903rd Mattherson moving

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamCommanderShepard, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. IamCommanderShepard

    903rd would like to announce that we are moving to Vanu due to the fact that spandex is better.

    1: Zoe max
    2: Lancer
    3: SwegRyderp
    4: lasher (I like being lashed. Giggity)
    5: Higby
    6: Ginyu Force Rules
    7: Sweg
    8: Strikes are OP
    9: WrydHarper beats me at night
    10: Mustarde likes to kill me and I want to make him stronger

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  2. Devrailis

    Somehow I always knew Wyrd wore the pants in the relationship.
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  3. Radioactive Bomba

    Soo good 1 april joke ahahaha... 7/10 I was entertained for like 30 seconds :)
  4. Latrodectus

    Aw sh*t, I got up so early I hadn't even prepared myself for the whole "don't believe anything you read on the internet today." You know, because usually I believe everything I read on the internet. Speaking of which, did you guys hear about that lady who last 50 pounds using this one weird trick?
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  5. NinjaTurtle

    Abraham Lincoln said never believe anything on the internet on April Fools day

    I'm afraid I require proof. WrydHarper in spandex might suffice
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  6. IamDH

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  7. Arghy

    Damn its one of those stupid april 1st things i thought you were actually coming over haha, it would be a flood gate and i dont think mattherson TR could handle that. One plus is if TR collapses as a faction they might merge us with waterson sooner!

    The hilarious part is you'd most likely fit right in on VS.
  8. Epic High Five

    Before you consider the Vanu I have this Reaper DMR for you to try.....


    Come to the freedom side :cool:
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  9. RealityWarrior

    ZOE Max is the worst April Fools joke ever
  10. WyrdHarper

    Sure, but that counts as work, so it's gonna cost ya ;)
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  11. Mustarde

    Shep and I discussed this last night, TR mattherson is in shambles and in order to preserve morale, we are going to move to VS and use ZOE maxes and lancers indefinitely, until morale improves. This is what must happen.

    VS command be advised, Lego party at my house tomorrow night, bring only complete sets, none of that "half of the millennium falcon set bullsh**". My mom will be baking cookies for us, with 2% and skim milk offerings.
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  12. DooDooBreff

    but i no vanu
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  13. DoctorStrangelove

    If you're havin' outfit trouble I feel bad for you son, I got 902 problems but Cleburne ain't one.

    This is a stupid "holiday."
  14. minhalexus

    TR are responsible for their underpop.

    So much 4th factioning.
  15. Undeadfred

    Gave it away
  16. LordDethir

    Awwww I missed it :p Ah well my 100th scale helms deep would probably not of fit in your house anyway xD (it barely fits in mine with it cut into a trillion pieces)
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  17. LordDethir

    Ment to put 1/10th scale lol.