[Suggestion] 50% less bases per contient.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkwulf, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Darkwulf

    More like PS1, we got too many bases here and not enough open ground. Remember those open ground epic line fights in PS1, or bridge battles.
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  2. CNR4806

    Had a relatively short but exciting one on the bridges from Regent Rock to Scarred Mesa the last time I played.

    While it was relatively one-sided, running from one end to the other, sprinting from cover to cover, trying to spot enemies on both of the sidewalks and shoot them was awesome. I feel like I was fighting a war more than I had ever did in the game. Biofarms are NOTHING compared to this.

    We definitely need more.
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  3. Kevin49704

    Yes I completely agree, I would love to see a reduction in bases overall. Not only would it let us have more space in between to fight but I think it would allow for more developed and easier to defend bases so that when you do get to a base its a little more involved to take.
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  4. axiom537

    /agree --- However it is impossible with out doubling the amount of continents. Just reducing the number of bases to be similar to PS1 will not solve the problem. If you are going to have less bases and spread them out more, then you need more continents so that the fights can flow from one continent to the next.
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  5. Vaphell

    Right you are. There were very few times when i experienced truly awesome battles and they always happened under the sky. Bases simply act like gravity wells sucking up everything and with their number there are almost no places on the map that are not under their significant influence. That means that
    - anything that happens between bases is generally unstable and will quickly move towards the perimeter of some base and will turn into the corridor shooter right after
    - no leapfrogging between bases where you need to fight your way through the terrain
    - no true tank battles

    As a pure infantry player - imho Bio-labs are a criminal waste of precious real estate on the map (they occupy a lot of space but the area that sees most of the action is tiny) and they are a mindnumbing spammy ****.
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  6. Ronin Oni


    er wait, petitions not allowed :oops: .......

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  7. Kcalehc

    Or, to satisfy the needs of more people, add a continent that's considerably larger than the current ones, with fewer bases, and with a map set up to (not exactly funnel, but) encourage players to meet on the field between the bases more. Also a place with a deep canyon and a double bridge (i.e. side by side a small distance part, close enough for JJ) set up would be tres awesome.

    I too have enjoyed a few open field running battle between bases; and often find that those are the most enjoyable moments - rare as they are. (North Indar is a good place, but its often not a site for much combat.)
  8. Darkwulf

    I hope the next continent has like 10 bases and that's it.

    I hate getting done defending a base that we just lost only to spawn up at the next base back only to find it is already vehicle camped because they are so close.

    This makes it hard to properly set up a defense. You have to leave about 1 minute early and start setting up.
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  9. Vaphell

    'Considerably larger than the current ones' might be a no-go for technological reasons. My gut feeling tells me that their data structures for coordinates can store only that much. Notice how 8km x 8km x 1km is a really computerish size of 64km^3.
    That said it would be much better if the map was bigger with less detail in between to compensate, when it's the reusable props like trees or rock mounds that add flavor. Smooth is nice, but more realistic amounts of space are nicer.

    Yup. They should churn out continents faster for that promised continental lattice. They spend too much time cramming 50 unique bases into 64km^2 and micromanaging rocks. They would get much more bang for the buck if they created continents en masse, each with a dozen or so bases, each spanning a significant area with a dozen or two of reusable buildings of non-smurf size in unique configuration and made interesting terrain in between, outside of bases' influence. Look at hossin swamps, they are cool even though they are the same 5 kinds of props repeated over and over again.
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  10. Hairspray

    If this idea was used in future continent update it has the potential for them to be turned out faster. Which would help bring about a bigger "META GAME" of cont locking in its full glory sooner. If planned correctly the maps could be made in a fashion that if more bases are warranted they could be added to allow for the proper game flow. It could bring about another facet or uniqueness of game play that the other continents don't have.

    So these are the positives

    Faster turn around time + (Not many people are complaining about Hossin coming out under construction)
    Scalable for future tweaking + (Need more bases or structures or barriers not a problem. Story wise easy to say that a faction put a new defensive base/line/shield/turret/wall/outpost in order to hold a line)
    Uniqueness + (If done in a fashion different then other continents it could appeal to a part of the community instead of just different scenery)

    I am not doing the work so I don't have any. Devs this part of the equation really only you can answer.
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  11. 3punkt14159

    I really wish they didn`t put 80 bases on hossin. You are hopping on a new continent? It took more then a year tho creat hossin (i really wonder why!!!??) so dont think the will bring up a new continet befor 2016!
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  12. Darkwulf

    if they didn't put 80 bases on Hossin it wouldn't have been so stupid, and it wouldn't have taken a year to make it.
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  13. Pikachu

    10 is a bit few but 30 would be nice. :}

    I think Searhus will come in 2017.
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  14. FateJH

    Some of the terrain would look like of bland if we just removed the bases, so what if we left the buildings and structures but got rid of the spawns and capture points and generators and adjusted the lattice around those bases we'd marginalize?
  15. 3punkt14159

    Searhus?? Is there anything known about this?? Never heard about it.
  16. Nody

    PS1 continent; ring of bases on the outside with a set of bases inside a dead vulcano covering 80% of the area. Had some epic fights to get into the middle with AA based both in the crater and around it and the mountain terrain had some interesting infantry only routes between the areas.


    Picture from here.
  17. HadesR

    That would be the better option, it would also allow some of the now retired building complex's to be used as alternate objectives outside of the lattice system ..
  18. Pikachu

    Searhus props in the files. I can't get the tree's textures to work properly so I exclude them and some models gives error when importing.