64bit client makes it so game can't run

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by LordDethir, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. LordDethir

    After I updated PS2 and it auto-selected 64bit client my game has constantly been crashing. It doesn't even let me get out of the starting screen. It gives me this: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. I know that its the 64bit client making it so my game cannot run. Can Anyone tell me a way to fix it?
  2. Typez

    I'm getting a "this file is not associated with any program" error with this patch, like I did yesterday. this patch is messed up
    • Up x 1
  3. LordDethir

    Possible you saved something in you PS2 files? Lol yeah this patch is awful. Was going to get a subscription but Probs not now. . . :mad:
  4. WhatMeWorry

    I'm getting the same error code upon startup that LordDethir is reporting. Another day off looking forward to playing the game, another day of disappointed hopes due to patch day.
    • Up x 1
  5. LordDethir

    Just curious: Do you have a Strong computer? Or just more of a regular computer?
  6. Areshased

    my game freezes and non responds after launching it. It freezes on the % bar before loading characters screen (between 69-90%). I cant even shut down the process so i need to reset the computer to clean the process...
  7. LordDethir

    Can't We just choose 32bit or 64 bit? This might help solve some problems.
  8. Typez

    I havent done anything. The game patched it self up and stops working like that. Somehow I got it working now by deleting the x86 and x64 exe files
  9. LordDethir

    Hmmm Gotta try that. Thanks for telling me :D
  10. MajiinBuu

    I haven't had any problems with it :p
  11. RIctavius

    Now this is the funny thing - there was no downtime for the reimplementation of 64bit or the any news that they were trying it again.