10/3/14- 10/4/14 R6030 error message

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TSR AlexS, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. CFFluffyBunny

    any update or is this error just being ignored constantly
  2. boryahjasper

    I just PM'd AlexS - the person who opened this thread - and am awaiting a response.

    Hopefully we will hear some good news soon. :)
  3. boryahjasper

    Surprisingly, I just successfully opened PlanetSide 2 without closing my Razer software (Razer Synapse 2.0)!

    Please share whether you can open as well or still have to close Razer software or still doesn't work (for people without Razer software).
  4. Sawbones

    I started receiving this error this morning after yesterdays patch. I had played the previous week without issue.

    Running PS2 in admin mode has fixed the issue for now....
  5. CFFluffyBunny

    Well you could knock me down with a feather! The latest patch has almost fixed the problem of the R6030 error for me. The first time i press play i get the error but the second time the game loads! I actually played for an hour!

    It would be nice to know what was causing the error
  6. boryahjasper

    I contacted Razer and they said that they believe SOE quietly released a tiny patch that fixed the issue.
    Now the game works as usual for me.
  7. user101

    Ya - until the next SOE patch... then it will be broaken again.
  8. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    This issue should be resolved but if you continue to have problems, please submit in a support ticket so we can troubleshoot your issue.
  9. CUBEone

    I still have R6030 error, I closed some Razer processes and it fixed my problem.
  10. Xaiux

    Well, I got this error after a small patch today. Never had it with this previous large patch. I also don't want to kill any Razer processes, because I won't be able to play nearly as well without them. My mouse sensitivity is pretty important.
  11. Xaiux

    Well, killing just the stats process launched the game. I'd really like to have stats for PS2 though.
  12. CADus

    Update your Razer synapse .... Fixed my issues after i did this. Now its running fine and I don't have to shut any of the razer programs down in order for the game to work. Hope it helps.....
  13. MasterConformer

    I am getting the error after today's small update. Never received it before and was playing yesterday evening. I have a Razer mouse, update the synapse software, and didn't work. I stop all Razor tasks and still didn't work. I run the game out of Steam.
  14. CFFluffyBunny

    great the latest patch (22/11) has reintroduced the error for me and I don't use steam or have any razer or similar type hardware
  15. CFFluffyBunny

    I've raised a ticket but have no great hopes that anything will happen.
    It is damn annoying - I missed the halloween stuff being unable to login for weeks and now I miss the 2 year anniversary event my outfit was doing!
  16. CFFluffyBunny

    any update from devs ?
  17. Doc Savage

    Actually Fluffy there IS a conflict with Razer and PS2. I've been able to replicate the error several times with Synapse 2.0 being on, causing a R6030. Just because you are not having this issue does not mean it isn't true for others, including myself. If you want I can even make a little video for you, complete with voice over, to show you the error being associated with Synapse 2.0.
  18. CFFluffyBunny

    badly worded on my part - I should have said it's not ONLY ...... My only excuse is frustration that a bog stabndard windows 7 / Intel / Nvidia setup with no additional hardware hits this problem.

    Awesome character name there ! I have the complete set sitting in front of me as I type!
  19. SplintoOr

    Just instaled it and getting this error tried every thing nothing worked for me i dont have this razer stuff pls help
  20. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    I've seen less and less people encountering these issues. The razor synapse 2.0 seems to be causing these issues so please be sure to remove it and try running the game again.