1000 cert skills/utility that are worth every cert? (not sc cash buyable)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChairmanMao, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. ChairmanMao

    I see a few of these now that I am nearing level 80. Usually last level of a skill or utility

    In particular one that jumps at me is the proximity repair for my sunderer.

    Anyway..what do you think is worth the 1000 pts?
  2. starlinvf

    Repair Tool, Medic Tool, Nanoweave and Flak (if you use those), Reload or Mag size on vehicles (depending on weapon), Ammo and Prox repair for sundy, Flates, Vehicle Auto-Repair, AV Mana Turret, Spawn Beacon, Extended Mag for Max AI weapons (both arms = 1000 certs), Dual Buster Ex mags, Jump Jets, Hunter Cloak, Recon Darts (you have no idea how worth it this is now), Engineer utility pouch, and Grenade belt on certain load outs.
    • Up x 1
  3. Dunkman

    Isn't the INF class rather weak? so putting 1k into it is questionable unless you are a full timer who is an expert player I guess.
  4. Paperlamp

    Depends on faction. Infil is really strong on NC(best SMGs), pretty strong for VS, weak for TR(worst SMGs, worst mine).

    It's not that big of a difference perhaps, can still always use TSAR/SOAS and play at longer ranges which is how I tend to play my TR infil, though SMG infil is my favorite thing to play when I'm not worrying about certs/KD.

    I'd fully cert out an infil on my NC, 'cept I always end up using LA for AC-X11 or MAX for Falcons.
  5. deggy

    Magburner. Vehicle Stealth.

    Most of the 1000-cert items that are worth unlocking are for vehicles, since vehicles scale so powerfully with certs.