A new Indar incoming?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by BoogieHegdehog, May 30, 2013.

  1. Psychokiller22

    I'm pretty sure what you are seeing is just a bug. As you may know there isn't just one texture placed there are multiple layers in what's called blending. You're probably popping in different layers of texture as you fly over.

    Well at least I hope so since that looks god awful
  2. Eclipson

    Defiantly a bug, the game seems like it is confusing textures. Especially those green and cobbled roads.
  3. RoyAwesome

    Those look like the hossin textures...


    Yeah, for sure. Some of these are hossin textures, some are TechDemo textures, some are unused Indar textures.

    Obviously bugged, but some of these textures are from continents you haven't seen yet
  4. TallPaul_S

    You mean the green textures that are only on the roads, and the cobbles that are only on the roads? If it is a bug (which it isn't ;)) then it's a)everywhere and b) something very wrong.

    Ground textures, much like other textures, have various different versions - the textures you see close up aren't the textures you see off in the distance - the game loads in the required textures as and when it needs to, as you move from place to place.

    It's the same with the new gun models on the PTS, up close they are the new models, but step back from the soldier holding the gun a few feet and the old model loads in.

    The new textures are far too sculpted to the ground to be a bug, go and have a look for yourself. If anything, the road textures are better, they more clearly outline the roads. The green texture may not be final, but certain areas look awesome, definitely feels more alive.
  5. RoyAwesome

    This is not true. They are the same textures, they are just mipmapped at load time. The poping you see is the terrain going from one LOD to a new one. For some reason it's switching textures when it does this.

    Models behave the way you describe, however.
  6. BoogieHegdehog

    I told people that the video wasn't the best way to see it, it was just to show people a quick comparison and to interest them enough to go check it out for themselves. God knows we need more people on the PTS anyway.

    Looking back I see my mistake, the Safety Dance isn't a bad song.
  7. Citizen H

    It's a bug.
  8. notyourbuddy

    My 5$ camos do not approve of this. No sir not one bit.

    Gonna assume for now its just a bug. Entertaining video nonetheless.
  9. Takoita

    Looks good, IMHO.
  10. SpcFarlen

    I also like it, looks a lot more unified in theme.
  11. Hosp

    I like the look, but on last testing, (couple days ago) the new terrain disappeared as I approached it. Is this an issue with settings or just incomplete in general?
  12. BoogieHegdehog

    Just posting to confirm that this (bug?) has been fixed on the PTS, it would be nice to hear some more about it from SOE though. I, along with others, find it hard to believe this texturing was nothing more than a bug.
  13. Eclipson

    It looks like they are testing Hossin and Oshur textures really
  14. Anshegar

    Not good optimization, not new airplanes\tanks\machines , not balance for gal , not fixing bugs, not new game-play decisions..... but new textures... yes, we all waiting only new F*KIN textures!!! Yes i am f*kin VERY Happy this useless , not necessary textures!
  15. GraphicJ

    Very green roads that suggest lush vegetation on it doesn't make sense when it's surrounded by desert and sometimes sand. Also I was under the impression grass/plants die off on roads where vehicles run over them all the time?

    All green and no more true desert on the North?...

    [IMG] ...to Indar.

    All in all It looks nice but some parts are odd.
  16. OldMaster80


    I believe this is a texture swap, those textures do not belong to Indar. It might be Hossin stuff actually.