I would like to look at my character just like I am able to on my flash and play from 3rd person view. Shoot from third person view you know that can be a option either by key activation or option in the menu selection. I was thinking about this and after a long haitus from this game. I believe it will breathe some new life into the game to see my character with the camo the animations I really would like to see this implemented, and I am sure other players would like this addition as a option.
That'd be a hard no from me for the reason stated above. Last thing I'd want is corner camping without having to put yourself in any real danger.
Just no please. Planetside was always used to be an first person shooter, and thats why I love it so much. And I agree with what the 2 users above me^ said.
this is a bad argument as there are a few games that are 3rd person that dont allow you to view over walls. Warframe is a prime example. Other shooters give you the option to be 3rd person or first person this is definitely a bad argument, and I here it every time with this suggestion.
Has always just means your not open to the idea, which it would be nice to SEE the CAMO on my character and visualizations I chose. Just because it has always doesn't mean that it cant or shouldn't be done. It will only give more immersion and satisfaction to see everything your character is doing.
To be more clear, I am not asking for the same view as the flash view but a 3rd person view which I believe is doable under reasonable circumstances not to break the game of course which it seems everyone is always concerned about instead of trying something different.
I tried it, DayZ standalone, Arma 3, GunZ the duel, PUBG. I like planetside 2 cause it's first person only. Players (myself included) abuse too much 3rd person. So I agree with them all.
perception is everything, it isn't hard to match the same view as 3rd person to the persons view as if it was 3rd person. If it is badly implemented in some other games there are successful ones still so there should be that option, and who would honestly care if everyone can go 3rd person or first person.
I can see your point in other games that have made the view upwards and viewing around corners. Warframe is a perfect example of 3rd person view and can't see around corners so this makes no sense as far as it can't be done attitude. Been here for awhile and no one is up for anything new except for battle royal type downgrades to games literally. You can't say that it can't be done because it has successfully and that would be awesome to switch between the two at your own timing, and doesn't change mechanics of the game. Such close mindedness seriously.
That isn't true. Planetside had third person. If you mean Planetside 2 always was first person then ok.