New patch new stuff, I narrowed down (mostly) the stuff that effects infils. Wieldable Knives Knives can now be wielded by holding down the quick knife button or via gear slot 8. In general a wielded knife can swing faster than the quick knife. Knife hit detection has been adjusted to be more precise. Knives can now get head shots and will play impact effects on the surface they hit. A new knife has been added to each empire. They are slower to equip and swing than the default knife, but when wielded, they can be activated by switching fire modes. When activated, these deal increased damage and emit audio and visual effects. Spitfire Turrets The new Spitfire Auto-Turret is now available for engineers. Located in their ability slot, the engineer can construct a Spitfire Auto-Turret that will automatically engage hostile infantry within 50 meters. (Spitfires can be disabled with EMP and shoot at Decoy) Emp Shield 4 Reduces EMP effects by 90% Sensor Shield 2 Allows player to remain hidden from sensors while sprinting, unless they are within 20 meters of the sensor Regeneration 4 Regeneration per second 7% Waterson’s Redemption vehicle terminal can no longer be hacked through the wall Cloaked enemies should no longer glow under certain conditions Cloaking immediately after firing a weapon should be more consistent (PS-762) Activating cloak will no longer cause the 1p character to completely disappear for second before the cloak effect appears I can't wait for this patch to go live
Will headshots be OHK for normal knives though? we will have to wait and see! xD Anyway pro tip : If the enemy put heaps of spitfires in the spawn room (camping the spawn room). throw a decoy grenade on the middle of the roof.. all the guns will 180 and you may get a few kills haha.
I actually don't like the idea of emp's disabling the turrets. They have a long list of usefulness already and the decoys don't. I wish this was something that only the decoys did to give them special utility. As is, there still isn't much reason to use decoys.
EMP's give away the position that an infiltrator is near, decoys don't so if your playing lone wolf it can be useful, but yeah in team battles, making turrets turn on big groups of enemies is fun.