
Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Sandpants, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Sandpants

    A) GD7F
    B) Crossbow for radar bolts
    C) New NS shotgun

    I didn't get the GD7F first hand because I thought the Blitz would be an equivalent and universal to 5 classes. I was obviously wrong, its a water pistol that occasionally farts out limescale. I do not have a fast firing reliable gun on my LA and feel like my CQC options are lacking, cos PA shotguns are pretty random.

    Crossbow with radar darts seems a potentially useful tool. I always felt like LA were missing out because if you make a move without knowing whats behind a corner you're in for a lot of deaths. Which is what I've experienced because even if I try to stop and shoot, since this game "has to be realistic and all" I have the burden of countless animation delays and spread penalties applied to whatever gun I carry. So essentially I cannot counter. Knowing whats in the area without relying on an infil could go a long way, but it requires more micromanagement - equipping, spreading the darts. Doing all that fancy stuff.

    The new shotgun is dope. Not much to say there. It's everything I hoped shotguns would be. Its quite reliable. On the other hand, I have 3 shotguns and I'm tired of them. I do wish all my 3 shotguns were this one.

    Halp choose plz.
  2. Corezer

    GD, like all the super quick cqc weapons, is good for fighting up front where you need the edge. That isn't really much of an LA concern tho. The main problem is seeing a guy you can get the jump on, and then having them move, hear you, other people show up or whatever all at the most inopportune moment while you are making that final approach. The more flexible weapons such as a razor, the merc, ac-x11 will let you take advantage of opportunities as they open up. On a class that hinges on finding good opportunity as much as this, I feel it is most important.

    Not to say that the GD isn't a good gun, you can certainly push it out further than a serpent or lynx do to it's above par (for cqc) velocity, I just don't like it as much as other weapons that take better advantage of LA's ability to engage at many different ranges.

    radar darts are meh

    You can take the baron into a tower and get your certs back very quickly, that'd be my pick.
  3. Iridar51

    None of these options are particularly stellar, TBH. GD-7F has the same problem the first-gen SMGs do - too little ammo. Barely enough to dispatch one target, and that's it. I would really recommend sticking with Merc or Bandit in CQC. They have lower DPS on paper, especially the Merc, but they can land shots much more consistently, have higher DPM, and higher damage tier has some inherent advantages as well.
    Crossbow darts - haven't used the thing, but seems extremely weak on paper. Give up a sidearm for 10 sec of recon darts =\ Seems not worth it, and infiltrator's options are vastly superior.
    I have the Baron, though, and I can't say it's what you hope it is. It has a few additional meters of effective range, that's it. In exchange you get tube magazine, which can be both advantage and disadvantage, if not for its small size.
    SOE once again managed to follow the NS theme and created a weapon that has a very narrow range where it's better than it's competition. If you're too far, hitting enemies is impossible, and if you're too close, low DPM and DPS will let you down.
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  4. MajiinBuu

    Crossbow recon darts only last 10 seconds and have shorter range than lvl. 1 recon device. The good thing is you can carry like 20 darts
  5. AssaultPig

    if you spend a significant amount of time with carbine classes I would get the GD7F, it's great. It's obviously a CQC monster, and its decent velocity and directional recoil mean you can use it pretty well at medium distance (once you get a handle on controlling it anyway.)
  6. Iridar51

    Angled recoil is harder to compensate for than non-angled. Consult my recoil guide in my sig for scientific and educated explanation.
  7. Littleman

    In this instance, they're not using some super scientific method, but a literal application of the term. A weapon that pulls to the right every shot is easier to control than one that pulls in either direction randomly, there is no arguing this. A Gauss rifle is ultimately more accurate than a T1 Cycler and VE1 Pulsar for this very reason, even if the newbies don't quite grasp that they have to do more than simply pull down with the Gauss rifle to keep the cross-hairs on target. For the T1 and VE1, the only option IS to pull down and pray the recoil alternates enough to keep the target centered.
  8. Sandpants

    Thanks. I got the crossbow just for fun, considering that I don't strictly play with carbines and I trust iridar on his judgement with the shotgun.

    Will use the thing for random derping if not for the recon darts.
  9. vanu123

    I would chose the GD7F. The shotgun is decent but I assume you play NC and since you already have the jackhammer I don't see a need for it, as for the radar bolts they can be good but it just depends on the playstyle.
  10. Iridar51

    Yes, there is, and you would know that if you knew how recoil works. Every gun has unpredictable horizontal shake. Each gun has horizontal recoil, that can push the crosshair to the left or to the right. This is determined randomly for each shot. Each gun has vertical recoil, that kicks up with each shot. Some guns have angled recoil, and this angle, when applied to both horizontal and vertical recoil' axis', creates the bias to the left or right.

    I could go on / explain in more detail, but I fail to see why I should repeat what's already written in the guide, with pretty pictures and all.
    Remain ignorant, if you wish, and keep believing that angled recoil is easier to compensate "because it feels that way". This is a myth and nothing more.
    Derp, didn't realize it was you, Sandpants. Let us know how it goes, we're all curious here. May even include your feedback into the LA guide ;)
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  11. Littleman

    As long as I can continue to shoot straighter with a Gauss Rifle than I can with a T1 cycler because I can minimize ALL RECOIL on the Gauss rifle by pulling down and slightly to the left, instead of just relying on RNG to keep the T1 firing straight on along the horizontal plane, then no, there is no argument because you're flat wrong. The end result is what counts, not how the result came to be.

    Theory is no substitute for experience, and the former is what you're working on.
  12. Iridar51

    Sigh. Apples and oranges. You're hitting with Gauss Rifle more because it's a precision weapon, while T1 Cycler is more inclined towards CQC, and has 26% more recoil per second than Gauss Rifle. Gauss Rifle has very low horizontal recoil, but it still has it. It still shakes to the left and right, it's just less noticeable. What you're talking about has almost no corellation with recoil angle.

    It's the same reason why people were saying "MCG is super accurate during spin-up time, I can snipe with it!". They saw what they wanted to see, just as you do now.

    Oh well. Ignorance is bliss. One thing I ask of you - you are entitled to your delusions, but please don't go spreading them on the forums like that. I'd hate to deal with more people blindly denying tenths of hours I spent on research in favor of their "feelings".
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  13. Littleman

    Um... no. Practice > theories. It will NEVER MATTER what your numbers say. The TAR can be more accurate than the T1 for the same reasons as the Gauss being more accurate, the TAR just kicks harder per round. The TRV doesn't kick as hard per round, but it pulls in the opposite direction as the TAR and Gauss. It all comes down to personal preference at this point. Recoil over time don't mean squat, that just means I pull faster. I'm not being ignorant, I'm being practical. Any practiced shooter would understand how little knowing the exacts really amounts to.
  14. Iridar51

    Definition: The word ignorant is used to describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts.

    Yes, you are. You're ignoring the knowledge that's out there, that can make you understand the game better, and in effect make you a better player. You're ignoring the opportunity to grow.
    They're both equally important, and ignoring one in favor of the other creates situations like yours - you've submerged in your practice so much, that you can't see why things work as they do.
    Yes, it does mean something. Horizontal recoil kicks randomly to the left or right for each shot, so it can't be compensated for. T1 Cycler has 28% more horizontal recoil PER SHOT than Gauss Rifle. Take Rate of Fire into account, and suddenly T1 has 60% more uncompensatable recoil per second than Gauss Rifle.
    Oh wait, I forgot, stats don't matter, because guns work the way you want them to work, and not how developers made them work with stat sheets :rolleyes: /sarcasm
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  15. Erendil

    Iridar51 is correct.

    Horizontal Recoil (min/max):
    Gauss = .175/.175
    Pulsar = .2/.2
    Cycler = .225/.225.

    Recoil angle min/max (not sure of what units are used but I would guess it's the # of degrees away from 0 (straight up)):
    Gauss = 23/25, pulls to the right
    Pulsar = 17/20, pulls to the right
    Cycler = 0/0, goes straight up

    End result is a shot group that looks like the following*:

    Gauss - a fairly straight line that goes up and slightly to the right, with only a little left/right play around said line
    Pulsar - a slightly-less-straight line that goes up and a little more to the right than the Gauss, with a little more left/right play
    Cycler - a line that goes straight up, but whose shots have the most left/right play around said line of the 3 ARs

    Of the three the Gauss is the most accurate since its horizontal recoil (which can't be adjusted for by the player) is the smallest. Even though the Cycler's recoil angle doesn't change at all (0/0), the Gauss's angle doesn't change much (23/25) so the H.recoil makes more of a difference overall.

    * - note I didn't take startign CoF, CoF Bloom or vertical recoil into effect in order to simplify things.


    On topic, of the 3 options the OP listed I'd go with the xbow w/ darts. I've found sensor darts to be quite useful for any time you want more intel on an area you're about to enter or go through but aren't staying very long, and don't care about giving away the fact that someone from your faction is nearby. For LA specifically, I've used it to great effect to scout a wall I'm about to jump over, a cap point I'm about to hit, or an overloading gen I'm about to stabilize to give me a rough idea of what numbers I'll have to deal with. It's also useful for chasing down enemy infils you are making an nuisance of themselves or trying to flee the area.
  16. Nehlis

    2 bricks of C4 and a grenade bandolier. Seriously.
    Chucking a basket of explosives towards a heavily populated area or into a room from a roof is fun as hell.
    Also, C4 is amazing.
  17. Iridar51

    TRAC 5 S + UBGL
    Grenade Bandoleer + Frag Grenades
    Crossbow + Explosive Darts

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  18. Nehlis

    Marry me?
  19. Ripshaft

    Have no experience with the gd7f or the baron, but as for the crossbow and radar bolts...

    Make sure you really understand what the bolts are like - they're short range and have an extremely short duration, they are NOTHING like the infil darts. They also of course do next to no damage, so while the xbow isnt exactly a reliable sidearm to begin with, it's basically comitting your seconday slot to utility the second you equip radar bolts on it.

    Now, this is in no way to say that's it's not a great weapon and that the bolts are great - they are - but I think it's very likely that you will not find them great if you're not realistic in understanding what they do and do not do.

    Personally to mitigate the greatest amount of downsides, I only run detect bolts on my heavy with the ns-15m - it's a mid-long range weapon so chances are when I go to use the recon bolts I'll be able to do so reasonably safely and advance on the position - secondly it's an extremely fast reloading weapon, comparable to the time it would take to pull your secondary regardless, so requiring a reliable secondary is of little concern. And obviously it's versatile as hell.

    Also keep in mind that as a la, the bolts will reveal your position and your hunting area, which usually is counter intuitive. I have no doubt it can be used effectively on any class under most circumstances, but it's not easy is more of what I'm getting at =p

    Also you were probably thinking of the cyclone when you were looking for a smg similar to the gd7f, though the gd7f will be in a bit of a league of its own, but cyclone should be close.

    That said, the baron is definately on my long list of things to buy, I'm sure it's a great choice as well. Honestly you just really cant go wrong with your purchases, it just may take awhile to get full joy from some items over others.
  20. Iridar51

    My heart already belongs to cruczi :oops: