10/3/14- 10/4/14 R6030 error message

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TSR AlexS, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. SplintoOr

    Man cant u se what i have tiped i dont have ******* razor and i dont care anny more uninstaled this **** worked for 5 minutes hat to restart the game after changing my settings since then it has stoped working how i got it working for 5 minutes i dont know i validatet 20 times then it worked that trick does not work anny more but like i wrote i dont care anny more
  2. CFFluffyBunny

    I do not now and have never had razer on my PC. I have a completely standard ASUS Motherboard, Intel I5 chip and Nvidia 650 graphics card. No other hardware and windows 7. The game was fine until (I think) the early September patch when this issue started.

    Perhaps you are seeing less and less people with this because more and more people are giving up and moving on which is a shame as PS2 does offer an unparallelled experience.
  3. Dave Goodday

    I have the same situation as others, after one update a week ago the error occured for the first time and it continued on happening untill the latest patch. after this patch i was able to succesfully open the game and play. unfortunetally only once. later that day when i tried to play the same error occured. tried reinstalling and the thing you wrote in your first post. no effect.

    Do you have any idea what might have caused it?

    PS. i dont have any razor equipement as well.
  4. CFFluffyBunny

    *** UPDATE *** I've fixed - for the moment - the R6030 error on my machine. It seems to have been caused by the comodo firewall. I had switched it off to test but it needed complete uninstalling to fix the error. I uninstalled it along with kaspersky antivirus and loaded kaspersky internet security and have been able to login 6 times so far without issue
  5. Kirppu1

    Why would you get comodo or kaspersky?
  6. CFFluffyBunny

    because comodo was the best free firewall and kaspersky and bitdefender are equal best antivirus and I prefer the laspersky ease of use

    If you're asking why i would run a firewall and antivirus then I don't understand the question
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  7. Kirppu1

    But Windows firewall is still quite good and when i last time tested kaspersky(2012) it was worse resource eater than planetside before PU01
  8. Dave Goodday

    Guys! i fixed the problem for me in the stupidest way. Well maybe its not a fix but its a way to overcome he error. for me its works.

    You have to spam the play button all the time and close the error all the time. ( it really works !) after 4 tries the launcher will probably close and thats ok. just open it up again and continue on clicking play and closing the error. In my case it takes less then 4-5 launcher closes. The game just opens after enough tries. GL HF :)
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  9. Clayton Hux

    it gave me a game malfunction error on the 5th time i did it :\
  10. Clayton Hux

    i did everything it said and i got the same error, and i double checked to see if i backuped each thing i had to get rid of and checked to see if i did get rid of it and i did but it still will not work, if anyone finds a solution, please tell me
  11. BlackSteel97

    In my case I just have to close Synapse, run the game, alt tab, open synapse and everything works normally; but this is getting annoying.
    I hope we get a solution soon. The problem is I don't who to blame, Razer or SOE.
  12. DaveTheRave

  13. CrotaroLP

    Has there been a reliable fix/workaround for the R6030 Error yet?
    I've already tried:
    -running as administrator
    -followed the instructions to delete the files and re-validate them
    -completely reinstalled the whole game

    and I'm still getting this error :C

    Help me, Support, you're my only hope!
  14. Laszlo017

    That is the only one solution that really works ;D Requires patience, but works. Good Job ;)
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  15. CrotaroLP

    Wow....It actually seemed to work. Got into the character selection screen after like 5 tries of spamming play button o.o
    I'll try it out ingame if I have some problems or not but if not...that's such a stupid way of fixing it laaaawwwwl
  16. Dave Goodday

    That`s pretty stupid isnt it??? I figured this out when i was turning off different parts of my firewall to see which one was the problem. then suddenly the game started. Tried doing the same later on and i found out it wasnt the firewall that overcame the error, it was the mindless closing and clicking play over and over again.

    Nice to see that i help someone with this shait. Have Fun guys ;D
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  17. CrotaroLP

    It's ridonculus! It actually worked without any problems for like 2 hours or so (then I decided I gotta go to bed xD)
    Thank yous!!! <3
  18. Dave Goodday

    no problem m8. Glad i could help. :D
  19. NCstandsforNukaCola

    This happens to me again though I played PS2 with no problem before 12 hours ago.
    and solution on OP does not work anymore.
  20. NCstandsforNukaCola

    This keeps happening to me.
    I always did what's on OP but it gets the error again.
    Also tried turning off the firewall but it doesn't work either.