53 files failed to validate.. Update Paused..

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NSOverhaul, Jul 22, 2021.

  1. NSOverhaul

    Once Steam Users download and validate files game no longer functions as 53 files fail to validate.. and will not Update.. Stops update.. pauses it.

    So if your game is running wonky and you try to validate your files to make sure everything is running correctly.. Your game is disabled.. as it will NOT UPDATE..
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  2. NSOverhaul

    You cannot uninstall the game and reinstall it either.. game fails to update. you cannot bypass the update by logging directly into the game as it fails to respond..
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  3. NSOverhaul

    Had to uninstall, and reinstall 3 times.. and reboot computer twice in order to get the program to finally load...
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