2 Years and still no ban on teamkillers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackbird, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Stormsinger

    I don't teamkill for words, or accidental teamkills ( I have a very broad definition of this. It's not all that easy to piss me off. ) I teamkill for obvious, intentional teamkills. I play support for the most part - the majority of what I do is helping other players with ammo, AMS sundies, repair sundies, proxy radar, res grenades, galaxy piloting, etc. When I accidentally teamkill, magmower roadkill, etc... I will stop and apologize, many times taking a death to the time it took to type it. If you mine my sunderer just so you can put yours in the choice exp spot during a huge assault, that is not accidental.

    Those that teamkill me in an obvious, malicious manner...I bide my time. Really, i'm patient. When i'm irritated, i'll make a quick visit to planetside 2 players and search the killboards to see if anyone is active, and if so, on what continent. I'll help with combat in the general region of whoever i'm searching for, peeking into corners, stumbling over infiltrators, and so on - it becomes a game within a game.

    I have a notepad document on my desktop, beside the PS2 launcher. Soon.txt

    You can guess what I put there. :p
    • Up x 1
  2. SpruceMoose

    • Up x 1
  3. Problem Officer

    Nothing but a full removal or nerf of friendly fire will work.
    This includes absolutely every form of damage, especially collision.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    The game has built in punishment for teamkilling, it is called weapon lock...
    Unless the individual you are reporting is teamkilling you repeatedly just to grief you, you are just wasting your time filing reports.

    If the same guy is killing you over and over, that is griefing, and that is against the rules.
    Its not the tking that is against the rules, it is that he is doing it intentionally to grief you.

    The guy simply TKing every random in the spawn is not griefing, as he is not doing it to cause you grief.
    He is TKing you in hopes you redeploy to a fight where you may be useful, or at least not be hurting the faction..
    In his mind, people camping in spawn are failing to defend the objective and hurting the faction, you are no better than the enemy.
    Spawn campers make it so people that would actually redeploy and leave spawn to defend, cannot even redeploy to the base...
    The 20 guys standing in spawn are making the pop even and removing it from the reinforcements needed option..
  5. DoomFruit

    Which doesn't work if you want to play more than one faction without a transatlantic (or trans-pacific) ping. EU only has 2 servers right now. Oceania has one. What are the Aussies supposed to do if they want to try out a Vanguard instead of a Prowler?
  6. Blackbird

    Why is there no response from SOE ? What is the official view on this subject ?

    You are more than welcome to contact me SOE I have at least a couple of names . SOE you can look them . They log on TK people . These are not BR 1s that are erased . THey have been doing it for some time . SOE you need to BAN their ACCOUNTS . That's the only way they will stop . When they lose their precious BR 100 they will stop .
  7. radrussian2

    so avoid them. problem solved.
  8. Blackbird

    Again today . Im guarding a door with a shotgun as a Engi . BR5 Infili walks up and unloads his handgun in my head and runs away . Still no response from SOE .