5 Auraxiams on same weapon type is way too high

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by minhalexus, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Noktaj

    So what's the problem?


    Oh yea baby...
  2. Bankrotas

    Cause they're shallow and mindless individuals.

    Again. It's not meant for people, who can't spend that much time. I don't spend that much time either and have almost 30 auraxiums
  3. Maljas23


    How judgmental of you..
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  4. Bankrotas

    Humans are nothing, if not judgemental.
  5. Astealoth

    It's meant to be long goals. The weapon rewards are crap, it's just a cosmetic thing. This game doesn't need any more short term goals.
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  6. FieldMarshall

    I know. Shame its having the opposite effect, atleast on me.
  7. Covah

    Auraxiums on HA Medic and Engie/LA main guns are ok, if you play all classes and like to change your gun every 1160 kills it's fast to get all the weapons.

    Shotguns are the fastest i think :D

    Snipers and SMGs are fine too.

    But sidearms / launchers + others are a pain in the ***.

    I already have the Butcher / Unity / Trac Shot and Havoc but OMG.....i think i'll never have the Kraken ;o 5 auraxiums with launchers lolz
  8. detomasoSconX

    aurax decimator is a payne in the a..

    the other one are fine! it should be a challenge not finish them in 2 weeks..
  9. CaptAmazing

    No chance to auraxium the Striker as a TR. At least the the Phoenix and Lancer can shoot at MAXes/Infanterie/Turrets.

    I rarely see any TR using it and IF you use it, you have to be lucky to survive AND get the killing blow on a vehicle AND the driver didn't bail.
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  10. detomasoSconX

    the only stuff i shoot with my lancer (ultra platinum stuff ) are some air vibrations...:)

    played this **** over 3 days and get 3 kills...maybe i have to work harder on my shooting skills...LOOOOL

    that means, when i wanna get the dark camo (ex.) i have to play this weapon probably the next 10 years...this could be a nice challenge!
  11. DFDelta

    Killsteal more.
    If you're not in an organized Lancer squad that is pretty much the only thing it is good for.

    Its not a nice thing to do, but shooting down already smoking/burning ESF is the most efficient way to aurax that thing.
  12. Alkaid1

    You're right: its possibe on infantry weapons but think at esf: 5 weapons on auraxium is really hard!
  13. Edenwolf

    I'd have 10 auraxiums easy had I stuck to one weapon at a time.
  14. detomasoSconX

    stealing is not my art to play...when i take someone down, then he stay down...:)

    organized? should i speak with my outfit, that everyone has to use this s... gun for the next 6 month, just to get another 10 kills?...because everyone of the "organized team" wanna get some kills with it...NO SIR!

    ahh.. i forgot the annihilator...in combo you need 20 years...:D

    @edenwolf: i have 55 aurax but this 2 will kill me slowly...:D
  15. Flea6.8

    The only thing that need changed is the rocket-launcher directives. People beach and complain about rocket primary and soe apparently agrees so they nerf the launchers. Then they add directives that pretty much require you to spam rocket into infantry to complete...

    Launchers should be (arbitrary number incoming) 500 vehicle deconstructions each.
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  16. phreec

    This is what bummed me. I thought directives were gonna give us a point in going over the Auraxium limit of our weapons but no. Instead it's just about getting new guns to Auraxium medal.

    Understandable out of SOE's PoV as they want cert or SC sinks but as for people who don't care about collecting virtual parrot stickers Auraxium medals Directives did very little for us...

    I don't get people like you. You've realized you're not enjoying the process it takes to get the Directives weapons but yet you still keep at it.

    Are you really that weak willed that you simply can't just say "f**k it, I can make it without them" and keep playing the game as you enjoyed it previously?
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  17. TheMercator

    And now you only have to get over 1000 kills with the frag-grenade, AP and AT mines. Have fun.
  18. Stigma

    To everone fretting over the high requirements just realize that directive weapons and other rewards are basically pure prestige items.

    For the most part these new weapons are so marginally different from the originals that it dosn't matter, and for many of them the tradeoffs make them arguably worse than the original weapons. The only directives weapon that has really impressed me so far is the Orion variant "betelgeuse". It trades +20% more COF bloom for +15 bullets (from 50 to 65). That's a reasonable trade for the Orion since that weapons only real downside is the so-so ammo capacity.

    Unfortunately the variations on many of the weapons end up making little sense. You value more ammo on the Orion, but on the godsaw, going from 100ammo to 150ammo is largely irrelevant and definitely not worth the COF tradeoff, because unlike on the Orion the gauss saw already has practically more ammo than you would ever want to use in a single sitting.

    In short: These weapons are really not worth rushing for - just trust me. They are prestige items for the most active and dedicated player to keep them busy with some new goal.

  19. Abraham with Cheese

    I'm trying out these directives less for the overall weapons I could unlock and more for the sweet-looking armor for my classes, to be honest.
  20. WarmasterRaptor

    Exactly, launchers should work differently than with "kills".
    That require to have the driver inside at the vehicle destruction.

    Which isn't the case all the time.
    Bailing out is so easy in this game lol

    Should instead work with total vehicle damage inflicted or wreckages you created.
    Otherwise, it does tend to make people point their missiles at people instead...
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