Well despite my asking repeatedly for SOE NOT to close my ticket (ref R6030 failure [Incident: 141003-000655]) they have closed it "solved" as they cannot fix it. It's ironic really because I paid annualy to support the game as I believed SOE were really trying to produce something different and special but a month now where I can't even logon because of an error they introduced and their answer is to just close the case.
I'm getting this crap now. Nothing in the first post solves a thing! The only way I can get it to launch and not get this stupid error message is to launch the game via the game directory and not through Steam. Screenshot.
Non Razor users (or at least ones on steam), try this: For me (don't use Razor) my solution was to run launchpad.exe from my game directory (rather than steam shortcut). Works fine when I do that.
I have a working fix you could try out just go to the game dirctory then right click on PlanetSide2.exe and go to " solve compatibility problems " it will most likely tell you to run it in windows 95 compability mode which works exactly the same and looks completely the same if you have frame drops turn off shadows and lower your graphics
I, and all of my friends, are getting the exact same R6030 CRT not initialized error reported above. Exiting all Razer apps (coms, synapse, etc) then launching PS2 works 100% of the time. After launch you can alt tab and relaunch your apps, it is only an issue if they are running when you attempt to start PS2, *super* inconvenient however.
I, and all of my friends, are getting the exact same R6030 CRT not initialized error reported above. Exiting all Razer apps (coms, synapse, etc) then launching PS2 works 100% of the time. After launch you can alt tab and relaunch your apps, it is only an issue if they are running when you attempt to start PS2, *super* inconvenient however.
Yea I said this above. I can launch it out of Steam fine but I want to launch it via steam so friends can see my status and also track online time. There are people in this thread though are not even using Steam and are having the issue.
any update on this ? Are you even looking at why people who aren't on steam and don't have any non standard hardware are still having this issue ? It's been over a month now that I can't even login
I received a 4.7 GB update on Steam yesterday when I opened the game/patcher from Steam, then when I launched the patcher after patching the game on Steam, the patcher had to verify the files. Many people are reporting that they are receiving a close to 10 GB patch, so it's different for everyone. I launched the game after all the patches with Razer Synapse 2.0 running, and the launcher was not able to launch the game. After closing Razer Synapse 2.0, I was able to successfully launch the game. Note: I did not receive an Error R6030 Message, the game loaded very slowly though.
That had nothing to do with our issue, just a mix up between client versions. The Steam had an old version to the new one, and so it caused steam to update to and old version, then the launcher would update again. Was strange. I've been getting this runtime error aswell. I know it has nothing to do with graphics cards or their drivers, as I just updated from an AMD to Nvidea card, and the problem persists. This has been so frustrating, as it seems we are never going to get an answer after this long. I googling the issue shows that it's related to something hooking into PS2 called EdgeSight I think. A solution was to fix a registry value, but I don't have that registry at all, and have no idea how to fix it. Anyone here have experience with registries and can help me figure this out? maybe we just have to fix it ourselves seeing as SOE can't.
Just signed up to say, i've been silently suffering with this run-time error now for almost a month. My problem is exactly the same as described numerous times in this post and others. I do not, nor ever have run any Razer applications, so that is not the fix for me (and I'm sure for others likewise) I have recently bought a new processor, motherboard and graphics card in a complete system overhaul. The problem still persists after all these hardware changes, so the problem is definitely not a hardware/driver problem. Its definitely a PS2 error. To compound this, a fresh install of windows couldn't solve the problem either. Perhaps its about time we got a little more information on this? I'm sure i must be one of hundreds out there not playing anymore because of this, and I'm willing to bet 90% of those with this problem have remained silent as i did. Hence its a much bigger problem than may be perceived. I understand developer constraints etc but we really need a fix for this, please.
I ran into this problem myself last week after a long time hiatus from the game. I was able to fix it my running launchpad.exe as administrator and running in compatibility mode for vista service pack 2( i have not tried the others). I am running Windows 8.1 with Bitdefender, Malwarebytes, Comodo in game mode. Hope this helps you.
I ran into the issue again after logging out of my account but i am unsure if this is part of the problem.
I like that people are finally speaking out about their problems with the game. Hopefully this will speed up SOE with fixing the problem. I'm sure many many people are having the problem, whether you have any Razer applications or not. I hope that SOE can fix this problem ASAP so that we can all get back to playing!
Notice how this post has 3,566 views on the forum. This is another evidence that many people are looking into this problem, with many remaining silent.
I tried this with multiple versions, no luck. As I said it's some sort of issue I think with another program that isn't working properly, and I have no idea how to fix it.