[Suggestion] A buff/revamp for Flashbang grenades and Decoy grenades.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. UberNoob1337101

    A lot of people were saying that flashbangs for LA and decoy grenades for Infiltrator are very situational and ineffective. Here are some ideas to balance them out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flashbangs are meh. They are basically much weaker concussion grenades, but in order to get the full effect they need to explode right next to that person/very close to them. Simply an all-round buff will prove useful for these (Increased radius, longer lasting effect) and even maybe blind vehicle drivers but on a much shorter time period? That would make them an actual alternative to frag grenades. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decoy grenades are pretty bad, since they do barely anything and aren't nearly as good as EMP and frag grenades. Had an idea that the grenade detonates on impact but it also creates a decoy of you that you can switch to. You can move it but not cloak and shooting as that decoy does no damage. You can move the decoy around and it has 1. much higher health (2000-2500) and long duration time or 2. infinite health but short duration time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some random ideas. TL: DR They really need a buff, since their competition is outpreforming them by a big amount.
  2. Epicstrat

    Dude, Decoy grenades were removed from the game for being useless. They don't exist anymore.
    • Up x 1
  3. Carl1879

    During the brief time they were in the PS4 beta the only use I found for decoy grenades was throwing them in a room known to have a few spitfires in and watching the chaos as they all open up on it, not very effective (apart from that one time I made a spitfire kill the engineer that placed it lol) but pretty amusing.
  4. MechSniper1324

    Yeah they did distract spitfires, but so many people complained about them, and nobody would buy them. Funny thing though everyone was buying them up when they learned they were getting scrapped just to test them out.
  5. Steza

    Increase the radius but keep the duration the same for flash bangs. Also how does a flash bang affect someone in a tank? last time I checked there's no windows.

    Oh something fun to do is run up to a enemy phalanx turret and ask for ammo usually engineers are inside them when they pop out open up. Had it happen to me twice today and been trying it ever since.
  6. Hatesphere

    its like the 29th century, I would hope that the prisms/cameras on a tank could handle a flash bang.