12 v 12 mini battle server.....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by =ADK= Turrican13, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. =ADK= Turrican13

    Create a separate tournament style game similar to the Arena battle in Wow.
    Make the territory the VR or created different scenarios at random and objective is to either wipe out the opposition and/or take the enemy base.
    Timed games <10mins.
  2. MD_Geist

    Battle islands are already planned I believe, but I don't think the whole concept fits the game at all and will detract from its core. There's plenty of shooters that do squared off matches better than Planetside 2 could ever hope to. A jack of all trades ends up a master of none.
  3. starlinvf

    They tried this several times for various events.... its not fun to watch, and disgustingly MLG in nature. Focus on what the game can offer, and the competition will grow naturally from it. Try to force structured matches in a game frame work not designed for it, and you end up with with something thats really crappy, or at best, generic.