$21-$37.50 to get a random t4 implant

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwak, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Alizona

    LOL at 625 Tier 1's to make a single random T4. Just LOL.

    My only regret is that I spent all my extra T3's making Ultra Chargers... and I was able to make 20 of them. I could already have four T4 implants if they had been kind enough to let us know that Tier 4's would be coming someday. But since I didn't know, I wasted them. I also have 700 regular chargers saved up. LOL Given my "lone wolf" play style, I rarely use implants anyways. Why waste the charge if it just keeps running down if I'm all by myself fixing stuff behind the front lines? I didn't need to make 20 Ultra Chargers, and I need to stop thinking about it because it makes me a little bit upset that I did that. But life goes on, it's just a video game.
  2. Tyrant103

    SOE are really bad at making money.. the right way atleast (customer satisfaction+higher net profit) a child could do better than the sh*t they have.

    So when the huge potential that PS2 had is coming to a close end, they decide to make the kind of decisions EA do.

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  3. Schwak

    It's 125 T1 to make a T4.
  4. Turiel =RL=

    Funny, I had like 300 implants, but I combined them all and made like 20 Ultra Chargers. Anyways, I am going to need those soon, because I will run out of energy in about a month.
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