10/3/14- 10/4/14 R6030 error message

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TSR AlexS, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. pikperson

    Guys... I found my solution in the most bizarre fashion, I was at school and at school I don't use my razer mouse and I noticed that it launched while last night I was getting the R6030. When I got home I thought I was resolved by the small patch from this morning but was sad to see that it once again didn't launch with the error R6030. I unplugged my 2010 Razer Naga and tried once again... The game started and I plugged the mouse back in once more and all worked fine. I tested this 6 or 7 times to make sure that while the mouse is plugged the game crashes and while it is unplugged the game runs fine. I believe this may be due to an error with Synapse, but it looks like everyone here has different solutions.
    16Gb Ram
    GTX 765m
  2. pikperson

    Confirmed. A ticket said to disable Razer Synapse 2.0 so that should fix all issues
  3. CFFluffyBunny

    • Up x 1
  4. MonkPakMei

    exactly- what OS are you on incidentally? also what OS are people on who do not have Razer and are still encountering this issue?
  5. CFFluffyBunny

    Windows 7. PS2 was fine until the patch a few days ago. I have no strange devices just a standard setup with a normal microsoft mouse
  6. Itsame225

    me too I didnt even really hear of razer since planetside 2 and dont use something not hardware nor software but I encountered the error and now I just cant play so stop saying the problem is sollved when just a few people are playing again and nothing of this worked if I run as admin it does nothing if i try launcher its gives me the error i will write a report if they say something about hydra i feak out
  7. CFFluffyBunny

    moving on from the "do you like my sponge collection - I'm not allowed anything sharp" post - is there any update on the R6030 error ?
  8. CFFluffyBunny

    It does seem that this is being ignored. I raised a ticket but it'll be closed in 7 days despite my asking for it to be kept open until the issue is fixed. The advice given is:

    "As Sam stated in the previous response, this is currently a known issue and since the only suggestions we had failed to fix your issue, we recommend you wait until they dev's find a fix. Please be sure to check the forums for updates on the issue. "

    Unfortunately I paid my membership for 12 months but I'm willing to bet I won't be able to play this game again.
  9. Radicalius

    I think Sairus was on to something in post #20.

    Sairus, if you're still reading this thread, please post exactly which bios option(s) you changed.
  10. Radicalius

    This is how microsoft describes error #6030:

    I found this at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9ecfyw6c.aspx

    Hope it helps.
  11. boryahjasper

    I really love how SOE is solving this problem.

    I have to turn off Razer Synapse every single time I want to play PlanetSide 2 and I have to remember to open it back on after playing it.

    It's kind of getting annoying, please patch a fix! :mad::mad::mad:
  12. Blacksmithz

    same problem guys from yesterday.. i disable razer comms, try to repair, try to rollback.. When i rollbacked the game started and i have all characters.. Today i tryed to start and.... tadaaa same error!
    i also notice right before the problem was occurred i suddently lag in game and then "blue screen of death". I restart my pc and i found a new volume on my hdd O.O called "SYSTEM". I wasn' t able to open the volume for a unknown cause. After this i rollbacked, and the volume was disappeared.. but today same error without "SYSTEM"
    sorry for my bad english but is hard to explain ^^'
  13. PwnjabiMD

    My friend and myself both got this error, but when we turned off Razer's free VOIP called Razer Communication it started to work for both of us. Once in game we can alt tab and start Razer Comm again and the game is fine. So that solved the problem for us for some reason.

    P.S. My other friend who also uses Razer Comm with us has never gotten the error. The only difference between him and us is that he didn't download the game from Steam.
  14. boryahjasper

    It has officially been 10 days and almost 11 days since this thread was opened by SOE.

    YET the bug is still unfixed.

    Please, either Razer or SOE, patch the bug so that we can play without any hassle! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  15. Wrek

    There appears to be 2 ways of dealing with this issue untill its fixed;
    If you have razer synapse isntalled you should kill its process and then try and launch. dont uninstall it as the issue will still be there.
    Second way to deal with it untill its fixed ive found out is if you're using steam and have this issue, you should start launchpad via the folder and not steam directly.
  16. CFFluffyBunny


    Saying things like "there are two ways of dealing with the problem" suggests there is a fix that works and there isn't.

    I personally have given up on SOE fixing this issue - it's not high profile and I suspect all their effory is directed towards other programs and other platforms
  17. Wrek

    my meaning is such that these two ways seem to work for those that DO have the problem and use steam or razer. so far no one seem to have figured out a way for those that use neither, which sucks. and of course the abolute best way would be for SOE to fix the core of the issue ;/
  18. boryahjasper

    You don't have to kill the Razer Synapse 2.0/Razer Comms process, you can simply close the program properly from the system tray.
    Opening the launchpad directly from the Steam folder does not solve the problem for many people, including myself.

    And another thing, the company is called Razer, not Razor, thanks.
  19. TSR AlexS Customer Service

    Guys, we appreciate the reports. This has been reported. I will continue to update you once we have more info.
  20. Dacian

    I have the same (R6030 - CRT not initialized) problem since 20th Sept.
    I have tried all the tricks in this forum and the ones provided via the support response and the problem is still there.