700 sc to burn, what would you buy?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nick779, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. nick779

    first off I play nc and vs, have weapons I like for all classes, have second burster arm, 2nd AI VS max weapon and dumbfire NS launcher.

    im debating between a shotgun, the anti vehicle turret, or a ESL. but I cant decide. what would you do?
  2. IamSalvation

    2nd AI Arm for NC Max!
    Pump Action Shotgun
    AV turret...

    ESL are not woth it for NC or VS... you can have fun with the NC one.. but not really worth the SC... AV turret will be much more usefull 90% of the time...
  3. MrLee.NO

    Agree on the AV turret if it suits your style, Common pool item also, unlike ESLs so max bang for buck
  4. DemoEvolved

    Phoenix for the lawls
  5. NoctD

    The Phoenix is looking like a load of fun now.
  6. ladiesop

    Shotgun (any) if you don't have one.

    Phoenix will give you the most fun (for now). If you play the NC Max, another AI weapon would be ok.

    I would consider the AV turret too.

    How much do you fly? I would consider rocket/photon pods if you do, though you get more mileage for ESFs from certs than with SC for weapons (the noseguns are cheap, but may need a lot of certs to get good).
  7. KodanBlack

    I'd personally buy a shotgun. The pump actions are a hell of a lot of fun, but the autos are insane for when you suddenly find yourself in a room with three enemy troopers.

    Have you looked at the new NS-11C?

    But, whatever you choose, test it thoroughly in VR and in the field, if able, before making a final decision.
  8. smokemaker

    700 sc to burn, what would you buy?

    I would push it to 1000 and finish my flares, so to make A2A and G2A lockons useless.
  9. Lampenfieber

    Buy a weapon, like shotgun
  10. GSZenith

    AV turret, hurry before we manage to get it nerfed to hell!
  11. DaninTexas

    Pump Shotgun - no question. Do it for this weekend x2 - cause they will be nerfed at some point. They are way OP for the current design of the maps. So farm with the pump action till the nerf. That is what I am doing.
  12. ShureShot

    I like my shotgun, but I love my AV turret. (I have 10,402 deaths and 10,391 vehicles destroyed, almost reached my goal, could not have done that without the AV turret)

    Shotgun is good from time to time, but you have to chose between your normal weapon and shotgun. If you mostly play engi, I would suggest the AV turret.

    Another thing to consider: with the increased xp for vehicles kills and assists, the AV turret you will earn so many certs that you can buy a shotgun in a few weeks time, just from using the AV turret.

    (+ AV turret is an accountwide unlock, shotguns are empire specific, so since you play more than 1 faction, definitely AV turret)