7/1 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FourTwoFour, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Frozen-K

    I agree. Something's getting flipped, and it's not just tables.

    Yeah, AP goes from useful now to borderline worthless. Sure you get a "one shot advantage" for killing vehicles, but do you need that advantage that badly? If you're hit trading sure, but you could easily not put yourself in situations like that and just run HEAT shells so you can properly defend yourself from all the infantry AV, and perform decently against vehicles.

    Nerfing AP's just going to make players use HE/HEAT shells (I'm saying HEAT, incredibly general purpose) and make the infantryside player whine even harder about the amount of tanks using them, as their current predators (the AP shell users) will realize their weapons aren't really better than what you can use stock and promptly ditch them.

    Also, the Python HEAT is kind of useless and they could fix that somehow. Not sure how, but yeah.
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  2. dstock

    Yeah, I was thinking about it from the other side, like I said. So, if everyone is running HEAT now, there will likely be less people running AI on top of their tanks...

    I share your opinion of Python HEAT (I'm not even sure if I have it, lol), but I play with a few guys that swear by it. I think they like the splash + normal reload. I'm going to ask them how these proposed changes will influence their loadout selection.
  3. Dethfield

    I kind of wonder if any of the PS2 devs have ever actually driven a tank in PS2 for any serious length of time. Most of their patch notes and suggestions that they release just dont make any sense at all, and sometimes have (or would have) the opposite effect of what they intend.
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  4. Frozen-K

    They haven't.
  5. Silus

    This is just reinforcing my want/need to drive Skyguard. AA cannon that damages everything, even through Generator shields is sounding wonderful right now.
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  6. Flag

    Where's my scythe and hornets ....
  7. lothbrook

    lol, these notes are so bad i'm not even logging in to get my daily certs, honestly they should just release this patch and put this game out of its misery, the number of people they'd lose over this patch would be substantial.
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  8. MajiinBuu

    As infantry, I approve.
  9. Flag

    For the AP changes, what kind of difference does it make to meatbags?

    They'll still 1-shot infantry, and if nothing else it will make more people run with HEAT...

    ... so in a sense it's detrimental for infantry.
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  10. MajiinBuu

    HEAT is no longer instant death for infantry
  11. Alarox

    Which is why people will switch to HE.
  12. FBVanu

    One of the reasons to nerf HEAT into oblivion, is because it is the stock cannon.
    Now players have to spend money to get HE.. and if HE is getting closer to being a capable foe against AP tanks even, never mind HEAT.. then people will buy HE..

    The splash of HEAT and HE was just recently nerfed, what, two months ago??? And now again? Infantryside appears to be all that SOE cares about. It looks more and more like Call of PS2

    It will be a shame if these changes go live.
  13. FBVanu

    The Prowler HEAT blast damage is being reduced by almost 50% !! ??

    The Lightning HE direct damage is being increased by 10%.

    Lightning HEAT blast damage is being reduced by 25%.

    These numbers are all over the place..

    Before the last nerf, 4/29/14, the Prowler HEAT had a blast damage of of 700, it was then reduced to 650, and now they want to reduce it to 375 ?? The nerf-hammer is hitting hard. It is called HEAT for HIGH explosive.. not NEAT for non-explosive..
    If you wanted to kill infantry with a Prowler HEAT, you'd be better off shooting an AP and then getting out of your tank, to throw a grenade..

    It appears that SOE may have listened and is no longer thinking about the range nerfs.. but how do they come up this new stuff?
    What does it take to make them pay attention?
  14. Erendil

    HEAT blast damage is no longer OHK. I think a HEAT direct hit is still OHK. When I use Python HEAT I'm trying for direct hits anyway so I don't foresee this having much negative impact on it.
  15. BeyondNInja

    Lol at only 2 shot difference between AP and HE to kill tanks.
    And splash on HEAT is now pointless...
    Guess they're still trying to push through these velocity nerfs, except by forcing everyone to switch to HE.

    "We want tanks to focus on AV not infantry, so we're blanket nerfing the AV primaries and buffing HE against everything."
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  16. CNR4806


    What was I thinking when I reinstalled this pile of rubbish called Infantryside 2? Because the dev team is still diagonised with a severely bad case of idiocy contrary to my earlier beliefs.
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  17. Flag

    Not even with direct hits?

    Regardless of that, more people will use HE or HEAT guns because of this, hence why I don't understand why an infantry player would approve.
  18. FBVanu

    Is there anyone with more than 200hrs and/or 2K tank kills in here that believes these proposed changes make any sense?
    Please let us know.
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  19. Fleech

    completely agree with HE nerf. it should have been downplayed from the start.

    but AP? why? it took me months to refine my aim with it. please stop making it harder. i've had people tell me they didn't even bother trying to learn to use the mags AP cannon. why make it even worse?

    SOE, like it or not, there are actually people that enjoy tanking. i know i'm not a pilot so my opinion doesn't matter, and i know that everything else in this game is only in service of the pilots play experience, but don't we tankers deserve something?
  20. EzekielHawke

    What the crap? These changes are awful, poorly thought out, and counterproductive. Just implement Klypto's suggestions and be done with it.

    But this? Just no.

    The Steam Summer Sale just ended and I have a plethora of new games to play. I may even renew my EvE subscription with the money saved from cancelling the PS2 one.
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