500 certs for MedTool_6?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Cynosure, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Cynosure

    Are the 500 certs worth the last point in this? Should I grab the NanoRegen first as it's only 200 certs?

    500 seems quite pricey for the small increase I see in the description bulb. It's an on-par upgrade with all of the previous upgrades but with an increased price tag. 500 certs takes me quite a few days to earn and is half the price of a new weapon. These certs could also possibly grab me a new feature (some sort of explosive).

    What says you?
  2. MrLee.NO

  3. Wildclaw

    So many reasons for getting the max tool.
    • Faster reviving => Less dying (and getting no xp) while reviving.
    • Faster reviving => Less time spent on reviving.
    • Faster reviving => More likely to finish the revive before your target respawns elsewhere.
    • Longer range reviving => Can revive people while just moving past their bodies
    • Longer range reviving => Less dying.
    • Full health reviving => You don't have to stand around waiting for the person to revive so you can heal him.
    • Full health reviving => The person you revive won't have to wait around for you to heal him up.
    • Full health reviving => The person you revive will have a better chance of surviving immediately afterwards.
    • Full health reviving => People are more likely to answer yes to the revive question if they know they'll get back to full health immediately.
    • Faster healing => Less time wasted healing damaged people
    • Up x 6
  4. DuckSauce

    The final rank of the medic tool is the best use of 500 certs I've found in Planetside.

    A doubling in your revive range is nothing to sneeze at, the faster rezz speed is quite noticeable and bringing people up at 100% health will change the way you handle revives.

    It will pay for itself XP-wise.

    And in small firefights, I can bring an ally up at 100% with shields recharging in the space of time it takes an enemy to reload.

    Do it.
    • Up x 2
  5. Kriesha

    Ah, this question again. Short answer: Yes, it is worth it.
  6. kennonfodder

    Got it yesterday, its a blast!! Get it asap!

    With lvl 6, you have more time for fighting as you heal far quicker, and restore 100% health after rez. Besides that, every person you rez sees that you´re a ******* medic-pro :D

    It takes some time to get 500 certs though, 2-4 weeks with moderate playing, or more or less?
  7. Razzyman

    Indeed, I picked up the last level a week or so ago. I'm F2P and have a wife and 3 children so I don't get a ton of play time, it took me about a week to get the 500 certs (I spend a couple hours a week running training sessions for my outfit as well). It is BY FAR the best 500 certs I've spent. Being able to revive 3 people in 6 seconds and not worrying about healing them is huge. You will become so much more effective, trust what has been said, it's definitely worth it. ;
    • Up x 1
  8. Cynosure

    Alright!! Many thanks, guys. I'll go ahead and grab it!

    It does take me quite a while to get that many certs which is why I posted this question. It will take even longer now, as I've realized I've been spending too much time in PlanetSide rather than my studies. :(
  9. CraftKing

    Yeah get it. I hate when I get revive with not full health. Worse if it left me with red hp then they jump to another player to heal or revive or just run away. It's so annoying, I feel like I wanna hunt them and KoS them. Lol.
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  10. MrK

  11. DemoEvolved

    tool 6 is worth the price. yes
  12. xNPCx

    The lvl 6 meditool is the best 500 certs you can spend in this game. It is just that good.
    • Up x 1
  13. Cynosure

    Thanks again, guys!

    I'm definitely going to pick it up. I have another ~250 certs to go before I can. That should take me about a week or so; hopefully, I can get some extra play time in this weekend and get it sooner.
  14. cheerstoyou

    I'd say you want the 100 cert C4 first, and a weapon you enjoy using... but the next expensive cert upgrade being the med tool, is not a bad choice.

    The jump from level 5 to 6 is significant.
  15. Takoita

    It is perfectly feasible to get 50-100 certs in one evening with no boosts and infantry-only play. It depends on your skills and the time/place you play. Middle-sized (around 100 players in the hex) fights are the best.
  16. Cupcakes

    Well EFF, i bought it when it was 1000 certs
  17. Commissar38

    Bro seriously my biggest regret is not leveling my MedGun to lvl 6 when I had the chance. DO IT ASAP.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    buy it. it pays for it self fast.
  19. Zinus

    Uh oh, im split between getting my 2nd betty for inf, or saving up for rank 5 and 6 medi-gun :eek:

    Atm i almost do not play medic (2%) and focus on inf and eng. But given how much positive feedback this thing got I am really thinking about picking it up.

    edit: im soooo bad at saving up certs xD. I get up to 100/200 and then get all those little things that one doesn't need but wants xD
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  20. kennonfodder

    Double C4 and you can kill the MBTs, very versatile weapon
    But I think you have to decide yourself for a certain class as well and cannot you use the C4 with another class, so its also a niche thing then
    The lvl 6 is only for hardcore-medics, playing 70%+ of their time with that class, but for a these dedicated medics its a blast.I would never start playing medic because there is an existing lvl 6 heal gun that waits to be unlocked

    hahah same here, had a hard time saving more than 200 certs at once :D