A new rifle for ma Heavy (TR)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Allisrem, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Allisrem

    So yeah I just got the final Auraxium "achievement" with the T7 MiniGun...

    What weapon should I go for next with the Heavy Assault on Terran R?
  2. DatVanuMan

    Well, whatever weapon you haven't Auraxiumed yet that you like...
  3. Allisrem

    Well that's the point, I don't know what weapon I like... I basically only played the Minigun for the Heavy-Assault-Achievements so far (Rly want that auraxium Armor) and I don't know what to play now... Only played vehicles elseway, so I basically have no idea :(
  4. DatVanuMan

    Well, um...
    How about the CARV? And if you have the certs, the MSW? They're really good LMGs, so you might enjoy using them.
  5. Nerazim

    If you don't have Auraxium on the CARV, I'd go with that next
  6. Allisrem

    What would you buy for them? extended mags n other stuff?
    Oh and what are the strengths and weaknesses?
    talking about the CARV and the MSW
    Oh and what about the T16 Rhino and the TMG-50? They're cheap, are they any good?
  7. KenDelta


  8. Ikarius77

    Carv for allrounder
    Msw-r to CQC
    Rhino for substained fire primary at médium ranges
    Tmg for médium to long ir you can aim
  9. Sir.Rip Yo Fezz Off

    Yeah, the carv is mad fun. Only thing i've been using part from the MCG
  10. Alienhatman

    Just use the Anchor for a gun that's great at all of these.
  11. BeefySleet

    MSW-R, amazing weapon and probably my favorite LMG in the game.