the thrill of the combat itself, which tends to give some pretty good gunplay, tank battles, and aerial battles, but what keeps me coming back is being able to fight in and influence a war.

    RTS games are about micro-managing. Turn Based Strategy games remove the sporadic nature of war. A game like this is ideal.

    Leading a squad is a pretty great thing for me as well. But as long as I'm with an above-average force with some coordination, I can keep coming back.

    When you have that, the combat itself gains a new meaning, and anything that would be epic before becomes even more so. It's like playing through a cinematic experience in a video game that was pre-determined by the developers, then going into a sandbox game and it occuring naturally. Similar result, big difference in experience and thrill.

  12. Gavyne

    I have played all 3 factions now, and am currently working on my VS character on Helios. Thanks to the 3 faction system, replayability in this game is better than other games. Like BF3 for an example where once ranked up a character there's no reason to rank up another.

    For each faction characters, the ranks & certs are the carrot, getting new weapons are still exciting and fun, and helping out new factions when they're outnumbered is also fun. I stopped playing my NC character on Helios due to NC being overpopulated. Playing VS gives me more targets to kill, it's fun stuff.
  13. 13lackCats

    For me, KF was one of the least re-playable games I ever saw. Deleted after about 5 hours play.

    When the horde is numbered and you know exactly when it will end, the paths are the same, I trashed it ASAP.

    PS2 will resemble KF soon enough, I fear. Heck, they even put timers on generators. Isn't it enough to know if its spinning off the mounts that its probably not safe? Or...do you have enough time to stabilize it? ? Now, ya just read a timer. Blaeh.

    In KF, you also know what direction they're coming from. Every time. I grew so weary of that. PS too will soon be that way too.
  14. Ganelon

    Playing with an outfit is fun (well, in most cases).
  15. Kujo

    I enjoy the gameplay. Also, the battles offered in Planetside 2 are unlike the battles offered in any other game.
  16. h00n

    Spilling the blood of untermensch Vanu on the soil of Indar and the ice of Esamir.
  17. The King

    I played CS:S for years..
    There wasn't leveling or anything.
    It was for fun and it improved my KD/R

    This game, it's not for the KD/R since I even die on purpose to get my faction some XP points for rezing me.

    I play this game because to me, it's fun.
    But I do not like ghost capping, it's boring. That's why I like that they made it where you do not have to be there to get it capped at the same speed as if there was 100 people at the location and that they show that there are enemies around so I can try to find fights.

    I also like looks.
    However, you'd have to pay for it.
    Though, I would think that SOE can implement some sort of loot of some sort where you can obtain some sort of look item at random times. There's many ways to play in this game and I do find it enjoyable playing as many roles.

    I also love getting headshots with the bolt action, however, at short distances it is not working like it used to since more people are wearing that NW ~3 now.

    For this game, I play for fun and to kill people in high graphical setting on a 10.5ft projected image. Feels great.
  18. Ashnal

    Randomness, and the emergent gameplay that is a result of so many variable factors floating around in the game world. While the base mechanics are always the same, the situations we use them in are ever changing.

    This is also a big reason why I love roguelike games as well.
  19. Advanced Darkness

    Well I'm staying because the next expansion is The Lich King
  20. jjruh

    I replay it because its fun, and the amount of tactics and strategy in the game.