Indeed. No idea why we don't have this already. Someone needs to post this in the QoL post made today. We've been without pistol optics for far too long.
You can have it on the crossbow and it is awesome. I would instantly buy it for all other sidearms I ever use.
I would love to see a complete range of sites/scopes for pistols! I wouldn't be surprised if they do it some day, esp now that optics are potential SC purchases. (I heard the "cheap" stuff is actually some of the best sellers in terms of SC purchases)
That would not surprise me at all. If you get ten cheap things, it feels like better value than if you get one expensive thing. A bit of psychology there. Even if few bother to buy them with SC directly, it's still another black hole to sink certs into and that is good. SOE needs people to keep spending certs so they play more to get more certs to sink into new toys and then they run out and buy some SC for that new gun because they already spent all the certs on sights for pistols.
Obviously too large a magnification scope on the smaller pistols would be absurd. (like so) But in all seriousness, 1x-2.5x shouldn't present an issue on any of the pistols.
This is why I hate guns. They do not only shoot you, but give you massive laugh attacks because of how melons can defend you more properlyXD