5 Auraxiams on same weapon type is way too high

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by minhalexus, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Downy

    That is pretty much what I'm saying, its something for players to work towards and its NOT meant to be a simple "unlock everything in the first day" situation. I'm not saying that its being designed entirely for long term rewards I'm just informing those that believe it should be a lot simpler. IMO I think the directives at the moment are perfectly fine and with the introduction of low tier rewards sound good as well. However to change the amount of kills needed for auraxium etc...I believe is a ridiculous idea and it should stay the same.
  2. Liberty

    Rumor has it, when the PS2 dav team was working on the directive system someone posing as an intern snuck into their offices and replaced the half and half in their coffee with the concentrated tears of filthy casuals. Hence the 5 auraxium requirement for the special weapon unlocks.
  3. SeanFree

    8 per weapon class would be hilarious, could you imagine everyone trying the Auraxium the Burst variants XD

    Edit: Switched to 8, forgot about NS-11C.
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  4. NinjaTurtle

    I think what we have here in this thread is people feeling entitled

    TLDR the thread
    "5 too high, me no want to have something in the game that requires effort, please make it easy"
  5. Astriania

    The whole point of directive rewards is to be hard. Like lots of people have said, if everyone gets an 'exclusive' item immediately, it's not exclusive.
  6. Pootisman

    Really? Then the whole directive system is useless. Why play for a reward when the reward is worse then the stock weapon you already have?

    br 45 with the god saw ez
  8. Frosty The Pyro

    they are not realy worse, they have preset attachments and generaly a little something that cant be gotten otherwise.

    as an example (cus i just read about it in another thread) the VS pistol is a beamer with a silencer, slightly worse accuracy, and a better damage fall off profile.

    or for the NC shotgun its a semi auto shotgun with an underbarel shotgun. (yo dowg, we heard you like shotguns, so we put a shotgun on your shotgun)
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  9. Juno

    I can understand the feeling, they are difficult to get.

    For everyone saying "It's easy". Just be gazing over your stats, you have a lot of playtime. I am not insulting you by saying that, but not everyone can manage to play the game as much as some of you do. I feel like I play this game way too much, and I have about 1000 hours on it. I only have 5 Auraxiums. Yet, there is some of you with 3-5 times as much playtime, and belittling the others. It isn't right. No one is sitting here calling you elitist, so there is no reason to call everyone filthy casuals.

    I understand they are suppose to be achievements, but they need to put ones that some of the less than serious players can obtain. The way the game is moving, they are trying to get more causal people in here, so it is something that needs looked at. A new player joining in and looking at Directives. Only to see they need 5,500~ish kills, is going to get discouraged and label it as too difficult to get. Heck, even I am thinking that to myself at times. I know it isn't, but at the rate I play the game, it will take at least 2 weeks of grinding to Auraxium a gun unless I go on a binge. Then repeat that 5 more times, it will takes 2-3 months.

    So yeah, I can feel for the OP. They need to put some intermediate rewards that people can earn for the other tiers. Even if it is just a cert bonus, or something like that.
  10. Maljas23

    Lets be honest here. Playtime has very little to do with whether or not you get these weapons. Kills are what matter. The only place "playtime" can be some what relevant is in saying that having a higher playtime probably means you have more kills. Point is that if you can score a lot of kills in a short amount of time, you can still get these weapons reasonably. Just look a few post up and you'll see a BR 45 guy with a GODSAW.

    Now, if you are one of those people that just isn't good at FPS games(Not trying to be insulting), then yes, getting any of these will be difficult. Certs can be gained purely through support roles, but most of these directives require you to kill. I'm sorry but that really is a personally issue that you have to deal with yourself.

    The primary weapon directives are very reasonable in their requirements, but you need to put effort into getting them. They will not be handed to you.

    Finally, having rewards for the other tiers sounds like something that should have been done in the first place. Giving people constant incentive to unlock things is nothing but a good thing, imo. They don't have to be major things either. Decals, generalistc camos, etc...
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  11. Bape

    Well the armor is cool so Im only working on that. Also I heard the smg version is good and the sniper rifle.
  12. Shanther

    This isn't always true. Take myself for example, I have 39 days played vs your 34 days, the difference there isn't super huge so I consider this a fair comparison.

    I have four times as many kills as you do.
    I have a KPM of 0.84 vs your 0.24.
    I have 9 Auraxiums.
    I am working on a 10th.
    I could easily get 3 or 4 more in a couple of days if I really wanted too.

    Does play time help? Yes it does. However it isn't always accurate. I know people with 50+ days played and only 1 or 2 Auraxiums. Your ability to kill is in my opinion a much more important factor.
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  13. Juno

    Well that's fair enough. Playtime just represents how long you can spend on the game, so if you manage to get a 100+ kills in a hour, then that is lovely. But, not everyone is that good, or even if they are, they may not have 20-30+ hours a week to play. So it will make it difficult for them.
    On a average day, I can net 50-100 kills a hour if I follow fights. I am sure I could do more if jumped to a big zerg and farmed. Even at that rate, 2-3 hours a day. It will take roughly a week to Auraxium a weapon. So it could take me a month+ to get a Directive mastered.
    I still think the last point we agreed on would be the best thing. Rewards/incentives for lower tiers. Decals, camos, little boosts, etc... Something to make people want to keep trying for it. If someone is hammering away for a few weeks with nothing to show for it, they are going to get discouraged. We don't want that.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Cert bonus
    Composite Helmets (these are becoming outdated anyway with all the player studio stuff)
    Older camo sets
    Hood ornaments

    These would all be good low level rewards
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  15. Juno

    I just replied above to someone else about, like I told him that's fair enough. Playtime doesn't represent a ton, it just represents how much time you can afford to spend in game. Depending on your personal skill, that may allow you to get a lot, or a little, done.
    I know in my earlier days I played a ton of medic and engineer when I was lowbie. So I didn't do much killing because I was actually rather terrible at it. So I played a lot of support Be lucky to logout with a even K/D back then.
  16. NinjaTurtle

    I have the same playtime as you and I have 16 Auraxium medals and I am not a very good player. My k/d is well below yours and my SPM is only slightly higher with my membership boosts so the only difference is our play styles

    If people are failing then they need to reassess how they are playing and change their style to suit if they are wanting to attain a certain reward. They need to be more aggressive, they need to push themselves into positions where they can get more kills

    Funnily enough when I started playing I also played support because I sucked. Must have had a k/d of about 0.4 for the first 6 months and my kill rate was terrible, I couldn't hit a Galaxy if it was right in front of me. I started to get better and as a result changed my style to be more aggressive.
  17. Juno

    We just have to remember everyone is not super good players. A lot of the new players from what I noticed are doing what me and you did when we started. Playing a support class, the trouble for them is now they have to compete with really good players, unlike we did when we started. So they are having it real rough compared to us.

    My total kills has easily doubled in the past 4-6 months since I started playing again. I started using the GD-22S yesterday to level it for Light Machine Guns, I already got nearly 300 kills with it after a few hours. So I am well on the way with it. So the personal skill has improved significantly for myself, but we just have to be mindful of our new folks as well. Not all of them are going to be super good at the start. We need to keep them in mind.
  18. Pootisman

    a shotgun with a shotgun as attachment? wat.
  19. Frosty The Pyro

    Welcome to the NC soldier
  20. TheMercator

    The main weapon directives are not to hard to get. But the rest is. Auraxium on four! pistols? Really? Auraxium with grenades? How many people have this? I dont even want to know, how many generators you have to overload for the withe camo.